Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 716 Evil Dao

Chapter 716 Evil Dao
The wind from the north blew past the plaque of the National Teacher's Mansion, and Ji Mo stopped when he was about to cross the threshold.

"Master?" Ji Er asked doubtfully from behind.

"It's nothing, I always feel that the wind in the north is getting colder." Ji Mo paused and said calmly as he stepped across the threshold, "When I reach my level, I'm always suspicious, but in the end I will find that nothing can be changed."

"Your words..." Ji Er felt that since seven years ago, he has become increasingly unable to understand the words of the boy he watched and grew up with.

Because he returned home suddenly without warning, the National Teacher's Mansion was quiet, and no one came to greet him except for the concierge who was startled.

Ji Mo coldly stopped the concierge from going to inform his wife, stepped through the threshold alone, and calmly stared at the mansion that belonged to him after half a year's absence.

It was said that it was his mansion, but the time he actually lived in this mansion in the past seven years probably did not exceed three months.

"The primary ceremony has been going on for a while, sir, would you like to go and have a look first?" Ji Er asked tentatively, "It should be almost the last round now.

"What's so interesting about the mere elementary ceremony," Ji Mo said indifferently, "This year, the kid from the Northern Wei Dynasty will probably win."

In the eyes of heaven-level practitioners, the level of the elementary ceremony is indeed not enough.

Seeing that the people in front of him didn't take the elementary pawn seriously at all, Ji Er heaved a sigh of relief.

There were indeed many surprises in this year's preliminary ceremony. He was originally worried that Ji Mo's sudden exit was a factor of the preliminary ceremony, but now it seems that he is overthinking it.

After all, when Ji Jiashu participated in the last session, Ji Mo never showed up.He didn't even watch the final battle between his own son and Tuoba Xun, how could the Imperial Master of Southern Chu be interested in the battles of other juniors.

In the session three years ago, because the Southern Chu State Master never showed up, it also aroused dissatisfaction among practitioners from other countries who thought he would at least come to see his son.A large reason why so many famous practitioners came to the last elementary ceremony was because it was said that Ji Mo, the master of the Southern Chu State, would appear in this elementary ceremony because of his son.

After the death of Da Si Ming seven years ago, this man became the strongest son of God in the mainland, and his reputation reached its peak.There were a lot of people who wanted to visit him, but no one expected that Ji Mo, the teacher of the Southern Chu Kingdom, would close the door to thank the guests, and then he became obsessed with retreat and rarely showed up.

This inevitably caused dissatisfaction. After all, as long as one is obsessed with cultivation, who would not want to meet the strongest person on this continent?

The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment, so when Ji Mo still did not attend the primary ceremony three years ago, the dissatisfaction of the practitioners who came from afar and wanted to see him reached its peak.

Faced with many questions from various countries and even doubts about Ji Jiashu's strength, in the end, the noise was so loud that the King of Nanchu was alarmed.However, when faced with the inquiry from King Nanchu at the Great Court Meeting, this man just said indifferently.

"Anyway, the only one who gets the leader is my son. I have nothing to do."

There was an uproar in the hall.

Because Ji Jiashu had just turned 13 years old back then, and although he was well-known before, there were many practitioners who were older than him and not inferior to his level of fame, and no one thought that the young boy had such a good chance of winning.

But in the end the truth taught everyone a lesson.

Ji Jiashu won the championship at the youngest age in history, and established the status of Nanchu Chunhuajun in one fell swoop. Since then, no one has dared to question his strength.

No one dared to question Nan Chu Guoshi's prophecy anymore.

This man is so determined.Since the primary ceremony was held in Southern Chu, Ji Mo's judgment on the leader candidate was almost never missed.

Although many accidents happened this year, the prediction of the Southern Chu State Teacher must be correct.

However, at this moment, a carrier pigeon flew into the mansion, and Ji Mo looked up, "Is that Gu Er's pigeon?"

Gu Er is one of the leaders of the Ji family's intelligence network.Gu Ji's family is a family loyal to Ji's family for generations, and the two families are also family friends.Seeing Ji Mo looking over, Ji Er stretched out his hand winkingly, and the pigeon that also knew him flew to his shoulder.

