Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 725

Chapter 725
Gods and ghosts in this world are not ugly, what is really ugly is the human heart.

The more critical the moment, the less human nature can stand the test.

Murong Heng laughed loudly, his figure disappeared among the broken rocks, leaving only broken mountain peaks and screaming crowds.

The road leading to the bottom of the mountain has been blocked. In the drive of the rolling downhill rocks, ordinary people fled in all directions but could not find the way down the mountain. They pushed and stamped everywhere, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

At this time, the big man on the examiner's platform finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

Mr. Mengyang, who seemed to be asleep all the time, opened his eyes and looked at the shaking mountain with a solemn expression.

"Listen, all practitioners!"

The voice of the old man was like a bell, resounding everywhere in Zihua Mountain.

"The forbidden army protects His Highness the Second Highness! The practitioners of the fourth rank will follow me to maintain the mountain! The practitioners of the fifth and sixth ranks will help the people!"

"Other practitioners protect themselves!"

The panicked practitioners in the crowd shuddered and started to move the next moment.The chaos on Zihua Mountain eased for a moment.

It's just that although Mr. Mengyang gave instructions in the face of danger, not everyone will obey them in such a life-and-death situation.Especially those practitioners whose nationality is not from Southern Chu, there are very few who are willing to obey.

"I don't even know if I can escape for my life! Who will take care of these untouchables?"

"However, a fairy official from Southern Chu really thinks he can command the six kingdoms?"

"Master is a practitioner with a bright future, my life is worth more than ordinary people!"

This is human nature.

Many young practitioners with lower ranks chose to run for their lives by themselves. When the people saw these people, they would reach out for help at first, but when they were ignored or even kicked away, their expressions became more and more desperate.

Fortunately, at this moment, Mr. Mengyang and the great immortal officials on the examiner's platform began to exert their strength together, and the vigorous essence penetrated into the cracks on the ground, and the collapse of the mountains slowed down for a moment, giving most people time to escape .

But what Li Mengyang and others can maintain is the stability of the mountain, and they cannot stop the rolling rocks.

For ordinary people, their running speed cannot keep up with the falling speed of the rocks. Once they fall, if they fail to get up in time, they will be swallowed by the rocks behind them.

Well-meaning practitioners passing by on their way to escape will give them a hand, but most of them are indifferent.

"Ah! My child! My son, help me!"

There was a woman whose child was swept away by the crowd. She screamed and reached out to the noble man not far away for help, but she only got a contemptuous look from the other party.

She stumbled and rushed forward, but was knocked to the ground by others. The woman closed her eyes in despair as she watched the legs and feet stepping on her around, and at this moment, a woman's voice came from her ear.

"Be careful."

A slender hand seemed to have enough strength to lift her up. The woman opened her shocked eyes and stared blankly at the face of the young girl who was close at hand.

"You are……"

She recognized her, this is the woman who was ridiculed by her husband for not standing there on the battle stage before, and when the landslides and ground cracked, her husband didn't know whether he ran away or was dispersed by the crowd, and he had long since disappeared. , but this girl...

"Wait, where is your child? I'll bring it here," Ying Baoyue asked, looking at the panic-stricken woman beside her. At this moment, a figure flashed in front of their eyes, and a cultivator descended from the sky with a small figure in his arms Stop in front of them.

"Her child is here, hold it up, auntie, go down the mountain quickly." The little practitioner stuffed the crying child into the woman's hand, and the woman ran forward desperately before she had time to thank her.

The two watched the woman leave, and Ying Baoyue glanced at the short practitioner in front of him, "Meng Shi."

The girl dressed as a teenager looked up at her, "Hurry up, the practitioners of the Northern Wei Dynasty will also participate in the rescue, but the people in the Beihan Pavilion have already run away."

Ying Baoyue raised her head, and not far away, she saw that Mo Hua was also helping the people, not only helping people from the Northern Wei Dynasty, but also helping people regardless of country.

"It's okay, as long as there are practitioners staying," Ying Baoyue looked towards the chaotic mountain. Chen Zichu, Zhao Guang, Xu Yishan and others had also joined the rescue team, and they basically rescued people as soon as they saw them.

"Yes, but there are not enough people, and it's almost too late." Meng Shi looked at the rolling rocks not far away with a dignified expression, "Have you ever seen an avalanche?"

