Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 658 Amendments

Chapter 658 Amendments
This also happened very suddenly.

Although the light on Yue Wang's sword disappeared, everyone thought it would be a crushing battle just when Ye Siyuan used the sword again.

Even if he couldn't crush this would at least be a fierce battle.

After all, the last time he won Baoyue against Du Siqi, who was ranked sixth, although he won in the end, it was not easy to win in the process.

The Ye family is as famous as the Du family, and Ye Siyuan is also a big brother of the Fire Academy, a sixth-ranker.And Ying Baoyue is ranked seventh.In any case, the next process will be quite tragic.

However, when everyone was gearing up and waiting for the big battle after all the twists and turns, the scene in front of them was beyond everyone's expectations.

With a bang, it wasn't just Ye Siyuan's sword that fell.

And the eyes of everyone in the audience.

Plus the chin.


The crucial move among practitioners happened so fast that most people didn't see the process clearly but only saw the result.

The scene where the sword fell was just like the scene when Meng Shi confronted Xu Yishan last time.But this time it was not the Duan Shui Sword that fell on the ground, but the King Yue Sword, which was incomparably noble in the eyes of everyone.

"What's the situation? Young Master Ye's sword was picked off? Am I right?"

"This... what happened to this accident? Did other practitioners make a move?"

Even the examiners on the stage looked around until they saw that the formation was intact and Ji Jiashu was standing on the examiner's high platform, so they looked away reluctantly.

The big formation that has just been repaired is very strong, and no one or anyone can intervene in this duel.

Then the person who picked off the King Yue Sword from Ye Siyuan's hand was the woman in front of him.

Compared to the people's shock, Ye Siyuan's reaction speed was not much faster. He stared at the long sword on the ground as if he couldn't believe his eyes. The next moment his neck turned stiffly, and he looked at his empty palm.

The moment just happened so fast that he didn't even realize it, and the sword was already out of his hand the next moment.

For practitioners who use swords, being picked off by the sword is the most bloodless but hard-to-refute method of infusion. This can only be done when there is a huge difference in swordsmanship between the two.

But at this moment, his sword was dropped.

By a mere seventh-ranked woman.

Ye Siyuan's face turned pale, and then the unbelief in his eyes gradually turned into hatred, "You're cheating..."

"The outcome has been decided," but before he could express his conjecture, Ying Baoyue still spoke first, "Young Master Ye, admit defeat."

Although the sword is picked off is the way swordsmen judge winning or losing, but according to the rules of the elementary ceremony, if one side is not seriously injured and unable to move or admit defeat, the battle is not considered over.

In the last match, Xu Yishan himself conceded defeat. After all, he even knocked out his sword, so according to the rules of a swordsman, he should admit defeat.If you are still unwilling to admit defeat like this, it is too ugly.

But the gap between Ying Baoyue and Ye Siyuan's realm lies here. It is different from Meng Shi and Xu Yishan's. This scene looks more like an accident in the eyes of the public, and of course it is more so in the eyes of someone.

"Impossible!" Ye Siyuan shouted, "You must have used some kind of trick! It's... Ji Jiashu, he told you something, yes, there must be Xu Yishan..."

Ye Siyuan's eyes were shattered, losing to Ji Jiashu he had nothing to say, losing to Xu Yishan was his great humiliation some time ago, but now there is no humiliation greater than losing to such a woman!
Xu Yishan and Ji Jiashu frowned at the same time, looking at the yelling man on the battle stage, Ji Jiashu took a deep breath and was about to speak, but at this moment, the girl spoke again.

"I don't know of anything that's impossible."

Ying Baoyue glanced at the Yue King Goujian sword on the ground, looked up at Ye Siyuan and said, "In terms of swordsmanship alone, you are no match for me."

Facing Ye Siyuan who looked crazy, the girl's expression was still calm, as if she was just talking about an ordinary thing.

Straightforward and calm.

