Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 634 Chen House

Chapter 634 Chen House
"The Great Sima Mansion in Southern Chu?"

Gui Chen was startled when he heard the words, isn't that...

At this time, Ji Qingyuan looked at Ying Baoyue and asked, "Are you going to the Chen Mansion?"

The current Grand Sima of Nanchu is Chen Zichu's father, Chen Yan.

As the name suggests, the Grand Sima Mansion of Southern Chu is also the Chen Mansion.

"Well," Ying Baoyue said with a smile, "Speaking of which, I have known Chen Zichu for so long, and I have never been to his house."

It's not just because I've known Chen Zichu for so long.

Looking at the back of the woman who jumped off the carriage, Ji Qingyuan said softly, "Have you decided to go?"

Ying Baoyue paused for a moment with her back turned to him, and the next moment she said softly, "Yeah."

"I caused the disaster," she turned her head and smiled, "I have to see it before I can rest assured."

Not many people in the carriage could understand this conversation.Zhao Guang, who claimed to have information on the Six Kingdoms, didn't understand that besides Chen Zichu's friendship, what relationship did this former Qin princess have with the Southern Chu Grand Sima Mansion.

No one understood why at this point in time, this woman suddenly proposed to go to the Grand Sima's Mansion in Nanchu.

But since she was going, he would accompany her.

"Mingyue, wait," Gui Chen also got up from the car, "I'll be with you..."

But he stood halfway, because he felt a little dizzy because of the overdraft of the battle against Zhenyuan.

"Brother?" Gui Li called nervously.

"Thank you, Guichen," Ying Baoyue leaned in from the outside of the car, stretched out his hand and lightly pressed Guichen's shoulder, "but you were injured today, go back and rest early. I'm going to the Chen's house this time, not Ye family, don’t worry too much.”

He was injured, but she was also injured, and she was injured even more seriously.

Gui Chen was pushed to sit down, frowning and looking at the girl standing outside the car.

But compared to the last time I went to Ye Mansion, going to Chen Mansion really made me feel much more at ease.After all, it was Chen Zichu who lived in that house, not Ye Siyuan.

Gui Chen has a good impression of Chen Zichu, and his concubine brother Chen Zihan is cold, but he doesn't have any malice towards Ying Baoyue.


Ying Baoyue looked at everyone in the car and smiled, "Everyone is quite tired today, let's go back first, I'll just walk alone."

After she finished speaking, she put down the car curtain, turned around and was about to leave.

At this moment, there was a slight sound of footsteps landing behind her. Ying Baoyue looked back and found a young man jumped out of the car and stood behind her.

"Uncle Wang, send eldest brother and Dong Wu's stepson back first," Ji Jiashu told the coachman standing behind Ying Baoyue.

After speaking, he quietly looked at the girl in front of him, "Do you know the way alone? I'll take you there."

The's true that she didn't know it, but she thought that such a famous place could be found by asking a few passers-by.

"It's okay, I can ask..." Ying Baoyue smiled and was about to speak.

At this time, Ji Jiashu said, "Don't worry, I have a place to go. I can see you as a drop in."

"Where I'm going..." Ying Baoyue paused slightly.

"I also have something to solve," Ji Jiashu said with a smile, "Besides, I am not injured today, and I am not tired from doing anything."

He blocked two swords for the examinee, one of which was Goujian, the king of Yue, what was he doing?Ying Baoyue said heartily.But since the other party said they were going by the way, they accepted the kindness frankly.

To be honest, she was also a little worried that with her current status, even if she found the Da Si Ming Mansion, the servants of Chen Yan's family would let her in.

After all, she is not like Ji Jiashu, Ye Siyuan, Tuoba Xun and others, who can move unimpeded among the aristocratic families with just a swipe of their faces.

"Then I will trouble you." Ying Baoyue saluted Ji Jiashu.


With Ji Jiashu on board, the others have nothing to worry about.The carriage of the National Teacher's Mansion left, leaving the two of them alone.

"Let's go," Ji Jiashu smiled at Ying Baoyue, "Zi Chu's house is not far from here."



