Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 667

Chapter 667
"Chong Chong..." Ji Jiashu's expression was indescribable when he heard the words.But looking at the slender back of the girl on the high platform, he paused and said, "But to be honest, this lottery is more like a confrontation between Beihan Pavilion and her."

"With her?" Jiang Yuanyuan was taken aback for a moment, then understood what he meant.

After all, Dugu Xin was not considered the strongest among the rank six present, at least compared to Meng Shi, Mo Hua, Ye Siyuan, Du Siqi, Xu Yishan, Chen Zihan and others who had already been defeated.

But to be honest, there are only those who are strong at the sixth level, and there are not many left after fighting. This girl is finally lucky.

Until now, I am getting more and more used to seeing this girl playing at the sixth level...

Looking at the people who also responded calmly, Jiang Yuanyuan couldn't help sighing in his heart.

This girl is simply rewriting the rules and common sense in the practice world...

Although most people still think that she can't win, at least in terms of the disparity in strength, Dugu Xin is not that big compared to the opponents she defeated before.

It's just...Jiang Yuanyuan's eyes were complicated when he looked at the girl who couldn't hide the scars all over her body.

She had indeed defeated many opponents, but she also suffered a lot of injuries. Now it was time to preserve her strength, but she met a high-level opponent.

This round is the last round of today, and it is also the round that determines whether the players can enter the last day of tomorrow. Every player will work hard.

At this point, at least none of the practitioners participating in the competition would dare to underestimate the enemy or her.

So how is she going to win?

As if responding to his thoughts, the tall young man on the battle stage saw Ying Baoyue ascending the stage, his muscles tensed up.

"Princess of the former Qin Dynasty," Dugu Xin paused, putting his hand on the handle of the machete at his waist.

Ying Baoyue looked up at him, "It''s the first time we've met."

In the previous battle of medicine and poison, when He Lancheng led a large group of Beihan Pavilion disciples to surround her in Qingtan Mountain, this young man was among them.

He was also involved in the conspiracy at that time.

Because he was the tallest among the people around He Lancheng, it was easy to leave an impression on others.

At that time, there should be another person who left an impression on her, and she also entered today's top 32 battle. I have to say that the first impression is very important.

Hearing her words, Dugu Xin was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that the former princess of Qin would still remember him.

"At that time, I remembered that your swordsmanship was very good, and it came at the right time. Let's start." Ying Baoyue said.

What does it mean to come just right?

Dugu Xin shrank his pupils when he heard the words, and looked at the fearless girl in front of him, with anger rising on his rough face, he drew his knife out of its sheath abruptly.

The next moment, the bell rang for the start of the battle.

Dugu Xin's eyes widened, he circulated his true energy and slashed forward with the knife, but the next moment there was a strong bounce from the knife, his thick arms suddenly froze in midair, and he lowered his head in astonishment.

Looking at the rapier resting quietly on his neck.

To be precise, it was supposed to be on his neck, but because of the huge difference in height between the two, it turned into a sword whose tip was on his throat.

"This is!?"

On the high platform, Jiang Yuanyuan opened his mouth in a daze, while the people from the Northern Wei Dynasty were waiting in the field. Mo Hua, who was checking Meng Shi's internal injuries, raised his head in astonishment, and suddenly turned around!
"Bastard!" Looking at the long sword that was stuck in his throat, but the strength and angle still had room for struggle, Dugu Xin let out a loud roar and jumped back with the knife.The sunset sword drew a long trail of blood on his neck, but he finally got rid of the elusive sword.

"This... this is..." Dugu Xin, who had escaped his life, panted heavily, looking at the girl quietly holding the sword not far away.

He hated why he knew swordsmanship, if he didn't understand, he wouldn't understand.

Understand what just happened.

If it wasn't for the absolute size difference just now, her sword would have been accurately placed on his neck, directly forcing him to admit defeat.

But more importantly...

"Isn't this the swordsmanship that Mo Hua just won against Chen Zihan?" Jiang Yuanyuan on the examiner's high platform lost his voice, and Chen Zichu's eyes on the stage of the battle were also staring like copper bells.

Chen Zihan couldn't believe his eyes.

