Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 605

Chapter 605 Echoes
"Jump... jump rope?"

On the high platform, Jiang Yuanyuan opened his eyes wide, "What is this?"

He was a sixth-level practitioner, and just when he saw it clearly, just when everyone thought that Gui Chen was about to lose, the young man pulled out the iron chain from his waist in an instant, and wrapped around Zhou Zhihuan's sword.

This may seem simple, but not everyone can do it with an iron chain.You must know that it is a sword infused with the practitioner's true energy.

Strength, angle, speed, familiarity with weapons.


If it is said that He Lancheng was able to escape and disappear with swordsmanship before, then this young man is able to escape and disappear with iron chains.

But which orthodox practitioner would be good at using this kind of thing?
Everyone in the audience of the battle stage looked at the young man holding an iron chain in one hand and a broken sword in the other, and there was a commotion.

"What kind of weapons are these?"

"What kind of messy play?"

"Is that okay?!"

Yeah, no one thought it would work that way.

Only a few people can roughly guess how Guichen did it.

"Brother, this skipping rope is..." Ji Ange asked in a daze, and Ji Qingyuan's forehead twitched slightly.He played this game with Ji Ange when he was young, and why he did this was naturally taught by a certain woman.

"It's the game you played when you were young..." Ji Qingyuan said with a complicated expression.

Although it is a game, he knows that it is a basic skill in the sect established by his mother.

And he remembered that he was jumping hemp rope at the beginning, and after the hemp rope was would be upgraded to an iron chain.

Looking at Gui Chen on the high platform, Ji Qingyuan was a little surprised.

Didn't expect this little boy to have been upgraded to an iron chain...

But in any case, no one expected that the iron chain would come in handy at this time.

Just for a moment, Zhou Zhihuan missed the opportunity because of an iron chain.Because the broken sword in Gui Chen's other hand had already reached his throat.

For the orthodox practitioners, the sword is with the person, and the sword is dead and the person is dead.

"It's just an iron chain..." The long sword in his hand was trapped, Zhou Zhihuan continued to pour real energy into the long sword in his hand, trying to break free and cut off the iron chain.

It was easy for him to cut off the long sword, but at this moment, a young boy's extremely cold voice came from in front of him.

"Senior Brother Zhou, if you move another minute, I'll cut your throat."

Zhou Zhihuan froze all over, felt the coolness in his throat and lost strength for a moment.

The next moment he gritted his teeth and continued to exert force, "How dare you..."

"Ah!" The women in the audience screamed, Gui Chen broke the sword in his hand and cut a point forward.

Zhou Zhihuan opened his eyes wide, with a hint of fear in them.

"What kind of place is this?" Gui Chen frowned, "Don't you think I'm joking with you?"

"You actually..." Zhou Zhihuan squeezed these words out between his teeth.

"This is your own death," Gui Chen said lightly, "No one needs to be responsible for your life and death."

The next moment, he stopped talking nonsense, and exerted force with his hand holding the broken sword. Zhou Zhihuan's pupils shrank, and he suddenly wanted to break free from the long sword and assassinate Guichen. Seeing the scene where blood was about to splatter, many timid people covered their mouths. on the eyes.

Zhao Guang looked at Ying Baoyue beside him in the battle stage, but he saw a girl looking at the stage without a trace of fear or worry on her face.

"Ah, murder!"

Amidst the screams of the people, a gust of wind blew by.

Then there was silence.

The people covering their eyes opened their five fingers blankly, looking at the scene in front of them.

It was clearly such a scene of death, but there was no river of blood on the stage as they expected.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and everyone stared blankly at the figure that appeared between Gui Chen and Zhou Zhihuan.

Practitioners can see it more clearly.

In a split second, a young man suddenly appeared on the battle platform, holding Zhou Zhihuan's long sword wrapped in iron chains with one hand, and holding the broken sword in Gui Chen's hand.

The blades of the swords in both hands were entwined with flames, and that scene looked like the boy was holding two balls of fire with his bare hands.

However, when he held it with his bare hands, the flames on the two swords were instantly extinguished and turned into icy pieces of iron.

Like a snake that has been choked, unable to move a single point.


Both Zhou Zhihuan and Gui Chen stared blankly at the boy who suddenly appeared in front of them, or rather, the examiner who suddenly appeared on the stage.

"Okay, that's it."

Ji Jiashu held the swords of the two with both hands, and spoke lightly.

"The former Qin Guichen won."

"I don't accept it!" Zhou Zhihuan froze for a moment, and shouted with his bleeding neck, "Even if everything is destroyed, I will be one step faster than him, quickly..."