Facts have proved that there is a reason for Chen Zichu to often go to the National Teacher's Mansion.

The Nan Chu State Teacher's Mansion and the Nan Chu Da Sima Mansion are indeed not too far apart.

Fortunately, the sky had already darkened, and Ying Baoyue and Ji Jiashu's trip together did not attract too many people's attention.

Seemingly concerned about the injuries she suffered during the day, Ji Jiashu did not use the practitioner's true energy, just walked with her normally, but within half an hour they arrived at one of the three great families in Danyang City, Nanchu Grand Master. The mansion of Sima Chen Yan.

Standing side by side with Ji Jiashu in front of Da Sima's Mansion, Ying Baoyue couldn't help sighing when he looked at the plaque in front of him.

This is the second Da Sima Mansion she has come to in this life, and it is also Chen Zichu's home.

It is a bit different from Chen Zichu's usual style. The appearance of this Da Sima Mansion is tough and simple in the aristocratic family, which has the demeanor of a family of generals.

The concierge didn't see the carriage, but only saw two young men and women walking forward. He was a bit negligent, but when he saw the faces of the young men clearly by the light of the lantern in front of the gate, he was shocked.

"Chun...Mr. Chunhua? Why are you here? The villain is going to report..."

"Wait," Ji Jiashu looked at Ying Baoyue, "I'm just sending my fiancee here, and I have other places to go later, so I won't go in and bother you."

The concierge was stunned, and looked at the girl standing quietly beside Ji Jiashu, his eyes widened, "Could this be..."

The ex-Qin princess has just arrived, not all the servants of the aristocratic family recognize her.

"Well, this is the former Princess of Qin," Ji Jiashu paused while looking at Ying Baoyue, "Come to visit..."

"Visiting your second son," Ying Baoyue said with a smile, "Can you take me to the courtyard where he lives?"

"Second Young Master?" The concierge was taken aback, and Ji Jiashu was also a little surprised.

Chen Yan didn't have many children. Although he was called the second son, the second son of the Chen family was just a concubine. Generally speaking, when his peers came to visit, they would visit the concubine.

Ji Jiashu didn't judge people by concubines, but in terms of familiarity, he thought Ying Baoyue was coming to find Chen Zichu.

But it occurred to her that the person she was looking for was Chen Zihan.

" can, of course you can..." the porter stammered, if he was just looking for a bastard, he didn't even need to make a notification.

"Then please trouble uncle," Ying Baoyue bowed to him, the concierge was almost startled, and hurriedly greeted him, "His Royal Highness, please."

"Then I'll go," Ying Baoyue looked at Ji Jiashu and smiled.

"Well," Ji Jiashu nodded, "I'm going where I'm going too."

He said before that he had a place to go, not an excuse.

Looking at the serious eyes of the young man in front of him, Ying Baoyue also noticed this.

"Although Zichu is here, it's getting late after all. Let Zichu send someone to see you off when you come back." Ji Jiashu looked into her eyes and paused, "Be careful on the road."

"Well," Ying Baoyue nodded, also looked into his eyes, paused and said softly.

"You too."



Ji Jiashu left Chen's mansion, this time he used his true energy, and it disappeared instantly like a gust of wind.

Seeing the disappearing figure of the young man, Ying Baoyue's eyes narrowed slightly.

"His Royal Highness?" the porter asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing, uncle, please lead the way," Ying Baoyue said with her gaze back.

As the concierge walked all the way into Chen's mansion, and as he stepped into the rugged path, Ying Baoyue knew that Chen Zihan, who was a concubine, probably lived in a not-so-good place in the mansion.

"Second Young Master lives in the north, and few people usually go there," the porter explained while looking at her.

"Then will your eldest son go?" Ying Baoyue looked at the small courtyard in front of him and asked, "Where is he now?"

"Eldest son, he..."

However, before the porter could answer, Ying Baoyue already knew where Chen Zichu was going.

Because in the small courtyard in front of him, suddenly there was a burst of angry roars from the young man.

"Father! What are you doing? Didn't I say I'm fine, why are you punishing him to kneel?!"

It was Chen Zichu's voice.

(End of this chapter)

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