Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 739 Knowing

Chapter 739 Knowing
The leader of the primary ceremony must be produced in an all-out battle.

"This..." The surrounding people looked at each other again when they heard this sentence.

"It makes sense to say that... I haven't seen the last scene before."

"Mr. Tuoba and Mr. Chunhua fought for a whole day last time. It was intense, but Mr. Mo Hua probably didn't try his best just now..."

"It's true that if you get the leader like this, it feels like a bit of water..."

Looking at the people around who were shaken by Ji Mo's words, Ji Qingyuan squeezed Ji Ange's hand tightly.

He knew his father was forcing her to make a choice.

"This..." Chen Zichu and Xu Yishan also looked at each other, aware of the sinister intentions of their national teachers.

If things go on like this, even if Ying Baoyue refuses to fight Ji Jiashu, she won the leader, it's only in name.In the hearts of the people, she will lose her prestige as a leader, and she will always be unworthy of virtue.

People will not remember her previous hardships, but only remember that her last battle was won by her opponent.

Ji Jiashu clenched his fists, nails dug into his palms.

With such a fluffy sentence, his father denied the girl's hard work for so many days.

"Wait!" Mo Hua on the stairs stopped at this moment, bit his lips and looked at Jim Mo and shouted, "Then I'll fight her again, don't bring anyone else up!"

When he and Ji Jiashu discussed it, he never thought that such a thing would happen.

In fact, if those words just now were said by other people, they would not have such a big impact.

The so-called heaven ranks, the so-called sons of gods, and the so-called strong men are such weights.

A word from them can often determine the fate of a practitioner.

This is also the reason why young practitioners will bow down and speak to these people.

After all, if Ji Mo said that a young practitioner's qualifications were not good enough and his moral character was bad, then no matter what the facts were, the practitioner's reputation in the cultivation world would be ruined.

A word of a great man is worth the words of a thousand little men.

Some people might question his morals, but no one would question the views of the Southern Chu State Teacher when it comes to matters of practice.

This is authority.

Looking at the frosty man in the distance, Mo Hua felt powerless in his heart.

These juniors are not capable of confronting such seniors.

As for Ji Mo, he obviously knew how to use these advantages in his words, and he guided the hearts of the people lightly.

If Ji Mo said that he let go, everyone would think that he had let go. If Ji Mo said that Ying Baoyue was an improper leader, everyone would think that she was not worthy of being the leader.

But the fact is clearly not the case!
Mo Hua felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't remember what was wrong.

The words make sense, that man also has a high-sounding appearance, but if the man in front of him is not the son of a god and the father of Ji Jiashu, Mo Hua really wants to scold him!
However, he couldn't swear, and only then did he realize how brave the girl behind him who was lower than him was.

There is really no one in this world who dares to talk to Master Nanchu like her.

He also dared to compromise.Mo Hua took a deep breath, looked at Ji Mo and finished the above sentence, but his proposal only got a man's sneer.

"Hit again?" Ji Mo narrowed his eyes as he looked at the boy from the Northern Wei Dynasty who hadn't completely stepped off the stage, "Have you changed your mind now? It's too late."

"Now who will believe that you don't release water anymore?" The man said lightly, "Could it be that you want to play the trick more comprehensively?"

Mo Hua's face flushed a little, "I..."

Before he could open his mouth, the man said coldly, "Besides, you can't do your best, can you?"

Mo Hua's pupils shrank, and Ji Jiashu behind Ji Mo was also shocked when he heard the words.

He should have thought a long time ago that these little tricks on them would not be able to hide from Shenzi's eyes.

Ji Mo turned around and looked at the younger son behind him with a sneer, "Jia Shu, are you right?"

That's right, Ji Jiashu knew it very well.

Because Mo Hua himself has limited his own ability, as long as he is still Mo Hua, this person really can't be counted as doing his best.


"Besides, if this kid really dares to release his restrictions," Ji Mo looked at his son quietly, "Then is there any big difference between his playing and your playing?"

There is no difference.

Ji Jiashu held both hands tightly.

The boundary gap is too great.

For that girl who was only at the seventh rank, it was a death.

"Mo Hua's reputation has been lost. No matter whether he wins or loses, no one will believe that girl has the strength to be the leader."

Jim Mo looked at Ji Jiashu and said lightly, "Unless that girl can defeat the most prestigious young practitioner here."