Ying Baoyue was taken aback for a moment, but only heard the girl in front of her say, "This is just my hunch, but the collapse like an avalanche is about to begin."

What begins as a few rocks falls will soon turn into a wave of rocks, and if everything is really an avalanche, the avalanche will have a crest.

There is the front end of the collapsed stone flow, and it is also the most dangerous place.

"Where is the peak of this collapsed tide?" Meng Shi stretched out his finger, seeing the figure of the young man who appeared there, Ying Baoyue's pupils shrank.

It was also the place where the crowd was densest, and it had become a mess, and the source of the chaos was that boy.

"Mr. Chunhua, save us!"

"I'm from Nanchu, save us first!"

Countless hands scrambled to reach out to the boy they were sure would respond to them, like countless ghosts surrounding the boy.

"Mr. Chunhua is in trouble now," Meng Shi looked at the other people who still needed help and rushed to save them, while speaking very fast, "It's too late there, I'm afraid I have to abandon some people."

Let some people go.

It is equivalent to making a choice in life.

No one in this world can be a pure white boy forever.

One day, the reality of this world will be stained with soot belonging to the world.

Tier [-] can save only a limited number of people, and Ji Jiashu is indeed rushing to the most critical place, but he can't save everyone.Meng Shi turned around to save the people she could save, feeling a little regretful and sad.

Although she is a bit famous, she does not have any prestige in the hearts of the people of a country. She will not be condemned for saving people from other countries.

But that teenager was different.

"Mr. Chunhua, you have to save the people of Southern Chu first!"

"Mr. Chunhua, I am the son of a family, our father is a family friend, you have to save me first!"

"Chunhua, as a native of Southern Chu, you actually went to save a native of Northern Wei. Do you want to be a traitor?"

Countless voices and persecutions came to that young man, but Meng Shi felt sad for that young man despite his lack of time.

That clean person can't go on like this after all.

At this time, the boy might have no choice but to compromise.

"Chunhua, save the people of Southern Chu first!" And at this moment, Mr. Mengyang's coercive voice came from a distance, adding another straw that could overwhelm a camel to the young man.

"Mr. Chunhua, save us!"

"Chunhua, save the Southern Chu people first!"

Among the crowded crowd, Ji Jiashu felt that he was torn in two. No matter what he did, his hands would be soaked in blood today, the blood of those he failed to save because of selfishness.

"Chunhua..." On the other side, Chen Zichu, who was entangled in the crowd and couldn't get past, raised his head, his eyes were a little sad, and Xu Yishan, who was not far away, struggled to look over and shook his head slightly.

"He probably couldn't help it."

Even if someone can go to help him, but the stone tide is approaching, and saving one or two more people will not solve Ji Jiashu's current moral dilemma.

That boy can only relapse today.

He can no longer maintain his gentleman's heart of treating everyone equally, so he can only save the people of Southern Chu first.

It may not be a big deal to other practitioners, but Chen Zichu and the others know that after doing this, they will lose the former Ji Jiashu.


What can I do?

No one can protect their innocence all the time. They are the sons of a family who live in countless responsibilities and filth. There are always relatives and relatives in the world. No one can keep their hands dirty.

No one can be a teenager forever.


Ji Jiashu looked at the crowd rushing towards him, and felt that his limbs were as heavy as molten iron.

However, at this moment, looking at the scene in the distance, Chen Zichu suddenly shrank his pupils, "Yishan, look!"

Xu Yishan turned around in the crowd, watching the scene with his eyes wide open.

"Ji Jiashu!"

The loud, pleading and threatening voice in the darkness made Ji Jiashu want to cover his ears helplessly, but at this moment, he heard that voice.

Ji Jiashu suddenly turned around, looked behind him, and stared blankly at that figure.

The figure of the girl who drew her sword into the ground and stood in front of the mountains, rocks and flood peaks.

This was the first time she called his name, and every word seemed to hit his heart.

"Ji Jiashu! Run!"

She plunged her sword into the ground, raising her head and screaming so loudly for the first time.

"Go save the person you want to save! Leave it to me later!"

 Really, if you meet such a sister, Ji Jiashu, you should marry
(End of this chapter)

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