Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 630

Chapter 630
Chen Zichu stared at Qingfeng wrapped around Chen Zihan's sword, his eyes narrowed slightly.

He and Chen Zihan have been compared since they were young, although as he grew older, he found that Chen Zihan was giving way to him.But he knew very well that Chen Zihan's Fengfa sword was not what it is now before the beginning ceremony.

Although it would be rare to have a lethal wind sword, Chen Zihan's previous sword style was more anxious and fierce.

It's like the cold wind in winter, blowing tolerance and coldness into the human bone marrow, and it's just chilly to look at.

But just after the first round of the elementary ceremony, Chen Zichu discovered in his daily sparring that the piercing chill in Chen Zihan's sword intent had disappeared.

Chen Zichu knew that he didn't have the talent to practice swords, but he had always been by the side of Ji Jiashu and Xu Yishan, two excellent swordsmen, and he boasted that he still had some talent in swordsmanship.

From that day on, Chen Zihan's sword intent became more peaceful and serene.

But that doesn't mean he's weaker.

After that tranquility and peace, it is unimaginably broad and profound.

Chen Zichu had complicated eyes.

Originally, he could still capture some of the younger brother's sword intent during the sparring.But just after Chen Zihan's style changed, he found that his younger brother's sword became more elusive and elusive.

It's like... a real wind.

Chen Zichu's heart skipped a beat.

Chen Zihan didn't become weaker, but seemed to reach a new level.

A state that no ordinary wind magician has ever reached.

And it was that woman who helped him reach this level.

Chen Zichu noticed that Chen Zihan was looking at Ying Baoyue with a more complicated expression.

The opportunity for Chen Zihan to change was Ying Baoyue's contact with him in the first round of the crowd battle.

No one knew what happened between the two of them.But Chen Zihan seemed to have grasped some trick, and found the culprit who had hidden all the practitioners in the forest in the formation at that time.

After that, Chen Zihan's sword intent changed.

Looking into the eyes of his younger brother at this moment, Chen Zichu made a new discovery.

It wasn't just Chen Zihan's sword that changed.

But his state of mind?
"Now... don't you hate Fengfajian?" Chen Zichu asked after a pause.

"Well," Chen Zihan nodded, "I like it very much now."

The boy spoke seriously.

"It's better to say that this is the sword technique I want."

"Then you now..." Chen Zichu remembered the other past he said before, Chen Zihan said that he hated him very much, then...

"Do you... still hate me now?"

Asking this question, Chen Zichu didn't expect much, but he didn't expect Chen Zihan to say the same lightly, "I don't hate."

Chen Zichu opened his eyes wide.

"It's not so much that I don't hate it, it's better to say that I suddenly realized that these are meaningless at all." Chen Zihan said quietly.

He once hated Chen Zichu for taking his father's attention away from him and other people's eyes. Everyone could only see the son of Da Sima's mansion, but not him, no matter how hard he tried.

But at this moment he already understood.

What matters is not how a person sees him, but how he sees the world.

And as a wind magician, he can see a wider world than anyone else.

This is enough.

Doing your best in battle and using everything you have to touch the world is what a true practitioner should do.

The image of the girl blocking Du Siqi's long sword with her hand just now appeared in front of Chen Zihan's eyes.

If a cultivator of the seventh rank can fight like this, what right does he have to feel sorry for himself.

"I am a wind mage."

A cold wind rose from the ground and circled the sword three times.Chen Zihan looked at Chen Zichu and said every word.

"So big brother, this time, I want to win you."

This is the first time he has said this to his elder brother in 17 years.

Chen Zichu was slightly startled when he heard the words, but the next moment there was no anger in his eyes, and the familiar cynical smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Okay boy, you dare to speak so brazenly, then I will accompany you to the end, brother!"

With a click, Chen Zichu drew out his sword, and the sword energy was like a rainbow.

The two collided with their swords, and there was a monstrous storm on the battle stage, and the newly repaired formation became crumbling again.

Looking at the terrifying formation, all the people in the audience opened their eyes in disbelief, unable to believe that this was actually a battle between wind magicians.

"This... is this formation really a wind sword?"

"These two are actually using the same sword technique, the sixth sword of Fengfa!"

"Come up and fight the last sword of Fengfa? Are these two brothers too ruthless?"

