Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 749

Chapter 749
Amidst the thunder and lightning, the young man's focused and complicated profile was reflected.

Chen Zichu's exclamation came from the audience, and Ji Jiashu knew what he was exclaiming.

He had never used this move in a public battle, only Chen Zichu and his friends ran into it a few times to practice.

Although this sword technique is not suitable to be exposed, but he has practiced too much, and it is always inevitable that he will be caught.

A sword technique that has never been used before.

But no one knew that this was the sword technique he had practiced the most.

Ji Jiashu clenched Chunlei's hilt tightly and looked at the trembling tip of the sword in his hand.

This is the sword technique he has practiced the most, and it is also the only move in Chunlei Sword that does not belong to him completely, but is his father's favorite sword technique.

Because this is the swordsmanship that his father instilled in him since childhood.

The original name of this move was Qijue, not Qijue.

But Ji Jiashu really didn't want to call it Qijue, because the "jue" in it means lore.

Qijue is the sword of lore.

This sword technique was specially prepared by his father for killing a person.

A sword technique designed only to defeat one person.

However, his father never told him who that person was.

"Put the sword down three inches! From such a short distance, the man can easily change his attack!"

"The sword energy is too weak! This point of the sword can be lifted by the backhand!"

"The angle has to be this way. A ten-year-old child's sword can reach such a tricky position. Why can't you?!"

Those scolding voices from childhood rang in his ears, listening to those voices in his memory, Ji Jiashu held his breath, and looked at the girl with a serious swordsmanship staring at him opposite.

Since childhood, Ji Jiashu felt that his father was asking him to chase a figure.

Although he grew up with his father scolding him for not being talented enough and not being precise enough in swordsmanship, he grew up and entered Jixia Academy to compete with various people...he is not stupid , he can still gradually realize.

His level is actually not that bad.

It's just that the guy his father wanted him to go after, and the standards his father set were a little too high.

That person, maybe not the one his father told him to chase, but the one his father had been chasing all along.

For some reason, the hope of chasing was pinned on him.

Before today, Ji Jiashu had always doubted whether that person really existed.

Seven years ago, the Qin Empire disintegrated, and the entire cultivation world was turned upside down, and his father had already become the strongest in the world. There was no one in this world that his father wanted to pursue.

But his father never relaxed his training.

Even though he has become the strongest son of God, his father has never relaxed his practice.However, seven years have passed, and his father has not been able to take another step forward, failing to become the man-god he has long dreamed of.

But every time he comes back from retreat, his father will definitely check his sword technique.

"The speed of breaking through the realm is too slow! Why do I have a son with no talent like you!"

Even though he was 15 years old and had reached the fifth grade, his father seemed never to be satisfied.

Ji Jiashu clenched the hilt of his sword tightly.

Seven years or more have passed, but he has been chasing that hidden existence under the spur of his father.

Rather than the person who was chasing him, that person seemed to have become his father's demon.

It is a heart barrier that can never be overcome.

Who is he?
Or, who is she?

Ji Jiashu quietly stared at the girl who was about his age in front of him.

From the first sword confrontation with her, he had a strange feeling in his heart. He thought it was his illusion, but the second and third swords, the feeling became stronger and stronger.

"Stay farther away before stabbing! Use sword energy! You haven't used up your melee ability with sword moves, and your stomach has been cut open!"

"The sword has to go down to the lower left seven inches! Only hitting there will be effective! What? You can't do it? If you don't go so deep, she will dodge you!"

His father's roar in the past is like the scene of him fighting now.

Ji Jiashu quietly watched the girl opposite.

He has been chasing that figure since he was very young, at the behest of his father.

But at this moment, he suddenly had a feeling.

That is now, he is fighting against that figure.

So what the hell, isn't it?

A ball of lightning fell from the night sky, the young man waved his hand, and his men were thunderous.

The seventh and last sword of Chunlei swordsmanship is Qijue.

This is his Qijue.

This is the growth of a young man, the sweat of years of practice, and his answer to years of pursuit.

Exclamations from the crowd resounded from the audience, and everyone opened their mouths wide amidst the lightning, watching the figure of the girl on the stage surrounded by the lightning.

"What is she doing?!" Zhao Guang's exclamation sounded from the audience, and everyone watched helplessly as the girl advanced instead of retreating in such a terrifying electric light.

That's right, it is.

Ji Jiashu opened his eyes wide, looking at Ying Baoyue who approached him without hesitation.

"It's true that keeping her out of close proximity won't allow her to give full play to her advantage, but it's also hard to give that person a fatal blow." He still remembered his father's cold eyes when he said this.

Although the Qijue sword is mighty, but the peripheral sword pressure is low, allowing the girl who has been unable to approach to approach,

Now that the level is not enough, she will definitely choose to get close.

Ji Jiashu looked at the girl who was quietly walking towards him amidst the thunder.

The sword wind around them was so violent that they couldn't see their eyes clearly.

The rest is only the practitioner's instinct.

With a click, the first sound of swords colliding that night sounded on the high platform, and all the practitioners under the high platform were shocked, more shocked than hearing the thunder.

"The Eighth Sword of the Water Method, Years Like Water Fly."

"The fourth sword of the water method, the flower in the mirror and the moon in water."

The girl approached with the sword in her hand, and the countless sword moves of the water-moving sword lit up amidst the thunder.

Dark clouds piled up, earth-shattering thunder sounded from the sky and earth, and overwhelming rainstorms fell.

Water splashes, lightning and thunder.

All the practitioners in the audience stared wide-eyed, watching the confrontation between swords and swords on the stage.Everyone has no doubt at this time that this battle is between the most powerful thunder magician and water magician among the young people.

But within a few moments, the two of them had gone through a hundred moves, and countless practitioners who had despised that girl were speechless.

Even if Ji Jiashu sealed the ability, but that girl can go through a hundred tricks under his hands, which is already an absolutely remarkable achievement.

However, even though she had used so many water magic swords, Ji Jiashu's Spring Thunder Sword hadn't finished yet.

There are seven musts, and the tricks are endless.

In the shadow of swords and swords, Ji Jiashu finally saw the shadow of the girl, and the distance between them could not be any closer, so close that it seemed that when he lowered his head, his lips would touch her forehead.

The girl killed him with hundreds of swords.

The sword move has reached the last moment, and the next moment is the moment of decisive victory. They stared at each other, and everyone knew the meaning of the next sword.

Ji Jiashu knew that it was time for him to make a decision.

There is only one difference between his father's Qijue and his Qijue, which is the last sword.

When the situation was at its most critical, he had no choice but to choose. In the wind of the sword, Ji Jiashu suddenly pulled the sword towards his neck!

At a close distance, Ji Jiashu watched the pupils of the girl in front of him shrink.

"Qijue's last move is to hurt herself first and then others. The previous moves can't hurt her, but this move will definitely work." Ji Jiashu saw the cold look in her father's eyes when he said this sword.

"Seeing that you are about to kill yourself, that woman will definitely waver and block the sword first to save you, so your sword can swing around and stab her neck."

Ji Jiashu stared at the pupils of the girl in front of him, not knowing how to describe his mood.

This is no swordsmanship, it's just taking advantage of that girl's kindness.

But how could this move be successful? No high-level practitioner would sympathize with his opponent in a life-and-death battle.

(End of this chapter)

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