"Burning together?" But before he could argue, Ji Jiashu gave him a cold look.

"What qualifications do you have to say that jade and stone are destroyed?" He looked at Zhou Zhihuan's neck, "I came a second late, and your neck will be cut open first."

The moment Gui Chen broke the sword and reached Zhou Zhihuan's throat, Gui Chen had already won.

That young man was right, it can indeed be said that Zhou Zhihuan courted death.

Ji Jiashu thought.

This is not to say that Zhou Zhihuan is not afraid of death, if at that moment just now, if the person who pressed the blade on his neck was a practitioner of a higher rank than himself, he would definitely admit defeat immediately.

Zhou Zhihuan is not bold, but arrogant.

He was sure that the sword in Guichen's hand would not be so fast, and felt that he could break free from his sword first.

It can only be said that ignorant people are the most confident.

Human-level practitioners are not as keen in judging life and death as earth-level practitioners.

Practitioners above rank six can tell that although Gui Chen's movements are random, they are not a temporary idea at all.The angle and timing of this young man's movements have been strictly calculated, and it seems that he has practiced for a long time!

Only then did Zhao Guang understand what Ying Baoyue said to Gui Chen when he was on the field, you just have to follow the time of practice.

This means that this killer move was actually designed by this young man before he came on the field!
In the face of a ninth-level practitioner who is not good at perceiving danger, this trick will really make the opponent obediently fall into the trap.

It's just that I didn't expect to meet someone as ignorant as Zhou Zhihuan...

"You're really not afraid..." Zhao Guang looked at Ying Baoyue and said, but the girl beside him looked at the stage and smiled.

"Among the examiners, there are people who understand."

There are indeed people who understand.Zhao Guang thought.

Zhou Zhihuan will be killed because of ignorance, but the examiner will not let him court death.Because the situation of Guichen and Zhou Zhihuan has entered a state where the victorious practitioners are driven to extinction.

Although Gui Chen was forced...

There is really nothing to be afraid of, but a blind fool is the most terrifying.

"Mr. Chunhua, as a native of Southern Chu, you actually defended the former Qin again and again..." On the other hand, Zhou Zhihuan didn't realize that his life was saved, but stared hoarsely at the man in front of Guichen. Ji Jiashu, "It's all that former Qin woman..."

However, at this moment, Ji Jiashu, who was holding the two swords in his hands, tightened his fingers slightly.

Zhou Zhihuan and Gui Chen suddenly felt a strong numbness in their palms, and instinctively let go.

With two clicks, the swords in both hands fell to the ground.

Even so, the iron chain around Gui Chen's waist was still wrapped around Zhou Zhihuan's sword.

"Your realm is too low, you can't see too many things, but you still don't want to see other things."

Ji Jiashu said expressionlessly, "The chief examiner, His Highness the Second Highness, and other examiners are all here with their eyes open."

Zhou Zhihuan raised his head in a daze, and looked at the other examiners and the chief examiner with complicated expressions on the examiner's high platform.

He found that some familiar Nanchu examiners who he thought were standing on their side all looked away guiltily.

And he looked at the audience, and found that as long as the practitioners whose realm was higher than the sixth level saw Ji Jiashu's appearance, they didn't feel aggrieved.

Zhou Zhihuan's hand that bent down and wanted to pick up the sword froze in mid-air.

There was a click, and the rattling sound of chains sounded in the air.

Ji Jiashu heard the sound and looked, and saw that Gui Chen took back the iron chain wrapped around Zhou Zhihuan's sword and wrapped it around his waist, picked up the broken sword on the ground, and saluted him.

"The competition is over, the junior will leave."

Then the boy turned and left.

The other examiner standing awkwardly on the high platform looked at the only practitioner left on the high platform, his expression became more and more awkward, but under Ji Jiashu's calm eyes, he rang the big bell stiffly.

"The eighth round of... No. 90, the former Qin Guichen won!"

Gui Chen walked down the high stage, but this time, instead of returning to the place where the first-round players were waiting, he stood beside Ying Baoyue.

Nobody stopped him because he had already qualified for the second round.

The outcome is on the battle stage, where it happens extremely quickly.

When the sun was rising, the first round of battles had all ended.

Except for the [-] practitioners who had a bye, [-] people were selected from the first round, and entered the second round together with Ying Baoyue and others.

There will be no byes from this round onwards.All attention was on the 20 players who had a bye in the first round but were about to play.

 Guichen's rope skipping has advanced from hemp rope to iron chain.Always remember, there will be reverberations.

(End of this chapter)

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