Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 687 Appearance

Chapter 687 Appearance
Ying Baoyue has not yet reacted, but Li Ji and Ji Jiashu looked at each other for a moment, then reached out and gently took off the clothes on her body, and the next moment Ji Jiashu reached out and grabbed the coat on her shoulders and walked forward. In between, she changed into a draped dress.

"Uh..." Seeing Ji Jiashu's outer shirt on and the two people looking at each other silently, Ying Baoyue really wanted to ask what the two men were doing.

To be honest...she thinks it's okay for her not to wear another piece of this dress...

Ancient people always wore layer upon layer, even if the outside was badly torn, she still had several pieces underneath...

Why did these two people do the same as the handover ceremony?
Noticing her gaze, Ji Jiashu looked at her and explained, "You have to go to the city later, my coat won't have so many gossips."

After all, they at least have a marriage contract, but if she enters the city wearing another man's clothes...

It is not easy to explain the past on the bright side.

into town.

After Ying Baoyue was startled, she looked at the rising sun in the sky after the waning moon had set.

"You're right," she said softly, "it's dawn."

Hearing these words, Zhao Guang, Li Ji, and Ji Jiashu were all taken aback at the same time, looking at the dawn in the sky.

This night, where so many things happened, is over.

But at the same time, it means that the day when more things will happen has begun.

Today is the last day of the Seventh Beginning Ceremony of the Warring States Period.

The fierce battle of more than half a month will end today.

"Could it be that..." At this moment, Zhao Guang realized what was waiting for the exhausted girl who had broken through the limit last night, and was speechless in a complicated mood.

But he saw that there was no haze in the girl's eyes. Ying Baoyue smiled and stretched out her hand to Ji Jiashu, "It's getting late, can I trouble you to take me back to the National Teacher's Mansion? There are still many things to prepare."

Ji Jiashu's expression became serious, he clenched his fists, and stopped looking at the two Soochow people around him, otherwise he was afraid that he would not be able to hold back his anger.

He reached out to support Ying Baoyue, "Can I go?"

"Well," Ying Baoyue nodded, "Yes."

Can be a ghost.Ji Jiashu took a deep breath, "I'll carry you."

"This..." Ying Baoyue looked behind him.

"Don't look for it, there is no one else," Ji Jiashu looked at Ying Baoyue, "If you still want to participate in the morning battle, only my legs are fast enough."

With her trembling walking speed... Let alone the National Teacher's Mansion, she can't reach Zihua Mountain even if she walks all morning.

He did know that this person was looking for her guard again, but Gui Chen and the others should have been stopped by Ji Qingyuan at the National Teacher's Mansion, otherwise they would have died before they ran out in their realm.

"Okay, I'll trouble you then," Ying Baoyue knew the reason and stopped rejecting Ji Jiashu's kindness.

"Your Highness!" Looking at Ying Baoyue who was being lifted up by Ji Jiashu and was about to leave, Zhao Guang glanced at Li Ji who also had a complicated expression, and finally couldn't help asking.

"Are you... still going to participate in the primary ceremony today?"

The other contestants were all at home last night to recharge their batteries, but this girl has almost exhausted all her strength...

Looking at the girl's back, Zhao Guang was about to cry again. With her current physical condition, she still had to participate in the final and fiercest battle of the primary ceremony...

"Well, of course." Ying Baoyue looked back at him and Li Ji, smiled and said, "I chose the road myself, so you don't have to pay too much attention to it."

"Welcome to come and see," she smiled and looked at Zhao Guangdao, but the next moment her eyes fell on Li Ji's face, her expression suddenly became serious.

"But Mr. Li, don't come here, go find a cave and hide."

"Cave? This is... what's wrong?" Zhao Guang was stunned.

"It's nothing," Li Ji said lightly.

"Nothing?" Ying Baoyue looked at Li Ji and took a deep breath, "Your true energy is in disorder, and you can't use it for ten days, you have to hide, you are the easiest to be wiped out by other heavenly practitioners at this time! "

That's right, obliterate.

Ordinary practitioners need other heavenly guardians to break through the heavenly ranks. The reason is that after ascending to the heavenly ranks, the practitioners cannot absorb the power beyond the human boundary for a while.

This is the best opportunity for other heavenly cultivators to obliterate their future opponents.

With Li Ji's current situation, it is obvious that no other celestial cultivator can protect him, and sooner or later he will alarm the practice world, if he does not hide well, he is simply a ready-made target.

"So hurry up and hide, or go back to Soochow." Ying Baoyue looked at Li Ji and said seriously, "Hide your breath, don't touch your true essence."

Seeing that she didn't speak, Li Ji paused for a moment and said, "I will try my best."

Zhao Guang really didn't expect that one day he would be able to see the picture of a practitioner who is not on the ground level teaching the sky level...

Watching the back of the woman leaving, Zhao Guang looked at Li Ji who was leaning quietly on the tree trunk, "Second brother, your body..."

"Zhao Guang, go and call Heitan, call your fastest pigeon." However, before Zhao Guang could open his mouth to care about his body, Li Ji spoke suddenly.

"Heitan..." Zhao Guang was taken aback when he heard the words, "Second brother, what are you doing?"

"After I saved your elder brother's life three years ago, he promised me a wish." Li Ji said quietly, "Now, I want him to fulfill this promise."

Zhao Guang was shocked. For Li Ji, that wish could be said to be the guarantee of gaining a foothold in Soochow and saving his life. Now he actually wants to use it up?

"Second you really want to..." He said in a daze.

"I need to make up for my mistakes, I hope I can catch up," Li Ji took a deep breath, and suddenly took out a piece of clothing from his arms.

Seeing the pattern on that dress, Zhao Guang's pupils shrank.

"Second brother, do you want to..."

"It's not just me." Li Ji smiled suddenly, looking at him quietly with dark eyes, "You were outside before, so you didn't stop her."

"I, I'm..." Baldy Zhao broke into a cold sweat and wanted to say that he couldn't stop her at all, but he actually hoped that she could save him selfishly, so he didn't try to stop her...

"Sorry, I don't have enough status, you have to participate." Li Ji looked into Zhao Guang's eyes, "Letter to Soochow."

Li Ji's eyes quietly stared in the direction of Zihua Mountain.

"Hurry up, we must catch up!"



Behind Zihua Mountain, the first ray of dawn has not yet arrived.

The tall rock walls block all the light.

Ji Er knelt in front of the rock wall for a whole night. The Tianmu Mountain in the distance shook last night, and he was also worried all night.

But just before dawn, the shock and storm stopped suddenly, and when the storm stopped, he seemed to see the red wing feathers in the hands of a man in the rock wall light up in a trance.

But in the end, it also subsided, as if nothing happened.

Watching the distant sky gradually light up, Ji Er slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

It seemed that nothing happened in the end, and the night was finally over.

Today is the last day of the primary ceremony, and everything will finally end safely.

safe end...

However, at this moment, there was a loud noise in his ear, Ji Er's whole body was shaken, he raised his head and looked in front of him, his eyes widened in astonishment.

The stone door in the cave opened with a bang.

In the darkness before dawn, the rock wall at the back of Zihua Mountain, which had been closed for more than half a year, suddenly opened.

Among the rolling rocks.

A man in black came out.

 What should come is still coming.

  The man finally came out.

(End of this chapter)

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