"This is really..." Chen Zichu looked sideways at his younger brother to verify his thoughts, Chen Zihan took a deep breath and said with his chest heaving, "Yes, that's right."

Although it wasn't the swordsmanship he used, he was the one who went through that blow.

Three movements, stabbing the sword, turning to avoid the opponent's stabbing sword, and swinging the sword to the opponent's neck.

Defeat him with one move.

It ended in an instant, a sword technique that was straightforward and simple to the point of being extremely difficult to use.

Mo Hua defeated him with this move, and this woman just now... If it wasn't because of her lack of height, she almost achieved such an effect.

"Well," Ying Baoyue looked at the sword in her hand, "Sure enough, this move is suitable for opponents with similar body proportions."

It should be easier for her to use against female cultivators.

After she finished speaking, she shook the sword in her hand, shaking off the blood, looked at Dugu Xin and said lightly, "Come again."

Hearing her words, Dugu Xin's eyes widened, his canthus cracked.

What is she doing?Is she trying the sword against him?
"Mo Hua, did you teach her..." Meng Shi looked at Mo Hua, who was staring blankly at the stage, and couldn't believe his eyes, and finally asked this question.

"No," Mo Hua shrank his pupils, and looked at the skinny young man beside him, his pupils vibrated violently, "I never taught her."

Don't talk about whether to teach him or not, this trick was used for the first time in this elementary ceremony, and he had never used it before today.

And this woman, did she understand how to use it after seeing it once?

"The swordsmanship just now is warm and vigorous, really like the sun." The words she said echoed in her ears, and Mo Hua clenched the hilt of the sword at her waist. If it's true, then simply...

And at this moment, before Mo Hua came to a conclusion, he suddenly heard Meng Shi beside him suddenly hold his breath.

Mo Hua looked and found that the eyes of the people around him were wide open, as if they had been greatly shocked.

"This is..." The people in the audience screamed, the practitioners were speechless, and Mo Hua heard the sound of Meng Shi's teeth chattering.

He came back to his senses, looking at the scene in front of him in astonishment.

With a bang, Dugu Xin's scimitar fell to the ground.

"Fighting back sword?" Mo Hua heard the people around him startled to speak, and there was too much disbelief in the voice.

"How is it possible??" Meng Shi looked at Ying Baoyue who knocked out Dugu Xin's sword with a backhand sword on the stage, "The moon is full on the west building? Or is it Baihong?"

When the wild goose returns, the moon is full of the west building.

Jiang Yuanyuan couldn't speak when he saw that move back to the sword, because Meng Shi's step-son of the Northern Wei Dynasty's must-kill move, Yue Manxilou, was a move back to the sword.

"How could she even imitate this move?" He asked in astonishment, "Wait, something seems wrong..."

Of course, water mages can't use the sword move of fire mage sword.And the move of Duguxin's sword that Ying Baoyue just picked off is more like a combination of Yuemanxilou and Baihongjian. She only intercepted a few of the moves, but the combination was smooth and smooth, and the sword was recreated on the spot. The method is actually very harmonious after the fusion of sword intent and water method!
"What's the situation?" Jiang Yuanyuan asked in astonishment.

It was the first time he had seen someone do such a thing live.

This is no longer a genius to describe.

"You..." Clutching the pierced shoulder, Dugu Xin on the stage looked at the girl on the opposite side, with fear in his eyes, "You actually took me..."

"Trying the sword?" Ying Baoyue put the sword back into the sheath and smiled, "You once plotted against us in the forest for the sake of a tiger, and you are not wronged."

"But don't get me wrong," the girl on the stage looked towards the audience and said softly, "I just don't want my brother to worry about me anymore."

Ji Qingyuan in the audience stared at this scene in a daze.

Obviously the realm gap is so big.

But he seemed to be looking at the girl who stood alone outside the National Teacher's Mansion with a sword on her back, splitting the National Teacher's Mansion in half with one sword.

"Don't be afraid," Ying Baoyue looked into his eyes and said softly, "I've never had anything to be afraid of."

"No one can take away what truly belongs to me."

No one has this ability.

She won't be taken away.

 Brother don't be afraid, sister is always the strongest.

(End of this chapter)

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