Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 727

Chapter 727
Ji Jiashu couldn't tell what it was like to understand what he wanted, but he became more and more nervous as he watched the girl approach.

He has seen friends around him often say that he likes some girl, but he has never had one in his 15 years of life.

Even the people around him didn't notice his strangeness.

And he is also doomed not to have the opportunity and time to talk about love normally like his friends.

"Mr. Chunhua, the immortal officials who maintain the mountain and His Highness the Second Highness are still on the mountain. The imperial army is preparing to escort the Second Highness down the mountain. You can go up to meet him again!"

A fifth-level practitioner who came down with him spoke, and Ji Jiashu looked up and immediately understood what he meant.He was planning to go up the mountain again, but before the person finished speaking, he had already set off.

Ying Baoyue was the last one to leave the mountain path, saying that it was at the bottom of the mountain that she only reached the lower part of the mountainside at this time.

After realizing her own intentions, Ji Jiashu couldn't bear to wait any longer.

He was about to go up Zihua Mountain again to meet Jiang Yuanyuan and the others as people around him said, and more importantly, when he was going to meet her, the people at the foot of the mountain suddenly let out an exclamation.

"The mountain is cracked!"

Ji Jiashu's pupils shrank, wondering if it was because Mr. Mengyang and other great immortal officials had reached the limit of maintaining the mountain, and behind the girl who was about to go down the mountain, a huge crack suddenly opened on the mountain!

This crack appeared behind her, and she should be able to avoid it with the girl's speed, but what broke Ji Jiashu's heart was that when the girl rushed down the mountain halfway, she seemed to have found something and stopped. , the next moment she turned around and turned back!

"Embrace the moon!"

Nobody knows what she's up to, what's worth her turning around.

The crack went deep into the bottom of the valley, and there was an abyss underneath, which seemed to collapse and be buried at any moment.Once it falls, it will definitely die without a place to bury it. It shakes and trembles so frighteningly that even practitioners of the fifth rank dare not approach it.

And under such circumstances, that girl returned to the edge of the crack without hesitation!
What is she going to do?
Ji Jiashu took a deep breath and rushed towards the mountainside. The next moment he saw the girl's actions, he was taken aback.

He watched her swaying on the crack that might collapse at any time, bent down and stretched out his hand with all his strength, and grabbed someone.

When that person was about to fall into the abyss, she grabbed him.

No one expected that she would do this at a critical moment, including the person who was pulled.

Just when the huge mountain crack opened under his feet, Murong Heng knew that his retribution had come.

In other words, it was the end that he had already arranged.

After doing these things in public, he is doomed to go back alive.

Those people would not allow him to be interrogated alive, even if it was impossible for him to be forced to reveal any information.

Feeling the ground under his feet split open, and his body fell into the abyss, Murong Heng didn't show any surprise on his face, only a trace of relief.

He was an abandoned child, he knew it a long time ago.

Or from his birth, he was an abandoned child.

He is not a person who exists in this world, but a ghost who should not exist in this world, but still wanders in this world.

Ghosts should go back to hell.

The only regret is probably that he didn't have the chance to see his sister again.

If his sister is really dead, someone as good as she is must not be in hell.

But for all the bad things he's done, he's bound to go to hell.

Sister, his sister.

Murong Heng fell into the abyss on his back, originally he didn't struggle at all, but when he thought of this, he suddenly stretched out his hand upwards.

Of course no one would respond to him.

The only relative in the world who cherished his life had died more than ten years ago.

Because of her, he also ended up in this inhuman and ghostly state.

He thought he hated her, but at this last moment, he realized that he just wanted to see her.

He just wanted to see her.

Goodbye, his sister.

But it's too late now.

"elder sister."

Murong Heng closed his eyes and stretched out his hand to the face in his memory, he thought he would catch nothing, but he didn't expect it.

Between landslides and ground cracks.

Someone took his hand.

The tendency of his body to fall was restrained, Murong Heng opened his eyes suddenly, and when he saw the face of the person holding him, he was completely stiff and completely stunned.

Anyone could do it, but he didn't expect it to be her.

"You..." Murong Heng looked at the girl who was lying on the edge of the crack with her whole body lying on the edge of the crack, and there were rocks rolling down beside her and said, "Why you? Why did you come?"

If he really hated him, there was no need to fight so hard if he wanted to catch him. He was going to die anyway, so there was no need to take such a big risk.

"Is it for this sword?" Murong Heng seemed to understand and looked at his waist.However, at this moment, a rock fell and broke his sword belt, and the black sword fell into the abyss. He saw the girl's pupils shake, but she didn't let go of his hand.

"Let go!"

Murong Heng didn't know how to describe his current mood. Seeing the rocks under Ying Baoyue shaking more and more, he said sharply, "Isn't my end just in line with your wishes?"

"Even if you are going to be punished, you have to come up and accept the punishment of the law, instead of dying in such a vague way," Ying Baoyue's shoulder pain was unbearable, but she still didn't let go, fixedly looking into the boy's eyes and said .

"Law..." Murong Heng looked up at her, not knowing whether to laugh at her for being serious or for being stupid.

However, there are still such people in this world.

He looked up at the girl's eyes, and stared blankly at the girl's eyes above his head.Except for his son, he really has never seen cleaner eyes than this.

And thinking of the young man who was still standing alone in the mire, Murong Heng felt guilty in his eyes.

"You don't know, for someone like me, this kind of ending is just right." He said softly.

He must die here.

"It's just that it's a pity, son, Ah Heng can't help you anymore." He lowered his head and muttered.

"Master?" Ying Baoyue repeated in a daze after hearing the words.

who is it?

Who is his son?

The two black-armored generals who hunted her down in the forest back then seemed to have a son.

Who is that son?
However, before she could answer, the person under her stretched out her other hand to break her finger that was holding him.

"What are you doing?" Ying Baoyue asked in amazement, only to see the young man, whose whole body was hanging above the abyss, raised his head and smiled at her.

"I am born a sinful person, I don't want to come up, this is the most suitable destination for a ghost."

Murong Heng smiled and stretched out his hand to break Ying Baoyue's fingers, but the next moment he felt that the girl suddenly tightened her hand.

"There is no one born sinful in this world." She said softly.

Hearing this sentence, Murong Heng was taken aback suddenly.

The girl didn't let go, she just stared into his eyes very seriously, and spoke without the slightest hesitation.

"You are not a ghost, you are a human being!"

You are not a ghost, you are a human being.

These words rang quietly in his ears and hit his heart.

Murong Heng raised his head to look at those eyes and engraved them in his heart forever.

She was the first person in the world to treat him as a human being.

Unfortunately, he met her too late.

It's too late.

Murong Heng looked up at her with a smile, opened her last finger, and let go of her hand.

The boy fell into the abyss.

"Murong Heng!"

 Murong Heng's sister died more than ten years ago, so at least it can be sure that it is not Baoyue.

(End of this chapter)

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