Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 736

Chapter 736
Watching Mo Hua climb the mountain again, other daring people who love to watch the excitement also began to climb up again.

Although I don't know whether the elementary ceremony will continue, but the actions of this Northern Wei boy undoubtedly brought the atmosphere in the field.

Looking at this scene, Ji Jiashu sighed slightly in his heart.

The direction of the wind is changing.

The first person to speak is very important, and it takes a lot of courage.

There is confidence.

Looking at the boy who was the first to walk in front of him through the crowd, and seeing the fearless gaze in the eyes of such a boy from the Northern Wei Dynasty, Ji Mo narrowed his eyes.

"You are……"

The man's gaze swept over Mo Hua's face, You Qi paused for a moment on the scar on his cheek, and then suddenly let out a sneer.

"I'm still wondering who can defeat the stepson of the Northern Wei Dynasty. It turned out to be you."

The man's voice was clear and mocking, as if he could see all the secrets of this young man.

Ji Jiashu felt chills when he heard the words, and looked at his old friend worriedly, only to see that Mo Hua's pupils shook violently when he heard the words.

The next moment, the Northern Wei boy looked at the middle-aged man in front of him who seemed to be able to see through everything, and lowered his head slightly.

"As expected, you can't hide anything from Mrs. Ji," Mo Hua looked up at Ji Mo and nodded, "It's me."

This sentence made Ji Jiashu's heart tense even though it had no beginning or end. Mo Hua had admitted his identity generously.

"You are actually here," Ji Mo showed a playful smile in his eyes, looking at the Northern Wei boy standing in front of Ying Baoyue, his expression turned cold.

"No wonder you dare to jump out at this time. Do you have the confidence?"

Ying Baoyue watched the father and son playing riddles, and the identity of this young man named Mo Hua seemed a bit special.However, even though he has a special status, the National Teacher of Southern Chu has always had no taboos.

Ji Mo looked Mo Hua up and down, and said in a cold tone, "What? Are you sure that I won't kill you in your capacity?"

"Juniors don't dare," Mo Hua bowed his head and cupped his hands. "Juniors just want to have a beginning and an end. Since you have participated, let's end it all."

Mo Hua looked down the mountain.

The foot of the mountain has become lively again. The people and nobles from the aristocratic families who have not escaped since Ji Mo's appearance gathered together.

"Whether it is the primary ceremony or the intermediate ceremony, there has never been a situation in which the final decisive battle has not been held so far," Mo Hua stared into the eyes of the man in front of him and said, "Does Nanchu want to set a precedent for this? ?”

Ji Mo's expression became colder, Ji Jiashu looked at his father's side face and knew what Mo Hua was talking about.

Nan Chu is not alone in the world of practice.

The higher-level middle-level ceremony is held in Soochow, and there are even more mysterious high-level ceremonies in Hou Liao.

The national power of Hou Liao was weak, and practitioners who wanted to participate in the high-level ceremony had to go through the Northern Wei Dynasty before going to Hou Liao.

It can be said that the three powerful countries of Southern Chu, Eastern Wu, and Northern Wei firmly control the three major events in the practice world, and their positions are stable, and no one can surpass the other.

In terms of national power, Southern Chu, Eastern Wu, and Northern Wei have always been three pillars. Although there are many frictions and temptations, so far no one, two, or three have been discussed.

Now that the primary ceremony is being held in Nanchu, the people of Nanchu have taken advantage of it, and it seems that there are so many people.However, Southern Chu only took up an elementary ceremony. Afterwards, when Southern Chu practitioners go abroad to other countries, they will have to rely on the breath of people from other countries.

Ji Mo himself is indeed very powerful, but living in the secular world, it is impossible to completely ignore the eyes of other countries.

Soochow and Northern Wei, who also controlled the grand ceremony, had been keeping an eye on Southern Chu. Because the initial stage ceremony had the most participants, other countries had always wanted to take away the right to host Southern Chu. They were always watching for something to go wrong.

Now this class has gone awry enough.

No matter who wins in the end, it is unreasonable not to hold the final round of the primary ceremony.

"A beginning and an end?" Ji Mo sneered, looking at the young man in front of him who remained calm under his pressure, "But today's battle stage has been destroyed, so the last match cannot be held."

"The battle platform has been destroyed, but this is not the only high platform on Zihua Mountain. There is a place." Mo Hua took a deep breath and pointed to the examiner's platform on the mountain where Jiang Yuanyuan and others were.

"It's very suitable there," Mo Hua said quietly.

