Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 719 Fragments

Chapter 719 Fragments
"Teng Snake, where are your wings?"

The questioning at the edge of Yunmengze lingered in his ears, the tattoo of the little snake on his collarbone was excruciatingly painful, and Ying Baoyue stared at the ugly sword mark on the high platform.

The black sword in Murong Heng's hand was very ordinary in appearance, without the sharp sword energy and the cold air washed by flesh and blood that famous swords would have, so it had not attracted people's attention in the previous battles.

But it is such a sword that can withstand such a strange black sword fire, and can leave sword marks that go deep into the center of the earth on a stone surface as hard as green blood. The sharpness and hardness of this sword are extraordinary.

Not only is it unusual, it is a sharpness that surpasses the worldly things!

Ying Baoyue finally understood why the practitioners who fought against Murong Heng before had nothing to do with it, but all the sabers in their hands were shattered after stepping down.

Looking at the blackness that was darker than the night, Ying Baoyue opened her eyes wide, and finally saw the halo lingering in the blackness that was swallowed by the faint sword fire and was about to dim.

The aura she had seen on Soaring Snake.

Not the scales that belonged to it, but the halo of the wing feathers that were the source of power.

Looking at the halo, Ying Baoyue's eyes hurt, and childish words rang in his ears.

"Teng Snake, your wings are so beautiful."

"Of course, with it, I can fly."

She still remembers the light and pride in the eyes of the woman in black when she touched her head and said those words to her.

"This is my pride, what's the difference between a flightless snake and an ordinary snake." The man touched her head with his palm, and his voice was proud but full of concern.

"You are too young to bear it now. When you are 20 years old and as strong as your master, I will take you to the sky and show you how beautiful this continent is."

"Okay, it's a deal." The little girl smiled and threw herself on the body of the woman in black, looking up at the bright and dark obsidian-like wing feathers under the sun, her eyes full of longing and nostalgia.

Ying Baoyue quietly watched this scene behind the long river of memory.

In the end, she did not live past the age of 20, and the powerful and beautiful patron saint in her memory lost her wings.

Ying Baoyue quietly stared at the black sword in Murong Heng's hand through the blood in his eyes.

Such a beautiful wing feather has lost its light.

Yet she could still recognize them.

His sword is not a worldly thing at all, it is not made of iron and fire at all.

Even though it is soaked in mud, the brilliance of the gods can be vaguely seen.

This is a divine thing.

"What? Looking at you like this, you seem to know what it is," Murong Heng looked at the black sword in his hand, "You don't even know which god's wings it is, do you?"

Ying Baoyue didn't speak, but just stared at him, and Murong Heng frowned when he looked at her, "Are you too wicked?"

How can a princess in a deep palace know everything?

"It's you who are evil," Ying Baoyue looked at Murong Heng's barrier that surrounded him, and he used a voice that only she could hear.

No other practitioner heard.

"Do you know what you are doing?" Her voice was so angry that it became cold and calm, "You are blaspheming!"

Even the Son of God, without the consent of the Eight Beast Gods, would not use the wings and feathers of the gods as weapons.

There has never been such a weapon on the Shanhai Continent before.

The sword in Murong Heng's hand did not know how to pollute the Soaring Snake's wings and feathers to cover up its aura and light, so that others could not see it.

The practitioner's power comes from the Eight Beast Gods, but in order to gain power, the practitioners actually hurt the Eight Beast Gods.

What a crime this is, it is beyond words.

"Blasphemy," but upon hearing her words, Murong Heng's reaction was unexpectedly calm, "So what?"

"People can't live anymore, who cares about sin?" He sneered, "Those gods have never given me shelter."

"When people kill and live, where are the gods? Hahaha!" Murong Heng looked at Ying Baoyue and suddenly laughed, "And what about those people who are protected by the gods? Are they still dead without a place to die? !"

Ying Baoyue opened her eyes wide, looking at the young man in front of her as if she had suddenly fallen into madness.

"This world is really unfair. Some people are born with everything." Murong Heng laughed loudly while holding the black sword. "Status, family background, appearance, and natural realm."

"We all have a natural state, so why do we need others to practice? Anyway, we can't catch up after working hard for a lifetime."

"And some people are born with nothing." Murong Heng stared firmly into Ying Baoyue's eyes, "Some people are born deprived of everything, and are not even considered as a person."

He is a prop, he is a hostage, he is a piece of grass on the side of the road, he is the dust that Zhu Jiuzu wiped off the list.

"But so what?" Murong Heng grinned and patted his chest, "The person who is born with the highest realm on the mainland, is not going to end like that!"

The person born with the highest realm on the mainland...

Ying Baoyue was startled suddenly when she heard the words.

Does this person mean...

"I'm happy today, and I'll tell you a little secret," Murong Heng suddenly covered his mouth and looked at her mysteriously, "Do you know what Breaking Realm Pill is?"

"I didn't know before, but now I know," Ying Baoyue said coldly, looking at Murong Heng's non-his true energy rising from his body, which is close to the fifth rank, "You just took the Breaking Realm Pill, right?" .”

"Yes, not entirely true," Murong Heng shook one of his fingers, "It's not in vain that I have been coaxing behind Xu Bingqing for so long, the Breaking Realm Pill I took is extraordinary."

"Extraordinary?" Ying Baoyue narrowed her eyes and squeezed the sword in her hand.

"That silly girl Xu Bingqing probably doesn't know why that Breakthrough Pill is so precious," Murong Heng smiled happily as if he was drunk, "I didn't know before I ate it, it was just such a small piece , have such great power.”

"Pieces?" Ying Baoyue's expression became colder, "What pieces?"

"A fragment of a woman," Murong Heng looked at her evilly, "Less than one-thousandth of a fragment, let me have the power to crush you."

"Hey, it's a pity that I was born ten years late, otherwise I would really be curious about how strong that woman was in her prime," Murong Heng sighed.

"It's just a little bit of memory, it's so strong, this power is too enticing!"

Ying Baoyue's whole body was on fire, "She is..."

"What? You still don't understand this point?" Murong Heng looked at her and decided to swing his sword one last time, "Speaking of which, your names are still the same. It's just that you are only worthy of being wiped out under her power. "

"Oh, no," the young man smiled, "It's my power now. Fortunately, I'm a fire mage, so I can make good use of this power."

"As for you, a water mage, you can't take this shortcut even if you want to." Murong Heng poured all his true energy into the black sword, "Okay, this is the last sword of this battle. Let's end this farce."

"The tenth sword of the fire method," he said softly, "fireworks in the world."

(End of this chapter)

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