Chapter 67

Zhao Guang wobbled and almost fell from the tree, and pointed at the girl in the courtyard tremblingly.

Li Ji looked at him silently, and watched her brother gape for a long time before squeezing out such a sentence from between his teeth.

"She...she is that guy Chunhua's future wife?!"

I thought he could say something...

Under the cold mask, Li Ji's eyes were heavy, so it seemed that Zhao Guang hadn't received any news before.The identity of that woman was indeed too unexpected.

But after learning the identity of this woman, is this what my younger brother thought of first?
Li Ji frowned and looked at Zhao Guang, and said calmly, "She hasn't married yet, neither has Jun Chunhua."

"That's why I said it's the future," Zhao Guang said, spreading his hands, "Since she shows up at this time, then this marriage is not far away."

The princess of the former Qin Dynasty didn't have much sense of existence, but at this point in time, Princess Heqin, who had disappeared for many days, suddenly appeared, which was enough to change many things, and even affect the current situation of the entire continent.

Li Ji glanced at Zhao Guang, who was staring at the girl in the courtyard, and said calmly, "Didn't you feel sorry for Chunhua Jun before, saying that the former Princess Qin was not good enough for him, and wanted to go to Nanchu to comfort him?"

Zhao Guang froze, looked at the girl in the yard with her arms raised, and said, "Isn't that because no one has seen the former Qin princess before?"

It was rumored that Ying Hanri cherished his only younger sister very much and never let her participate in any diplomatic activities. Except for the former Qin Palace and important ministers, almost no one had seen her.

But for people like Zhao Guang, the so-called cherishing younger sister sounds like pure nonsense.

Cherish your sister?Then let him get married in such a humiliating situation?

Ghosts believe.

Therefore, the most widely circulated saying among the children of aristocratic families in various countries is that the former Qin princess could not see anyone at all.With such parents, it is impossible to be particularly ugly, but it is also impossible to be good-looking. At least they should be weak and have some defects.

The Southern Chu royal family refused to allow the prince to marry her. Zhao Guang didn't know if it was affected by these rumors, but the former Qin princess was shrouded in a lot of fog, so she didn't have a good evaluation, while the Southern Chu Chunhua Jun was the sixth son of the Warring States period. The best one.

Although the other five young masters are all absolutely outstanding in terms of ability, and some have a higher realm than Lord Chunhua, they all have their own strangeness in terms of style, age and personality.

Only Mr. Chunhua is impeccable in terms of demeanor, family background, character, realm, and character.

Not only in Southern Chu, but also among the six countries within the Great Wall, there are many fans.

Therefore, after the news that the king of Southern Chu pushed the marriage contract to the national teacher, and the national teacher arranged it for his youngest son, the news came out...

That really shook the whole world.

There are differences between the two monarchs and ministers, but probably only the former Qin people would feel that it hurt the country's body, and the rest, especially the eldest girl and the young daughter-in-law, felt that the former Qin princess was not worthy of Chunhua Lord.

"But at least now, it seems that this appearance is worthy," Zhao Guang said with a smile as he looked at the slender girl under the sun, "In any case, the child born by these two will definitely be very beautiful."

Li Ji silently looked at his younger brother who was thinking too much, and didn't speak to him.

"Second brother, did you just want to stay away from me!" Zhao Guang looked at Li Ji's eyes and said with wide eyes.

"Let's get down to business." Li Ji took a deep breath, looked at Guijia Xiaoyuan and said.

Zhao Guang put away the smile on his face, and followed his elder brother's gaze to the courtyard shrouded in an ominous atmosphere.

Looking at the man covered in silk, he narrowed his eyes.

"You said, since Her Royal Highness has appeared, will Guichang withdraw his decision?"

Li Ji's dark eyes were extremely cold, as if looking at the woman's innocent thoughts.

"how is this possible."

He spoke softly.



How could Her Royal Highness the Princess of the former Qin Dynasty be someone like her?

All the turmoil around him couldn't reach Gui Chen's ears at this moment, he just stared blankly at the person in front of him.

Memories of these days flew past his eyes, the hand holding him on the cliff, the figure standing beside his mother in front of the stove, the figure standing under the high wall embracing her... everything Huicheng is the woman in front of her.