Ji Mo, who was rarely refuted twice, narrowed his eyes, "There is His Royal Highness of the Nanchu royal family there, don't let other people wait to come on stage, as a national teacher, you must put the royal family first, wait..."

The national teacher has supreme power but is the king's side, but for the king of a country, how can he allow others to snore under the couch.

In order to prevent "accidents" such as usurping the throne, the Taizu Emperor Yingdi formulated a series of measures and prohibitions to ensure the loyalty of the national teacher, among which the national teacher should put the royal family's will first in everything.

Ji Mo's apparent inability to reject the marriage contract proposed by the King of Nanchu was probably due to this.

However, in the face of Southern Chu King Ying Baoyue, I believe he still has a little loyalty, but for Jiang Yuanyuan... Ying Baoyue looked at Jiang Yuanyuan, who seemed to be caught in the middle of the forbidden army like a sandwich, and was obviously not in the slightest personal danger, knowing that Ji Mo was just Use the Second Highness Nanchu as an excuse.

Jiang Yuanyuan is a brick, so it can be moved wherever it is needed.

"It's okay, it's okay!" However, this brick is not so cooperative now.

Hearing what Ji Mo said, His Highness the Second Highness Nan Chu, who was caught between the imperial guards, enthusiastically waved his hands, "Just use this place! The decisive battle of the primary ceremony is important! Just go down and have a look!"

Looking at the enthusiastic Jiang Yuanyuan, Ji Jiashu saw his father's expression froze with his own eyes, and there was a flash of astonishment in his eyes.

I am afraid that in his father's heart, Jiang Yuanyuan is still the second prince who is tactful and knows how to read people's eyes.

But now, they are not what they used to be.

Of course, that thoughtful boy from the Southern Chu royal family knew that it would be more beneficial for him to acquiesce to the words of the national teacher at this time, but Jiang Yuanyuan made a different choice from before.

Teenagers are not what they used to be.

Because of the existence of a young girl, they all changed.

Ji Jiashu looked around at Mo Hua beside him, Jiang Yuanyuan on the high platform in the distance, and Chen Zichu and Xu Yishan who were trying their best to encourage the people and families to go up the mountain on the mountain path.

The one who walked last was the one who was usually the least willing to contact his father, and only wanted to protect Ji Ange and hide in the Qing'an courtyard, his elder brother.

Seeing Xu Yishan, who is not good at words, stammering greetings to the people, watching the pair of ex-Qin brothers and sisters she brought jump up and down and shouting loudly, watching his eldest brother carefully protect the younger sister behind him but still walking up the mountain, Ji Jiashu's eyes were twitching. A momentary fever.

There were many, many people on the originally empty mountain trail.

Behind Chen Zichu and others, there are many people, including students from Jixia Academy, Du Siqi and his arrogant and wanton brother Jiuzhang who never puts anyone in his eyes, and those who were held by the girl at the elementary ceremony. Among the young practitioners from all over the world who had been defeated, as well as a group of noble girls who were not of high status but looked hopeful in the girl's eyes, Ji Jiashu recognized that the highest identity at the head was Mr. Mengyang's daughter, Miss Li Er.

This world will change.

Really came, a lot of people.

"The Second Highness has spoken, it seems that the final can be played!"

"How can you not fight? The young master has been defeated by this girl before, how can she be worthy of the young master if she doesn't win!"

"What's wrong with the female cultivator? I... Only with Her Royal Highness, the little girl feels that she was not born a practitioner in vain, and she has the confidence to go home!"

On the mountain road, people chattered all over the place, but this time, these gossips gave her strength.

Ji Jiashu closed his eyes, feeling the heat coming from the mountain.

Some of them had despised the girl before, but the people who climbed the mountain first at this time were the ones who believed in the girl.

Mo Hua turned his head, looked at the scene on the mountain road that he hadn't expected, looked at Meng Shi walking in front of the lady, the boy closed his eyes, and looked at Ji Mo.

He looked at the girl standing in front of Ji Mo.

This is a miracle created by this woman.

"My lord," Mo Hua stared at Ji Mo and said, "Please reopen the primary ceremony!"

Looking at the mighty crowd going up the mountain, the emotion in Ji Mo's eyes was as dark as a black whirlpool.

"Okay," the middle-aged man finally spoke the next moment, but there was an emotion in his eyes that other people couldn't understand.

His eyes fell on Mo Hua and Ying Baoyue and he spoke coldly.

"Then you guys start."

On Zihua Mountain, the bell rang.

This time Ji Jiashu stood under the stage, looking at the young girls on stage.

The final battle of the primary ceremony has begun.

 The paragraph about the people going up the mountain made me cry.

(End of this chapter)

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