Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 704

Chapter 704
The primary ceremony, the final four.

The people and practitioners in the audience stared blankly at the girl on the stage, and the loudest voice broke out in the next moment.

"Did I hear you right? The former step-son actually surrendered?"

"After procrastinating for so long, you actually admit defeat without fighting? Was it just a joke?"

"What's going on? In the end, there was only one woman left in the former Qin Dynasty?"

"Is the former Qin stepson afraid? He actually surrendered to a princess? Do you really expect a princess to be the leader?"

No one expected that this battle would end like this, and the noise of the people was loud and vigorous.Looking at the pair of cousins ​​surnamed Ying who walked down the battle stage side by side, the faces of the former Qin family were even more ugly.

"Wait, this is the first woman to enter the semi-finals since the birth of the elementary ceremony, right?"

Everyone was taken aback when they heard this sentence.

The No.1 that pioneered the world.

That girl is not only the No.1 who entered the semi-finals today, but also the No.1 who made history.

It is difficult for people to restrain the shaking in their hearts when they hear this sentence, but at this moment, amidst the voice of doubt, another sentence sounds, which makes people divert their attention instantly.

"One of the top four is out, who will be the remaining three?"

Who will be the remaining three?

Someone murmured, and everyone in the audience shivered when they heard the sound, and looked at the remaining six practitioners under the battle stage.

The top four of the preliminary ceremony have a special status in the practice world, and the top four of the previous session have now become very famous practitioners.Whether everyone wants to admit it or not, at this time the first seat of the top four has been occupied by that girl.But who are the remaining three seats?

"What should be asked is who will be in the remaining seat," Jiang Yuanyuan said, standing on the examiner's platform with his hands behind his back, taking a deep breath.

Ji Jiashu glanced at him and knew what he was talking about.

Because judging from yesterday's battle strength, two seats in the top four have already been reserved.

Ji Jiashu quietly looked at the six people in the audience.

Inside were the two Northern Wei teenagers who showed the sharpest eyes yesterday.

As long as these two people don't meet in this round of lottery, then it is almost a certainty that these two people will enter the semi-finals with their strength.

Ji Jiashu looked at Jiang Yuanyuan, he understood why Jiang Yuanyuan guessed like this, and everything was as they expected.

The examiner's hand reached into the draw box, and the eight-man battle continued, while the examiner's voice rang out one after another with four bells not long after.

"Second place in the top four, Northern Wei Dynasty, Meng Shisheng!"

"The third place in the top four, Northern Wei Dynasty, Mo Huasheng!"

In the next lottery, Meng Shi and Mo Hua did not draw each other, but encountered opponents from other countries.

Then, as everyone expected, they each won.

"It really is these two people," Jiang Yuanyuan sighed, "This is also the luck of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and both of them entered the semi-finals."

"Are you lucky?" Ji Jiashu watched Mo Hua's back as he walked down the platform, and suddenly murmured.

"Huh? Isn't that good? Maybe it will be the two of them in the final," Jiang Yuanyuan wondered, with worry in his eyes.

From yesterday's battle, it can be seen that the strength of Meng Shi and Mo Hua is indeed very different from that of the general six ranks.This made him unavoidably worried about the next four-in-two battle. After all, no matter which of these two people met, he couldn't see that the former Qin girl had any chance of winning.

Meng Shi and Mo Hua, both of them have enough strength to participate in the final.

"Okay, the next thing is to see who the last fourth person is. That's the one that's still a little suspenseful." Jiang Yuanyuan looked at the audience, and the next moment he frowned unexpectedly, "Huh? Murong Heng is still there." ?”

"That's right, he is the only one left in Beihan Pavilion," Ji Jiashu said, "I didn't expect him to stay until this time."

According to his seniority, Murong Heng of the Northern Wei Dynasty was the younger brother of He Lancheng, the chief disciple of Beihan Pavilion.

"In this way, someone in Beihan Pavilion can enter the semi-finals every year. Whether this record will be broken this year depends on him." Jiang Yuanyuan said with interest, "But in the past, it was only the big disciples who entered, who would have thought that this year It could be him."

"This year's elementary ceremony is really special," Jiang Yuanyuan sighed, and glanced at the place where the disciples of Beihan Pavilion gathered under the stage.He Lancheng also came, but he was sitting in a wheelchair. It seemed that he was seriously injured yesterday.

