Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 733

Chapter 733
"She is the former eldest princess of Qin, Ying Baoyue."

Ji Jiashu finished this sentence with a smile, but he didn't know which sentence he said was wrong. After he finished speaking, he saw a change in his father's breath.

The next moment, looking at the girl beside him, the man spoke quietly.

"Ying hugs the moon."

Ji Jiashu didn't expect that the man repeated the name after hearing this sentence.

"Ying hugs the moon."

The next moment, Ji Mo repeated the name again, looking at the eyes of the man in front of him, Ji Jiashu's heart beat faster for some reason.

Did he... say something that shouldn't be said?What happened to the name Baoyue?
Ji Jiashu did know that Ying Baoyue's name was a bit special, and it even had the same name as an old friend of his father's.But there are too many people with the same name and surname in this world, and Ying Baoyue is younger than him, so it is impossible to have any feud with his father.

What's more, Nanchu Guoshi didn't care about world affairs these years, and even ignored the practitioners who came to seek revenge and challenge. He had no interest in it. He had seen his father have emotional fluctuations for a long time.

Even if those rumors are true... Ji Jiashu suddenly remembered some rumors about his father when he was young that he had heard when he was young.

Ying Baoyue is unlikely to have any feud with the Southern Chu State Master, but her grandfather and his father were once enemies.

Or according to the rumors... a pair of rivals in love.

Although the age difference between Emperor Taizu and Nan Chu Guoshi Ji Mo was nearly ten years, their enmity back then was quite deep.

It is said that the first person to challenge his father after ascending to the heavenly ranks was Emperor Taizu Emperor Yingdi.Although Emperor Taizu Emperor Yingdi became a Tian Rank earlier than Ji Mo, the old man's realm had only stayed at the third rank in his whole life, and he had not been able to rise one step further.

At that time, Ji Mo was considered young and promising, and everyone could see that he had the ability to rise further, just like his ex-fiancee who had set countless records.

Although the heaven ranks have the freedom to challenge the same rank, but at that time Emperor Ying had proclaimed himself the emperor alone, and anyone with far-sighted eyes could see that this prince who came out of Qin might become the master of the whole continent, which heaven rank Would you want to challenge him when you just got promoted?

Although Emperor Ying's self-cultivation ability is limited, he is an absolute genius in cultivation methods and techniques, and his status is even more noble. If the challenge fails, he can kill the challenger.

What's more, Ji Monan's status as the national teacher of Chu still needs the recognition of the future emperor.

Who would offend him at this juncture?
But Ji Mo, who was not yet 30 years old at the time, did just that, and what made Nan Chu's heart tremble even more was that Emperor Ying accepted the challenge.

As soon as the news of this challenge came out, the entire continent was shaken.

Those two really had a fight.

It is said that the scene was very horrific, and both of them were serious. If Lin Shubai, who was higher than the two men in the end, stopped the two men who lost their minds, the final result would be unimaginable.

Although Emperor Ying finally recognized Ji Monan's status as the National Master of Chu, everyone knew how bad the relationship between these two men was.

Thinking of these rumors, Ji Jiashu looked at his father who was much younger than his real age, with a complicated expression on his face.

He didn't believe these jokes at first.After all, it was hard for him to imagine that his father, who had been as cold and serious as ice since he could remember, would have such... a youthful youth.

But no matter what the past was, his father did seem to have no feelings for the world today.

From seven years ago.

Even though he had such enmity with Emperor Ying in the past, his father didn't seem to care about his descendants.After all, the relationship between the princess and his grandfather is far enough away, the marriage contract between him and Ying Baoyue was accepted by his father himself.

But why is there such a reaction at this time?
"Ying, Bao, Yue." Ji Mo quietly looked at the girl in front of him, and repeated again.I don't know if it's Ji Jiashu's illusion, but I always feel that his father's tone is a little strange when he reads the next two words.

"Hug the moon."

Jimo looked at the young girl who was around his youngest son, and repeated the name coldly again.

At this moment, Ji Jiashu saw the girl beside him who had kept her head down suddenly raised her head.

"National Master of Southern Chu," she said quietly, looking into the man's eyes for the first time.

"Please don't pronounce the name."

This is no longer his illusion.

Just when her eyes were looking at his father, Ji Jiashu clearly saw his father's pupils shrinking, and a strange aura suddenly emerged from his body!

The next moment, the man in black stretched out his hand towards the neck of the girl in front of him.

"Father..." Ji Jiashu was at a loss as to what to do and was about to speak, but only heard a scream from the foot of the mountain.


Ji Jiashu turned his head abruptly, looked at the figure at the bottom of the mountain who stood up suddenly, which was exactly like his father, and asked in astonishment, "Brother?"

"Brother?" Ji Ange, who was guarded behind him, looked at the trembling shoulders of the person in front of him, and his voice trembled, "What's wrong with you?"

She was trembling too, but it was normal for her to tremble because she was always afraid of her father.

But in contrast, her eldest brother was the only one who dared to stand up to their father.In her presence, her siblings would never show the slightest fear in the face of their father.

However, when the man in black appeared on the mountainside just now, she felt the momentary stiffness of her brother beside her, and the next moment he turned around abruptly and pulled her veil.

"An Ge, no matter what happens next, you must not speak or make a sound."

what happened?What will happen?
Ji Ange's heart was beating like a drum, watching the man on the hillside stop when he heard Ji Qingyuan's roar and looked down from above.

The man's voice came from a distant place coldly.

"I said, don't call me that outside."

"Master National Teacher."

Ji Qingyuan was startled, and then knelt down and said, "I just want to say that this elementary ceremony has not yet..."

Ji Qingyuan couldn't finish speaking for a while because his chest rose and fell and his breath was unstable.

"This elementary ceremony has not yet decided the winner."

At this moment Ji Jiashu heard the girl beside him speak softly.

Her voice was very soft, but it didn't shake at all.

He was startled when he heard the sound, and watched the girl beside him quietly look at the man in black who was exuding fear, without any fear on his face.

"No matter what the Master of the National Teacher has, today is the last day of the primary ceremony, and the last match has not yet been played, so let's decide the leader first."


At this time, the stiff crowd at the foot of the mountain came back to their senses. So many things happened at once, which made people overwhelmed. Only when they calmed down, did they realize that they had forgotten the most important thing of the day.

"The leader?" Ji Jiashu stared at his father for a moment, then looked at him coldly and asked, "Where is the fight now?"

"The last scene," Ji Jiashu took a deep breath, and looked towards the bottom of the cliff where no one could be seen.

"Northern Wei Murong Heng has disappeared, the semi-final just now was won by the former Qin Ying Baoyue."

Then there is only the last one left for the elementary ceremony.

In the end, he knew in advance that someone would throw in the towel.

(End of this chapter)

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