What finally rang in his ears was the quarrel between him and Gui Li in front of the bed when he just picked her up.

About the missing princess.

"It's been rumored that Princess He is gone, it's our former Qin who betrayed the marriage contract!"

"How can it be said that my former Qin Xian betrayed the marriage contract with such a detrimental matter?!"

"By the way, where did Her Royal Highness go?"

The conversation between him and Gui Li at that time is still vivid in his memory, and Gui Chen's mood is extremely complicated.

Who would have thought that he and his sister were actually discussing the marriage contract of His Highness the Princess in front of the deity.

But more importantly.


The princess of the former Qin Dynasty.

When he knew her identity, what suddenly appeared in his heart was another identity of hers.

She is not only a princess, but more importantly, she is a princess.

"I don't know what dissatisfaction our Princess Highness has to marry Chunhua Jun, one of the six sons of the Warring States Period."

Gui Li's words at that time rang in his ears, Gui Chen looked at the apologetic girl in front of him, and bit his lips tightly.

"Ming..." He opened his mouth slightly, but could no longer speak.

Because the person in front of her, the former Qin Princess Ying Baoyue, was going to marry the son of the Southern Chu State Master, the well-known Chunhua Jun.

"Sorry," Ying Baoyue looked at the silent boy in front of him and apologized again, "I really couldn't tell my identity at that time."

He understood that this was indeed not an identity that could be casually revealed, Gui Chen felt bitter, but the next moment he was suddenly taken aback.

So why is she choosing to speak out now?

Thinking of what his mother said to Gui Li, seeing the mess around him, his heart suddenly became turbulent. She wanted to...

"I really admire Da Sima's loyalty to send the eldest son to the death camp," Ying Baoyue stood up and looked at Guichang at this moment and said, "But it shouldn't be needed now, right?"

"Sure enough, this is the plan." Hearing this, Zhao Guang on the tree sighed, "Do you want to protect this pair of brothers and sisters as princesses?"

"It's possible in a normal country." Li Ji said.

"It's just facing Guichang." Zhao Guang looked at Ying Baoyue sympathetically, "It's still too naive."



Hearing Ying Baoyue's words, Guili was shocked, and hope was ignited in his eyes.

Her Royal Highness has spoken, sure...

However, the next moment, his father narrowed his eyes and spoke expressionlessly.

"His Royal Highness, sending your son to join the army is a matter of military affairs and even more a matter of the previous court. It is better for you not to ask about it."

"What..." Gui Li was dumbfounded, speechless for a moment.

Zhao Guang on the tree gave her a sympathetic look, "Little girls think status is important, but power is the most important thing in court."

Looking at the girl standing alone in the courtyard, he looked regretful.

This princess does have unimaginable courage, but as a consort princess who is about to marry off, she actually has little weight in the hearts of favored ministers like Guichang.

But after all, no princess can realize the identity of her vase...

"Sure enough, my status is not enough to make Da Sima change his mind?" However, the woman's next words interrupted Zhao Guang's thoughts in an instant.

she knows?
Zhao Guang opened his eyes wide, not many princesses would be conscious of this.Shouldn't it be the pride of a princess to rely on the golden branches and jade leaves that everyone should bow to her?

this girl...

Looking at the girl standing quietly in front of him, Gui Chang's eyes darkened slightly.

He never took it seriously, so he didn't have enough information about this woman, and he only met a few times in the palace, but he never thought that the younger sister of His Majesty who thought highly of herself would talk like this.

"Your Highness, this is a family matter of a humble official," Guichang said stiffly, "A son's obedience to his father's order is the greatest filial piety in the world."

Looking at the girl who was still unmoved, Guichang gritted his teeth and said, "To put it bluntly, if the father wants the son to die, the son has to die..."

"It's the king who wants to die and the minister to die." Unexpectedly, the girl beside him raised her head and looked at him.

Guichang was stunned, never expecting that the vase princess could say such a thing.

Ying Baoyue reached out and touched Gui Chen's cheek, "And his master..."

Her crystal-clear eyes looked directly at the man who was Da Sima without the slightest retreat.

"His lord."

Her voice is soft, but it contains irresistible power.

"It's me, not you."

(End of this chapter)

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