"It's really special," Ji Jiashu murmured, looking at Murong Heng who walked up to the stage with the remaining contestants because it was the last round and there was no need to draw lots. "I hope there will be no accidents..."

"He Lancheng is too miserable...Huh? What did you say? An accident happened?" Jiang Yuanyuan was lamenting He Lancheng's misery, but he suddenly heard the worried words of the people around him.

He followed Ji Jiashu's gaze, "What kind of accident will there be? Although he is the only seedling of Beihan Pavilion, Murong Heng shouldn't be able to win, right?"

In Jiang Yuanyuan's view, there was nothing unexpected about this scene.

To be honest, He Lancheng was miserable, but the ranking of the disciples of Beihan Pavilion is also extremely strict.Whether Dugu Xin, who was defeated by Ying Baoyue yesterday, or Murong Heng, who was left behind today, these are all characters cultivated by Beihan Pavilion for the next generation.

The eldest disciple of this generation is He Lancheng, and the strongest is He Lancheng, there is no doubt about it.

According to the tradition of Beihan Pavilion, Dugu Xin and Murong Heng's participation in this primary ceremony should not be for gaining a ranking, but just for them to exercise.Just like He Lancheng who followed Tuoba last time.

However, He Lancheng is not considered an orthodox successor, but someone Tuoba Xun is optimistic about. He was only ranked seventh in the last session.But later on, He Lancheng made rapid progress, and the sixth-rank queen of breaking the realm directly squeezed out the original successor, and this year's situation came into being.

I heard that after that, Beihan Pavilion also began to select a few more heirs, let them compete with each other, and did not put all their eggs in one basket, so Murong Heng and Dugu Xin came out this year.

Both of these two people are optimistic about the people in the cabinet. Although they are young, they have already broken through to rank six, but...

"Murong Heng and Dugu Xin have both broken through to the sixth level, and it should not be a few days. Yesterday, the level was not stable." Jiang Yuanyuan frowned and looked at the opponent standing opposite Murong Heng on the stage.

Although Murong Heng Duguxin did not have the blessing of the successor halo of Beihan Pavilion on them, this person is also a well-known strong man in Jixia Academy.

No one is a vegetarian to be able to reach the top eight. This person is called Wang Su, and he is an orthodox Southern Chu fire magician. He has been in the sixth level of breaking the realm for three years, and his strength is very stable.The reason why the reputation is not obvious is that there are too many celebrities in the fire courtyard.

"The last battle of the eight-player battle, let's begin!"

The bell on the battle platform rang, and the two stood with their swords drawn.

Although Wang Su was from Southern Chu, he was tall and tall, while Murong Heng was from Northern Wei, he looked refined but looked like a scholar.

"These two people are really amazing," Jiang Yuanyuan smiled as he watched this scene, "I really don't know who is from the Northern Wei Dynasty and who is from the Southern Chu just by looking at their figures."

"Northern Wei people are not necessarily tall," Ji Jiashu said, looking at Murong Heng on the stage.But that being said, looking at that Northern Wei boy, he felt a little uncomfortable for some reason, "But this Murong Heng..."

"Wait, Murong Heng's figure...why does it look like a person?" Because he was just a candidate for a senior disciple, although he knew that there was such a person, Jiang Yuanyuan, he had never looked at it carefully.Now looking at the young man on the stage, he suddenly felt that this person looked familiar from his back instead of his face.

As he was talking, Jiang Yuanyuan looked at Ji Jiashu beside him, and remembered the rumors about Murong Heng, and suddenly his expression became strange.

Although both Murong Heng and Dugu Xin were candidates for the Great Disciple of the Beihan Pavilion, and there was no difference in strength between them, within the Beihan Pavilion, Murong Heng's voice was higher than Dugu Xin's.

And all this is because... Murong Heng and the Saintess of Beihan Pavilion are very close.

He Lancheng is the eldest disciple of this class, but Xu Bingqing, the saint of the Northern Wei Dynasty, likes to take Murong Heng with her wherever she goes, and she also likes to look for him when she has something to do.

No one knew why before, but now that he was looking at Murong Heng's figure and someone was beside him, Jiang Yuanyuan was suddenly enlightened.He looked at Ji Jiashu with a strange expression, "I know who he looks like now."

"Who?" Ji Jiashu reluctantly asked with an expression on his face.

Jiang Yuanyuan looked at the battle stage without saying a word, "Like you."

(End of this chapter)

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