Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 662 Missing

Chapter 662 Missing
Ying Baoyue stared at Hongyu in front of her.

This ruby ​​is the beginning of it all.

When there was a car accident and crossing, what she saw was this piece of ruby ​​appearing on the front of the car, and she thought that she crossed after touching the piece of ruby ​​inlaid on the front of the car.

But at this moment she finally figured out that everything was not what she saw.

After all, which truck's front will be inlaid with red jade.

This ruby ​​appeared before her fingertips.

At that time, it happened that her fingertips crossed the front of the car, so it looked like this piece of jade appeared on the front of the car.

After thinking about all this clearly, Ying Baoyue's breathing became short, and a bold guess suddenly appeared in her heart.

That is.

This ruby ​​was originally in her body.

Or rather, hidden in the depths of her soul.

In the battle with Ye Siyuan just now, when the Yue Wang sword was about to pierce her chest, she really felt the hotness of the jade in her chest.

Although at that time she was sure to avoid the vital point and was ready to take a sword, she did not expect that the aura from this piece of red jade blocked Yue Wang's sword.

As if someone was afraid of her pain, he protected her.

Thinking of the familiar feeling of that breath, Ying Baoyue mobilized his whole body to bite his lips tightly and stared at the ruby ​​in his hand.

Like looking at the only hope.

How she wished that this piece of ruby ​​could give her a little reaction, telling her that everything was not her wishful thinking.

However, the piece of red jade lay quietly in her palm, just like a dead object on the outside, without any reaction.

I watched for nearly a quarter of an hour without daring to blink, but nothing happened.Ying Baoyue took a deep breath and finally couldn't help calling softly.


Hongyu was still lying quietly in her palm, not feeling hot let alone any other reaction.

Ying Baoyue was silent for a long time.

The next moment, she closed her eyes, stretched out her hands and closed them tightly to Hongyu and changed her name.

"Teng Snake," she called softly.

"Huh?" There was no silence this time, a lazy voice came from the tattoo on her collarbone.

It's a little weirder than a human voice, but I have to say that the one who imitated it is quite similar.

Just listening to the sound, Ying Baoyue could imagine a snake lying on the reef beside Yunmeng Ze basking in the sun.

She reached out and touched the tattoo on her collarbone. When she left Yunmengze before, Teng Snake left this mark on her body.At that time, she thought that the engraving probably had such a function of transmitting messages, but now it seems that it is indeed the case.

"Is it raining red?" The lazy voice continued, "You actually called me, are you going to die?"

The voice of a certain god carried an undisguised resentment that had been neglected.


Ying Baoyue paused, then whispered with a complicated expression.

"I... seem to have heard Master's voice before."

"What?" A stunned exclamation came from the other side, "Who are you talking about? Your master? Shubai?"

Just listening to the sound, you can feel the picture of a snake climbing up from a carp on the reef.

But the next moment the owner of the voice lay back again.

"I didn't feel anything." A certain god on the shore breathed a long sigh of relief, and his tone was full of doubts after lying down, "Either the time is short or the distance is too far away or it's just a breath, it must not be a real person , you are lying to me again."

"I don't know what it is either." Ying Baoyue clenched her palms tightly, feeling the cold and hard touch of the piece of jade in her palm.

As Teng She said, the time for that breath to appear was too short, and it was impossible to be sure whether it really came from this piece of jade.

And her level is too low now, and she can't fully believe her feeling as a practitioner.Maybe everything is like the sword she used to defeat Ye Siyuan.


It's all a mirror image.

Maybe she just misses her too much.

A breeze slid quietly through the forest.

A drop of water slipped from Ying Baoyue's cheek, quietly sinking to her feet.

It was so fast that no one could see it.

In the distant forest, Li Ji who was walking towards her suddenly stopped ten steps away from the girl's back.

The next moment, he took a step back and turned around.

When there were no more fluctuations in the distance, he turned around again, and saw that the girl had turned her head to look at him with a smile, and her eyes were not even red.

"What's the matter? Is there anything you can do for me?" Ying Baoyue looked at the man who couldn't be farther away and asked with a smile.

Li Ji quietly looked into her eyes, walked over, and took out a big paper bag from his arms before answering her question.

"Here." He sent the paper bag forward, and said concisely.

"Huh?" Ying Baoyue's eyes widened, "What is this?"

Seeing the paper package as big as half a bag of rice, Ying Baoyue seriously suspected that this person had a magic weapon of space on him.

"Candied fruit." Li Ji replied.

"Candied fruit?" Ying Baoyue was startled when she heard the words, and suddenly remembered the candied dates he gave her along with the pills on the roof of Qing'an Yuan.

She remembered that it was the man who did it himself.

Thinking of this, she stretched out her hand to take the heavy paper bag in Li Ji's hand, opened it to look inside, raised her head and said to him in a daze.

"so much?"

At that night, he only gave her a piece of candied fruit, but at this time the paper bag was worthy of its weight, Ying Baoyue opened it and saw that it was actually full of various candied fruit.

Not only candied dates, but also sweet apricots, sugared green plums, Suju cakes, preserved pears, preserved peaches, preserved fruits... In short, almost all the fruits that can be seen in this season are piled up all over the place. Things bought in the shop.

"These..." Looking at each candied fruit wrapped in paper, Ying Baoyue looked at Li Ji and asked, "You made these?"

Li Ji nodded.

This man said he could do these things, but who would have thought that he could do this... Was this professionally trained?
Ying Baoyue said heartily.

But compared to these... Ying Baoyue looked at all the fruits in the paper bag, looked at Li Ji and asked half-jokingly.

"Are you sweeping away all the fruit trees in the National Teacher's Mansion?"

The fact that he picked all the dates from the jujube trees in Qing'an Courtyard under the moonlight night left a deep impression on her.

At this time, there were so many candied fruit, even if all the trees in Ji Mo's house were bald, they might not be able to get them together.

"No." Facing her joke, the man in the bronze mask replied very seriously, "Some are picked from trees on the side of the road and in the forest."

"Really?" Ying Baoyue was taken aback when she heard the words. It was quite time-consuming just to collect so many fruits, not to mention sorting and making honey one by one.

"Thank you...just..." She looked at the paper bag in her arms, and before she could finish speaking, the man in front of her had already straightened her mouth.

Ying Baoyue was taken aback when she heard the words, and looked at the big paper bag in her arms, "Thank you for your kindness, but I've had enough for lunch just now..."

"Then eat it at night," Li Ji said earnestly, looking into her eyes.

It was the first time she was urged to eat sweets in such a serious manner...

"Eating so much sweet food at night makes me gain weight," Ying Baoyue looked at him and smiled.

"I'm not asking you to eat it all at once," the man said helplessly, "You can keep it and eat slowly."

Ying Baoyue was startled when she heard the words, a strange feeling appeared in her heart.The next moment the smile in her eyes disappeared, she just quietly stared at the man who should have just reached the weak crown in front of her, and spoke softly.

"Then why give it all to me at once?"

 Today is the first anniversary of the posting of the article, a day worth remembering.

(End of this chapter)

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