Ji Er took off the letterhead under the pigeon's feet and unfolded it, but froze on the spot.

"Is this the battle report for the primary ceremony?" Ji Mo asked casually.

"Um... yes..." Ji Er stammered.

"What's the matter, with your expression," Ji Mo asked lightly, "What else can a group of people do? Where did they go?"

"Now it should be the last match of the semi-finals, but..." Ji Er swallowed his saliva, "Master, the stepson of the Northern Wei Dynasty has already lost."

Ji Mo's eyes paused slightly, but Ji Er didn't dare to vent his anger.

Before entering the decisive battle, the stepson of the Northern Wei Dynasty had already lost, which meant that Ji Mo's previous prediction was wrong.

"Oh? Meng Shi actually lost?" The next moment he looked at the man in front of him and narrowed his eyes as if he had finally gained interest, "Who defeated him? Which family?"

"It's a man who came from the Northern Wei Dynasty together with Meng Shi. His name is Mo Hua. But as for his background..." Ji Er said with difficulty, "The people below have been investigating, but they haven't found out..."

"Didn't find out?" Ji Mo's eyes turned cold, "What a bunch of trash."

"The intelligence network only found out that when the young man first appeared in the Northern Wei Dynasty, he called himself Mo Fenghua. Later, people called him Mo Hua. After that, the information was cut off..." Ji Zhan said tremblingly, but he saw Ji Mo Hearing this, the anger in his eyes suddenly disappeared.

"Fenghua?" He repeated, and suddenly sneered, "It's a misleading one. Just like his old man, he can't lie."

"Let the investigators withdraw." The next moment he said calmly, "That group of trash can't be tracked down, so don't waste your efforts."

"It's... the order," Ji Er responded and looked at Ji Mo who was sneering in front of him. It seemed that Ji Mo knew who this person was, Ji Er asked, "Then how should we deal with this person?"

"Jia Shu probably didn't stop him, either," Ji Mo said indifferently, "It's just an elementary ceremony, he can play it if he wants, anyway, he doesn't have the face to be the leader."

Won't you be the leader?Ji Er was taken aback when he heard this.

"Who will play against whom in the remaining semi-final?" Ji Mo asked leisurely, "The leader should be one of those two."

This question finally came up, Ji Er lay down in cold sweat on his back, and finally decided to put the girl's information at the end.

"One of them is a disciple of Beihan Pavilion, named Murong Heng"

"Murong Heng? Isn't it He Lancheng?" Ji Mo's eyes flickered.

"Murong..." The man sneered, "Is this year's elementary level so bad? That Murong Heng's level should not be enough to enter the semi-finals, right?"

Ji Er didn't even dare to say that there was a seventh ranker in the semi-finals, he opened his eyes and looked at the information in his hand, "According to the people at the scene, when the Second Young Master saw Murong Heng, he said that he should be convinced." Boundary Pill."

"Breakthrough Pill?" Ji Er suddenly felt the air in front of him turn cold, and the man in front of him narrowed his eyes, his eyes turned cold, "Beihan Pavilion took out that crooked thing so early?"

"Evil ways?" Ji Er was taken aback when he heard the words, and watched Ji Mo raise his head and look coldly in the direction of Zihua Mountain.

At this time, on Zihua Mountain, the people below the battle stage were also exclaiming as they watched the girl covered by the black sword fire.

Murong Heng's second sword slashed at her shoulder, the swords intersected, Ying Baoyue flew out again, and hit the big formation with his back.

Everyone couldn't bear to watch her get up, but the next moment they saw the scene in front of them, they were all stunned.

The clothes on the girl's body had been ignited by the sword fire, but she raised her head in the flames, her eyes were full of anger instead of fear.

Ji Jiashu's eyes froze, it was the first time he saw Ying Baoyue look so angry.

Amidst the blazing anger, people only heard the girl look at Murong Heng and ask angrily.

"You swallowed other people's souls!?"

(End of this chapter)

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