It caused an uproar in the audience.

No one thought that this woman would say such a thing.

"Better than Mr. Ye? Who gave her confidence?"

"During the screening in the fourth palace, it was Mr. Ye who suppressed the realm. Did she really think she could win?"

"You..." Ye Siyuan felt even more humiliated when he heard these words, and stared at Ying Baoyue with bloodshot eyes, "How dare you humiliate me like this..."

"It's not a humiliation," but the girl's calm voice came again, Ying Baoyue sheathed her sword and spread her hands slightly, "If you don't understand what I'm saying, then say so."

"You don't have a good foundation, you just blindly pursue powerful swordsmanship, but you haven't mastered any of the swords." She said quietly.

"Let's put it this way," Ying Baoyue thought for a while, glanced at the shocked audience, and paused, "Compared with Meng Shi, you are probably three Du Siqi behind."

There are three Du Siqis behind Meng Shi...

Not far away, under the tree where the Northern Wei people were, Meng Shi, who was drinking water, choked up when he heard these words.

"Brother?" Mo Hua on the side quickly patted her on the back, "Don't drink in such a hurry."

"Ahem," Meng Shi wiped off the drops of water all over his face, thinking that this is not a problem of drinking too much water, she really has never seen anyone who would measure the level of swordsmanship like this.

Du Siqi in the audience also wrinkled his pretty face, but when he glanced at Senior Brother Ji Jiuzhang who was staring at the stage with bright eyes, he suddenly felt that this analogy was also good, after all, she said he was better than Ye Siyuan.

Seeing Ye Siyuan's face on the stage, Jiang Yuanyuan patted Ji Jiashu's shoulder beside him silently, "I found out that your fiancée is very good at pissing people off invisible."

"You..." Ye Siyuan was speechless at this moment, staring at Ying Baoyue, "You clearly..."

"Did you forget what rank I was when I went to the fourth palace screening?" Ying Baoyue said indifferently, "I was rank nine at that time, but now..."

She said quietly, "I am rank seven."

Ye Siyuan's eyes widened, while Ji Jiashu on the examiner's platform had a serious look on his face.

"No way...wait a minute, your fiancee..." Jiang Yuanyuan also noticed something at this time, and looked at Ji Jiashu, "Is she going to be able to break through to level six soon?"

Not fast, Ji Jiashu took a deep breath.

In fact, he had already noticed to some extent before that the girl should have suppressed her own realm. When she was able to break through the realm, she would further compress her true energy and widen her meridians. After practicing in this way, she would be at least a few times stronger than practitioners of the same realm. times.

Invincible in the same situation, maybe this sentence can really be applied to her.

But her current physical condition is definitely not a situation where she can break through.

With the speed at which she breaks through the realm, within three months at least, breaking the realm to level six is ​​no different from suicide, and she must be very aware of this situation.

"In any case, it is impossible for her to break through now," Ji Jiashu said in a deep voice, "the meridian will be broken."

However, regardless of whether Ying Baoyue has the power to break through, in Ye Siyuan's eyes, what this woman said was just to humiliate him.

Hearing the girl's calm voice, he just stared at him resentfully, then suddenly bent down and reached out to grab the Yue Wang Sword on the ground.

"What level is it? It's just a woman who dares to attack a practitioner. You deserve to die a long time ago..."

Seeing this scene, the practitioners in the audience stared wide-eyed, and everyone thought that the sword fight was about to start again.

However, at this moment, everything that happened in front of them was beyond everyone's expectations.

Just when Ye Siyuan's fingertips touched the hilt of the sword, Ying Baoyue quietly walked to his side.

She inserted the Broken Water Sword into the ground, and punched the person on the ground.

The skin on the back of her hand was torn, leaving a bloodstain on the boy's cheek.

Ye Siyuan touched his cheek with trembling hands, and was stunned for a moment.

 Personality Modification Fist Up

(End of this chapter)

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