Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 612

Chapter 612
Seeing the thin young man walking out of the crowd, the crowd who were shocked by the conflict between Ji Jiashu and Ye Siyuan before became excited again.

"After Ye Gongzi, it's Meng Jizi's turn!"

"I don't know who Meng Jizi's opponent is? But no matter who it is, Meng Jizi should be able to win, right?"

"Who said that? I always thought that you guys overestimated that skinny guy! Just a commoner, not as strong as you say..."

There were different opinions in the audience of the battle, and like Ye Siyuan, Meng Shi's battle also attracted much attention.Unlike Ye Siyuan, Meng Shi's ability has not been recognized by everyone, and his reputation among the people is not obvious.

At this time, the examiner reached into the draw box again and drew out Meng Shi's opponent.

The moment the examiner pronounced the name, Zhao Guang, who was echoing Chen Zichu's words, couldn't laugh anymore.

"Northern Wei Meng Shi is right, Eastern Wu Zhao Guang!"

As soon as the examiner's announcement came out, the audience of the battle stage exploded.

"God, it's a stepson battle!"

"It's actually a battle between the stepson of the Northern Wei Dynasty and the stepson of the Eastern Wu!"

"It's exciting now, isn't the second round of the match too exciting?"

"But it's another battle between practitioners who have a bye in the first round. What's going on with the lottery this time?"

This is indeed too exciting, to an abnormal level.

Ying Baoyue was startled when he heard the candidate, and looked at the Soochow boy beside him.

Zhao Guang covered his face with a slap, and a voice of despair came out from under his fingers.

"I actually ran into Meng Shi in the second round...Young master's luck is too bad..."

Zhao Guang deeply doubted whether his luck was infected by the girl beside him.

However, doubts are doubts. Although the second round of draws has only been conducted for two rounds, he is more suspicious of today's draw than luck.

Among the 120 six practitioners participating in the second round, 20 practitioners had a bye in the previous round, and [-] practitioners did not have a bye.In terms of probability, the practitioners who got the first round of byes were all drawn in the last two rounds. Isn't this too coincidental?

But anyway, his lottery has been drawn.

Looking at Meng Shi who was walking towards the battle stage without hesitation, Chen Zichu frowned and looked at Zhao Guang who was motionless, "How is the step-son of the Eastern Wu going? Do you want to give up the battle?"

Chen Zichu didn't mean to belittle Zhao Guang when he asked this question. To be honest, the moment the examiner drew lots just now, his heart skipped a beat.

He thought he was going to be drawn, but he didn't expect that Zhao Guang was the one who was finally drawn.

But whether it was him or Zhao Guang, at this time Chen Zichu had fully felt the malice towards his stepson in the second round of lottery.

Just now, a stepson has been eliminated in the first round, and there is no doubt that another stepson will be eliminated in the second round.

Regardless of whether he or Zhao Guang was drawn, they were neither Meng Shi's opponents.

Chen Zichu can now understand Zhao Guang's mood very well.

Zhao Guang and him are the only two masters of the law among the stepson of this elementary ceremony.However, as a man of wind who does not focus on fighting, he faced Meng Shi, whose stepson was the most popular for winning the championship, in the second round of the match.

As Chen Zichu said just now, unlike Ye Siyuan, Meng Shi is real gold.

Although Meng Shi's personality is unlikely to kill him like Ye Siyuan, but it will definitely be a pain for him.

"Thank you Mr. Chen for your concern." However, looking at Chen Zichu who had an ugly face, Zhao Guang regained his firmness.

A smile suddenly appeared on the boy's originally desperate face, "But how can I give up."

He looked at Ying Baoyue and shrugged, "It was hard for me to convince that person to watch the match. How could I admit defeat without even fighting in the first match?"

Ying Baoyue was startled when she heard the words, and naturally understood who Zhao Guang was talking about.

After all, Li Ji said last night that Zhao Guang asked him to watch the match today.

But since the start of the game, she has not seen Li Ji's figure.Is it still here?

