Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 624 Pioneering

Chapter 624 Pioneering
The boy said he lost.

Everyone in the audience stared blankly at all this.

Just after Du Siqi conceded defeat, the murderous aura on that girl disappeared in an instant, and she became calm again. The series of actions that she drove Du Siqi to death in an instant just now were like a dream.

Facing the surrender of the arrogant young man who kept mocking her before, she didn't taunt or even say a word, but quietly let go of the fingers pinched on Du Siqi's throat.

The iron chain around his neck was also loosened, Du Siqi choked out a breath and coughed loudly.

The next moment, a light and shadow flashed in front of his eyes, and the young boy opened his eyes wide, staring blankly at the back of the girl in front of him holding an iron chain in one hand and a sword in the other.

Ying Baoyue gave him a slight salute, bent down to pick up the sword on the ground, then turned around and was about to leave.

"This..." At this time, the examiner on the other side has not yet announced the winner or loser. If Du Siqi makes up the knife to her, she will be in danger in an instant.

The members of the Nanchu family in the nobleman's box and the Nanchu examiner on the stage all looked at Du Siqi on the stage, with a dark light flowing in their eyes.

However, Du Siqi stood quietly in the center of the battle platform, and did not respond to the eyes of any Nanchu people.

He squatted down to pick up the short sword, and then walked towards the long sword that Ying Baoyue blocked from falling to the ground with his palm.

Du Siqi picked up the long sword on the ground, and the young man quietly stared at the blood stains on the tip of the sword, then turned his head to look at the examiner standing stiffly at one side.

"The fight is over, why hasn't anyone reported the result yet? The adults didn't hear clearly, do you want the kid to admit defeat again?"

Nanchu examiner's face was a bit ugly, but looking at the two cold fronts on Du Siqi's hands that had not been scabbard, the middle-aged man's expression changed, and the next moment he took a deep breath and rang the big bell on the battle platform.

"In the second match of the second round, former Qin Ying Baoyue wins!"

In the former Qin Dynasty, Ying Baoyue won.

The examiner's voice echoed in the forest.

At this time, Ying Baoyue had already stepped off the stage.

Looking at the examiner ringing the bell on the stage, Ying Xun and other former Qin people under the stage opened their eyes wide-eyed. This was an unbelievable victory among the former Qin people.Just when Ying Baoyue stepped off the stage and walked back to where Chen and the others were standing, everyone looked at her silently, speechless.

The audience once again became dead silent.

People seem to not know how to react, how to face this girl who came back.

And the next moment, amidst the dead silence, there was a sudden burst of exclamation.

"Cross-border killing!"

"God, it's been ten years, and there are practitioners who have successfully crossed the border!"

The next moment, these exclamations became one.

The cross-border killing that has not appeared in the Shanhai Continent for ten years was born at this moment.

Chen Zichu, who was standing there, stared blankly at the woman who was walking towards them.

Because of her status as a woman, she has suffered too much injustice and discrimination along the way, and no one even flatters her success.But at this moment, people could no longer suppress their exclamations.

Because the battle that just happened in Jixia Academy is a battle that is enough to be recorded in the history of practice.

What this woman defeated was not only her opponent, but also a practitioner who was a level higher than her.

In the world of practice, fighting against an opponent beyond one's own realm and winning is called cross-border killing.

But such a situation has not happened on the Mountain Sea Continent for at least ten years.In today's Mountain and Sea Continent, realm is king and power is paramount. Practitioners of high realms can always crush those of low realms. Therefore, people's pursuit of true energy and cultivation to break through realms is becoming more and more fanatical.

But at this moment, on the battle stage of Nanchu Jixia Academy, that girl created a record that had never been seen in ten years.

That is, in the real sword battle, crossing the border defeated her opponent.

Many people haven't realized it until now. You must know that she not only crossed the border and defeated the sixth rank, but what's more frightening is that the sixth rank she defeated was not easy.

On the high platform, Ji Jiashu's eyes were deep.

What she defeated was not the weak in the sixth rank.

Du Siqi is considered a very talented young genius between the sixth and the same ranks.

And now, the woman had beaten him.

In full view, under the circumstances that no one can comment.

She created the history of practitioners' arena battles.

Under the battle stage, everyone held their breath and focused on the girl who walked back quietly.Before the start of this battle, no one could have imagined how she could defeat Du Siqi. In the middle of the battle, most people thought that the woman would evade until the end to stall for time and bet on the lottery.

But I didn't expect that the woman chose to attack in the end.

She had won the battle herself, in such an almost fantastic way.

Everyone looked at the iron chain and the ordinary iron sword in the woman's hand.

Before seeing her, few people had seen practitioners actually have such a fighting style.

"Young Master Du actually lost... It seems that the fire sword has been used, and it seems that there is no water..."

"Speaking of which, the former Qin princess...didn't use the water magic sword in this battle?"

In the dead silence, the voices of some practitioners gradually sounded.

"Yeah, it's different from the banquet at Jixia. Is it because you didn't use the water-breaking sword?"

"What kind of fighting style is this? It feels the same as Du Gongzi's first sword. It focuses on skills..."

On the battle stage, Du Siqi sheathed his sword and stared blankly at the woman's back.

One step ahead of the reaction speed, the terrible layout ability to predict others' predictions, and superb fighting skills.

"If you want to play tricks, even if you fail, just struggle to the end!"

The next moment, his eye sockets became hot.

Because, what he didn't do.

That woman did it.

Even if she fell into a disadvantage in the middle, she struggled to the end in the way she chose at the beginning.

Du Siqi stretched out a hand to cover his eyes, and walked down the high platform.

But the expressions of the people in the audience suddenly became complicated when they saw him. The eyes of those who usually praised him dodged, and only a scholar as thin as a bamboo pole greeted him.

"Senior Brother Jiuzhang..." Du Siqi looked up at the scholar in front of him in a daze, with a guilty expression, "I'm sorry, I lost."

The young boy's eyes were heavy.

"It's my fault, I didn't use the sword technique my brother came up with."

"Oh, it's all fine. Victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. The sword technique has been broken. Just think about it next time."

However, at the next moment, a slap in the shape of a chicken paw slapped him on the forehead, Du Siqi raised his head in a daze, and looked at the scholar in front of him with bright eyes who somehow seemed to be in a good mood.

"Compared to this senior brother, I have something more I want now..." Ji Jiuzhang stooped to get closer to him, and whispered a few words in Du Siqi's ear. The young boy was taken aback when he heard the words, showing a surprised expression.

And at this moment, Guichen greeted Ying Baoyue who was walking back, and stretched out his palm, "Welcome back, Mingyue."

Ying Baoyue extended her still intact left hand to give him a high five, and smiled brightly, "I said I will win."

"En," Gui Chen nodded fiercely.

However, the next moment he looked at the girl's right hand holding the iron chain, his eyes paused.

"But this hand of yours..."

(End of this chapter)

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