Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 701 Top 4

Chapter 701
"What secret?" Ying Xun was taken aback.

"The secret of your name," Ying Baoyue smiled, "I heard people in the palace tell you about the origin of your name, do you know?"

"I've never heard of it," Ying Xun was taken aback, "Didn't my grandfather come up with my name?"

It is reasonable to say that the names of the grandchildren were given by their grandfathers, such as the name Ying Baoyue... He was still a little angry when he heard it, as if someone had stolen something from a precious person.

"My elder brother and I's names are indeed, but yours is not." Ying Baoyue said.

Although Emperor Ying had indeed chosen one for his second grandson, Ying Su refused.At that time, Emperor Ying saw that his eldest son lost his wife and got a son, so he didn't insist anymore and agreed to let him make the decision.

In fact, just by looking at the style of painting, you can tell that such domineering names as Ying Xun and Ying Hanri are not in the same style...

"No wonder my name and your brother's name are different," Ying Xun was stunned and said with a wry smile, "it didn't come from my grandfather."

"Is that from my father?" he asked.

Ying Baoyue hesitated and nodded, "It was your father's decision."

"Then what does my name mean?" Ying Xun fixed her eyes on Ying Baoyue.

"The beauties of the East are the ones who have doctors but have no husbands." Ying Baoyue said softly, "A gentleman is like jade, and a gentleman is like a jade. Take righteousness as the five virtues of jade."

Xun is a kind of beautiful jade, and jade has five virtues.

"Meiyu..." Ying Xun was startled when he heard the words, "The five virtues are..."

"Benevolence, righteousness, wisdom, courage, and cleanliness." Ying Baoyue stared into the eyes of the young man in front of him and said.

This is actually not like the naming method of the emperor's family. The name of the emperor's family is like Ying Hanri. Hanri refers to the time when the sun is about to come out.Generally, the names of the royal family are broad and domineering, and the names like Xun are more like the names that will appear in the homes of civil servants who pay attention to reputation.

So when Ying Su asked her, she didn't expect that her suggestion would be adopted.

"Benevolence, righteousness, wisdom, courage, and cleanliness," Ying Xun murmured, looking down into her eyes, as if looking at the only person who could bring him safety in the most vague memory of his childhood, "Are you sure... "

"I'm sure." Ying Baoyue said with a smile.


The name Ying Xun was given by her.

Then Ying Su recognized the name and bestowed on him his first eldest son, who was also born through hardships, with full hopes.

This hope is not for this child to become an emperor and gain supreme power, but for him as a person.

The name can best tell the parents' hope for their children.

At that time, Ying Xun was still the eldest son of the emperor, and his son was the most likely to inherit the throne after him, but Ying Su didn't choose any name that would change the world, his only hope was.

"Benevolence, righteousness, wisdom, courage, and cleanliness," Ying Baoyue stretched out his hand, caressing the young man's face above his head, "I miss your father, but I just hope you can become such a person."

Not a tool to inherit the throne, but a complete human being.

"Benevolence, righteousness, wisdom, courage, and cleanliness?" Ying Xun looked at her fixedly, and laughed the next moment, "It's something that person would wish for."

Although he was regarded as a substitute by many people, he also knew that all this was because of his father, who was indeed very good.

These five words seemed to describe the best eldest son of the emperor back then.

Ying Xun didn't ask Ying Baoyue where she heard the reason, but just looked into her eyes, "So let me be what my father wants to be."

"You..." Ying Baoyue was taken aback, "You want to..."

"I lost, this time," Ying Xun looked at her and smiled, "You are the one who should be the top four."

"But I didn't..." Ying Baoyue was taken aback for a moment, then struggled to get up the next moment, "Wait, how did you know before I hit this..."

"Don't move," Ying Xun stretched out his hand to hold her shoulder, seeing that this person was still struggling, he said coldly, "Has anyone ever told you that your eyes look like a person's?"

Ying Baoyue was taken aback for a moment, trying not to stiffen her body, so as not to be noticed by this person.

"Quiet?" Ying Xun pushed her back and looked into her eyes from top to bottom, "So someone said that?"

Ying Baoyue's expression was calm, but his heart was turbulent.

Is this person mature?Shouldn't it?Forget about Chen Yan, why can a child who was only seven or eight years old before her death still remember her eyes?
But what kind of special skill is it to recognize people only by eyes?Most people shouldn't be able to do it, right?Otherwise, why would those masked killers hide their faces?

"Not too much," Ying Baoyue shook his head, "No one in the palace mentioned it."

"Because not so many people in the palace have seen her," Ying Xun said indifferently, "To be honest, I don't remember too much."

He was too young when she died, and was still in the grief of losing his father. The successive blows made him seriously ill, and he didn't even have the chance to apologize to her, so he could only regret it for the rest of his life.

"Who is she?" Ying Baoyue stared into Ying Xun's eyes and asked.

However, she didn't expect Ying Xun to change the subject suddenly.

"The injury on your body was done last night?" He asked quietly.

Ying Baoyue was taken aback, "That's..."

"There was a dragon sucking water last night. I'm afraid there will be an accident when a water mage breaks through." Ying Xun looked into her eyes. "Only a water mage can save a water mage. Did you rush in?"

Ying Baoyue's pupils shrank and she was speechless. Even Ji Jiashu didn't dare to guess such outrageous things. Why would he guess in this direction?
"Do you want to ask why I dare to guess such an outrageous thing?" Ying Xun smiled and looked at her.

"I have seen a person," the boy's voice became distant, "a person who can do everything for others."

"I have never seen anyone who is more reckless and more forgiving than her," Ying Xun said quietly, "so I am willing to admit that she is my mother."

Ying Baoyue was taken aback.

Who knows who this is talking about.

"You...don't you hate her?" She thought for a while, and finally asked this question.

"I hate it," Ying Xun said with a smile, "I hate why she protected so many people, but failed to protect herself."

It wasn't until she left that he realized how much she had done for him.

After she disappeared, many of his favorite servants and guards were missing from his side. Only then did he realize that those people were the ones she had sent to protect him.

But he never knew.

She never actually left him.

Until she leaves this world completely.

"But people outside say..." Ying Baoyue hesitated to speak.

"They say that woman killed my parents?" Ying Xun said bluntly.

Ying Baoyue nodded. To be honest, she had no doubt that Ying Xun was instilled with such views when he grew up.

"People around me often say that to me," Ying Xun said flatly.When his father was still there, some people said that the girl had ulterior motives, and that she failed to save his mother back then because she fell in love with the position of the future empress.

The viciousness of the human heart is beyond anyone's imagination.

After that his father died after being engaged to her, and the vilification of the teenage girl reached a peak across the country.

Everyone said that it was because of her that Daqin lost the most promising heir.

That young girl bore all the slander alone.

If she hadn't already broken through to rank two, countless people would have wanted to put her to death.

His closest ministers at the time even encouraged him to kill her.

Can you imagine?Ying Xun's eyes were cold.

So many people actually asked a seven or eight-year-old child to kill her.

At that time, he still remembered the faces of the people around him. Those old people approached him mysteriously and whispered in his ear, "Little Highness, go and attack, that woman will never guard against you! Only you can avenge your father!" "

(End of this chapter)

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