"Before, at the Banquet under Jixia, we could see that Second Young Master Chen was of extraordinary skill, but I didn't expect that Young Master Chen could also use such a powerful swordsmanship..."

Seeing that Chen Zichu, who was originally meek, could stand against Chen Zihan in an instant, Zhao Guang and others were also very surprised.

"Zi Chu seems to be working hard." At this moment, a voice that was rarely heard suddenly came from Ying Baoyue's side. She looked sideways, and saw that it was Xu Yishan who usually seldom spoke.

"Senior brother." Ying Baoyue looked at the closest friend who usually walked with Chen Zichu, and said softly.

"Zi Chu still has some abilities," Xu Yishan said lightly, gripping the water-breaking sword at his waist, "it's just that he's usually too lazy."

"It is indeed rare to see this Mr. Chen working so hard," Zhao Guang said. "In Mr. Xu's opinion, will the elder brother or the younger brother win in the end?"

Xu Yishan fell into silence again when he heard the words, but quietly raised his head.

Ying Baoyue followed his gaze to look at the brothers who were fighting fiercely on the stage.

Leaving aside the original gap between Chen Zichu and Chen Zihan, Chen Zihan's realm at this time is already different from ordinary Fengfa practitioners.

This point was understood by others besides her.

"By the way, Your Highness, I have always wanted to ask you a question." Looking at the pair of brothers on the stage, Zhao Guang suddenly asked.

"What's the problem?" Ying Baoyue asked.

"In the first round of everyone's battle, when the ghosts smashed the wall that night on Tianmu Mountain, you said that you needed a wind magician to help you."

Zhao Guang looked into the eyes of the girl beside him and opened his mouth quietly.

"At that time, Chen Zichu and Chen Zihan were both present, why did you choose...Chen Zihan?"

Zhao Guang was also there when Ying Baoyue helped Chen Zihan open his eyesight, and he witnessed everything with his own eyes.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Chen Zihan's current state is inseparable from the advice of the girl at that time.

But in all fairness, Mr. Chunhua asked two friends to go out of the country to pick up his princess, and Chen Zichu was among them. If you say they met, they met first.

No matter from the familiarity or the help brought by Chen Zichu's status as the son of the son and the heir of the Sima Mansion, the woman should have chosen Chen Zichu because of the reason.

But in the end she chose an unknown bastard.

"I didn't think that much," Ying Baoyue looked into the eyes of the young man beside him and knew that he must be weighing various interests in his heart.

"It's just that Chen Zihan was the only one who could understand that sentence and see the enemy in the distance." She said softly.

Although he said he hated Fengfa, that young man honed his Fengfa sword to the extreme.

When she first saw the young man's Fengfa sword at the Banquet of Jixia, she knew that it was definitely not a swordsmanship practiced perfunctorily by her father and teacher.

Without knowing what a real wind master is, to practice the soft swordsmanship with no offensive power to that level, behind it is the majestic sweat that no one can see.

Others may not see it, but she can see it.

Some people can't stand the boring sword practice under the pressure of sticks.

But facing something that he didn't choose, something that no one asked him to do, something that no one expected him to do, he could still practice like this.

Even if you don't like it, you still try your best to practice everything you can grasp. For such a person, it is worthy of admiration.

"People who are hardworking and persistent," Ying Baoyue looked at the young man on stage and said softly, "God will reward you with blessings."

At this moment, a huge air current rushed up on the battle platform, the wind was strong, and the wind was rumbling.

The strong wind blows, and behind the huge pressure, there is a vast and boundless force rolling.

In the rushing vitality of heaven and earth, all the practitioners opened their eyes wide, some of the weak were overwhelmed by this majestic momentum, and all of them marveled at the strength of these two young men.

Like the power of nature, it reproduces in a square inch.

It turns out that the wind method also has such a powerful force.

Everyone was immersed in the shock, and at the next moment, there was a flash of sword light in the strong wind.

The wind and waves that seemed to have the power to destroy the world finally stopped.

On the blue stone platform that was blown into a mess, there were two youths standing opposite each other.

The sword power has been withdrawn, and the dust has settled.

There was a dead silence.

Everyone opened their eyes wide, and the question in their hearts was ready to come out.

What is...

Who's winning?
(End of this chapter)

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