Who that person is is beyond words.

Their father's voice was light, but it sounded like a devil's coaxing to the young man's ears.

Ji Qingyuan stood under the tree, watched this scene from a distance, and closed his eyes in despair.

Their father, no matter in terms of his ability as a practitioner or his ability to manipulate people's hearts, was worthy of the position he sat on.


"Don't say so much." At this time, the girl's voice came again from the stage. Ying Baoyue clenched the sword in his hand, looked at Ji Mo who was not far away, and said lightly, "Didn't you let me choose?" What? Why did your son choose it again?"

Ji Mo's eyes sank, and he looked at the girl standing on the stage, "The former Qin royal family is really well-bred."

Didn't anyone tell her not to talk casually?
"The person who raised me was not from the former Qin Dynasty," Ying Baoyue said lightly, "Besides, I have never seen a father like you."

Ji Mo was forcing Ji Jiashu to choose.

Forced Ji Jiashu, who was originally innocent, into a dead end.

Under the righteous name created by Ji Mo, if Ji Jiashu chooses to fight her, then no matter what happens to her in the battle, Ji Jiashu will regret it very much.

That remorse, depending on the extent of her injury, was enough to destroy that young man's heart.

Because of all of these, he chose.

But she won't let him choose.

This is the sin and grievance of the predecessors, and has nothing to do with this young man.

"Ji Jiashu."

The voice of the girl Qingyue came.

Ji Jiashu raised his head in a daze when he heard the voice, looked at the girl standing by the stage and smiled at him, and stretched out a hand to him with the sword in his hand tightly.

"Come on, let's end this."

"End it all..." Ji Jiashu's whole body was stiff, as if he couldn't understand what she was saying.

"You don't choose, I will choose."

He watched her look into his eyes deeply, and his voice was cold enough to arouse all the anger of the people towards her.

But those eyes were so clear and beautiful that he couldn't speak.

"Remember, for the sake of the reputation of the leader, I want to challenge you beyond my control." Ying Baoyue said softly while watching the boy's face.


Ji Jiashu's heart skipped a beat when he saw Ying Baoyue.

What is she trying to do?
At the next moment, Ying Baoyue looked at Ji Mo who was standing beside Ji Jiashu and said calmly, "Master Ji's condition has been released, I can accept it, but I also have my own condition."

Ji Mo sneered, "How dare you raise conditions?"

"This is also in line with the conditions proposed by Master Ji," Ying Baoyue looked at him with a bright smile, and the next moment her eyes looked coldly at Ji Mo's skirt.

Everyone knew that there was a bright red wing feather inside.

"I can fight against Young Master Ling, but the condition put forward by Master Ji is unreasonable," Ying Baoyue said coldly, "We don't allow you to participate in the primary ceremony."

"Unreasonable?" Ji Mo sneered, "Women are not allowed to practice, so it is reasonable for you to stand here? Do you think you can get the recognition of other practitioners if you get the position of leader?"

"Of course I will be recognized by those who will recognize me," Ying Baoyue said lightly.

But it is true that if she does not fight today, the controversy over her leadership will not end.

Even if he suppressed it at this time, Ji Mo himself would not stop provoking her relationship with Ji Jiashu.

To be honest, if Ji Mo really wanted to kill her, no one here would be able to stop her, and she would have no way out.

She doesn't have the time and energy to deal with this man who is currently at a higher level than her. It is best to use his arrogance to solve all this before he fully understands the state of her life.

Her road, because it is the first road in this world, has always been rough.

But life can only go forward.

"I can fight the Second Young Master Ji," Ying Baoyue looked at Ji Mo and said quietly, "But the master of the country must promise that if I win, I will unconditionally recognize my position as the leader to the entire Shanhai Continent. "

Acknowledge her leadership to the entire continent.

Ji Jiashu was taken aback when she heard the words. If this happened, no one would question her status.

Even if there was any enmity between them, his father would not want to attack her again.

The greater the price, the more you get.

vice versa.

Ji Mo's eyes paused, and the next moment he looked at the low-level girl on the stage and sneered, "I can promise you first."

"No just now," Ying Baoyue looked at the wing feathers in his skirt and said quietly, "I want you to swear."

"In the name of God Suzaku."

 Theoretically speaking, Ji Mo was tricked.

(End of this chapter)

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