Sensing Ying Baoyue's gaze looking around, Zhao Guang smiled and said, "That person is still watching from a very far away place like before."

And ran to another hill.

"Which direction do you think he is in?" Zhao Guang looked at Ying Baoyue half-jokingly.

Ying Baoyue thought for a while, then pointed to the southeast, "Where is it?"

Zhao Guang was taken aback when he heard the words, he was just joking, but he didn't expect the woman in front of him to guess right.Li Ji hid so far away, she definitely couldn't detect her breath, so how did she know?
"It seems that I guessed it right," Ying Baoyue said with a smile, "Can he see you after staying so far away?"

"Second brother, he doesn't like to stay in places with too many people." Zhao Guang replied after being taken aback.After all, that person once lived in the deep mountains and old forests.

"Really?" Ying Baoyue somehow remembered Li Ji who followed the crowd up to Guanhu Mountain in the previous war game.

"But I didn't expect His Majesty to guess right," Zhao Guang narrowed his eyes, "How did you guess it?"

"I always think it's in that direction," Ying Baoyue said with a smile, "If you don't give up the battle, Mr. Zhao, you're going to play."

Zhao Guang's eyes paused, and then he looked back at Meng Shi who was already standing on the stage.

"I'll go right away," he smiled at Ying Baoyue and Chen Zichu beside her, who was obviously not optimistic about his victory, "but I'm not rushing to lose,"

This woman also said that if you don't compare, you don't know anything.

Ying Baoyue nodded and stretched out a palm to him, "I will cheer for both of you."

Zhao Guang staggered. Hearing that Meng Shi had a close relationship with her, he was not partial at all.

But looking at her outstretched palm, Zhao Guang had seen her and Gui Chen do this before, and knew it was an encouraging gesture.

He also stretched out his palm and clapped Ying Baoyue, "I'm going."

Zhao Guang boarded the battle stage and looked at Meng Shi, who was watching him from the opposite side. For some reason, he saw a trace of envy in the eyes of this young man who was usually indifferent, as if everything in the world had nothing to do with me?
Zhao Guang blinked, and the emotion in Meng Shi's eyes had disappeared, as fast as his illusion.

"Keep Mr. Meng waiting for a long time," Zhao Guang said after a pause, drew his sword out of its sheath, and looked at Meng Shi.

Everyone in the audience looked at his sword and exclaimed again.

"Fish intestine sword!"

"It turns out that the Fish Intestine Sword has now fallen into the hands of the Soochow people!"

Zhao Guang knew exactly what these people were lamenting. His sword was delivered from Soochow just yesterday.After all, it was impossible for him to scurry around the world with a famous sword.

The Fish Intestine Sword is also a famous sword in the former dynasty. Zhu put a dagger in the belly of a fish to assassinate King Liao of Wu, so it is called the Yu Intestine Sword, and it is the sword of bravery.

Zhuan Zhu was a famous assassin in the previous dynasty.

Such a famous sword... Of course it wasn't his own.Zhao Guang thought.

His elder brother who sent him to the elementary ceremony was actually conscientious, and entrusted his sword to someone before the start of the battle.

It seems that for the sake of brotherhood, at least he won't let him die so badly.

"The Sword of Bravery?" Standing across from him, Meng Shi quietly watched the sword in Zhao Guang's hand, and also drew it out of its sheath.

After seeing the swords of Zhao Guang and Ye Siyuan, everyone thought they would see another famous sword, but the next moment they saw a crooked iron sword that Meng Shi pulled out from the scabbard, everyone's eyes widened in astonishment.

"This is..." Chen Zichu in the audience was stunned, "Is this some kind of special sword? Why haven't I seen it before?"

"No," Ying Baoyue on the side suddenly said, "This is a sword bought from the blacksmith shop on Dongmen Street."

Looking at the people around her who widened their eyes when they heard this, she added.

"It cost thirty baht copper coins."


(End of this chapter)

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