Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 751 Zhao Hua

Chapter 751 Zhao Hua
All of this happened extremely suddenly, just like the flame that Ji Mo just raised.

Too many things happened in an instant, which has exceeded the acceptance of the people.They haven't figured out why Chunhua Lord Ji Jiashu lost, who is the leader of this elementary ceremony, and the Master of the National Teacher has already made a move.

Although no sword was used, even high-level practitioners were intimidated by the power of the flame just now.That wasn't a warning flame, but a flame that really wanted that girl's life.

What's wrong with this?
No one knew how Ying Baoyue won, and why the Master of the State Council suddenly wanted to kill her with his own hands.

However, this is not over yet, since the second god son of the same level has already made a move, the two young girls on the stage are powerless to stop even if they join forces.The light of the firefly cannot compete with the sun and the moon, just like the girl's small stream of water cannot compete with the huge flame.

But no one expected that there would be a larger stream of water coming across the sky, enveloping that stream of water, and blocking the blow of the Southern Chu State Teacher.

People stare.

Even though Ji Mo didn't use a sword, his move was a heavenly attack.

It is impossible to block the attack of the Son of God without at least a third-order cultivation base!
"Water magician?" The practitioners looked at the man in Tsing Yi who was standing by the stage, his eyes widened in shock, "How is it possible..."

Level three is rare, but it is not without it. What shocked the practitioners present was the water flow from the practitioner's hand.

His water flow easily merged with Ying Baoyue's sword.

This can only prove that he is a water mage.

"How is it possible..." All the practitioners present couldn't believe their eyes, and murmured, "The heavenly level of the water method?"

No one in the room cared about anything else, and everyone's shocked eyes were on that man.

"In this world...there is still a sky level of water magic?"

"Who is he?"

No one knew who the Tsing Yi man who suddenly appeared was.

He came without a sound, as if he appeared out of nowhere, appearing like a ghost...if he wasn't panting heavily.

Suddenly appearing to block Nan Chu Guoshi's blow, coupled with the mask on his face, this man in Tsing Yi looks like a reclusive expert.

But this tall man... was out of breath.

After reaching out to block the blow, the man clung to the pillar beside the stage, as if he couldn't even stand still.Seeing this scene, the expressions of the people became more and more strange.

"Who is this person?"

"This mask...why never noticed it?"

"It's impossible for the heavenly ranks to enter without anyone noticing, right?"

No one could judge this person's identity from his body shape, the only clue was the name that Ji Mo roared out just now.

The huge water curtain and the flames offset each other, and there was an ear-piercing hissing sound, and a huge mist rose from the high platform again.

In the mist, it seemed that the roar that Ji Mo had just uttered was still echoing.

Seeing the anger in the eyes of Nan Chu Guoshi below the stage, everyone swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"Dongfang Ji... who is this person?"

"Dongfang... I remember it seems to be the surname of the Soochow Master! Could it be..."

"Wait, this man's clothes seem to be from Soochow's too... The fog has cleared, look at his clothes!"



Standing on the stage, Ying Baoyue clenched the sword in her hand and stared blankly at the man who would not appear in the audience.

She stood on the stage and looked at the man wearing a familiar mask. When she saw his whole body through the fog, she was slightly taken aback.


If it wasn't for that mask and those eyes, Ying Baoyue almost didn't recognize him.

Because, he changed his clothes.

The mask was the bronze mask she was familiar with, but the attire was no longer the commoner clothes she was familiar with.

The reason why she felt such a big change was that since the first time they met, Li Ji was dressed in coarse cloth with straw ropes tied around his hair.In a sense, this person has been wearing clothes more economically than the servants...

But at this moment, the man standing on the side of the high platform had already changed into a long blue dress with complicated embroidery and extremely formal style, which was not much worse than Zhao Guang's.

However, clothes are nothing but external possessions, nothing in themselves.

What shocked people was the pattern on the green clothes.

That is……

"Blue Dragon God!"

Some people in the periphery exclaimed.

"I saw it in Soochow. The pattern on that person's body is the Azure Dragon God! But the eight beast gods are not the only ones..."

There was a dead silence in the field, Ying Baoyue clenched the sword in her hand, and reached out to touch the Teng Snake earrings next to her ears.

On the Mountain Sea Continent, there are only two types of people who can use the eight beast gods' patterns.

One is the direct line of the royal family, and the other is...

She looked to Ji Jiashu who was also staring at the audience in a daze beside her.

Ji Jiashu clenched the Chunlei sword tightly, looking at the clothes on the man who used to go with him to put on the Nanchu official sack with him.

"Sacrifice clothes..." the young man murmured in a low voice.

This dress is quite familiar to Ji Jiashu, because he also has one.It's just that his one is red, and the pattern on Suzaku.

Ying Baoyue closed her eyes when she heard Ji Jiashu's whisper.

The other kind of person is the lineage of the national teacher.

What Li Ji was wearing was the sacrificial attire that could only be worn by the son of a national teacher.

"It really was you who broke through the heavenly ranks last night." Ji Mo looked at the man in Tsing Yi who was standing under the stage and his breath was unsteady, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, "Dongfang Ji, should I call you that or..."

"Don't call me that," the man in green who was supporting the pillar raised his head, and looked at the man in black not far away, "I said, I am Li Ji. I will always be Li Ji."

Li Ji.

Ying Baoyue on the stage tightened her hands.

Even though he changed his clothes, he said he was still him.

"Fine, call it whatever you want." Ji Mo's eyes swept over Li Ji coldly, "But what were you doing just now?"

"I don't think I have done anything," Li Ji said indifferently, "It's just that as a practitioner, I prevented the Son of God from killing innocent people indiscriminately."

"Killing innocent people indiscriminately?" Ji Mo smiled instead of anger, his eyes flicked over the blue dragon pattern on Li Ji's body, "No matter what I want to do, this is Southern Chu, and the people on the stage are from Southern Chu and former Qin, and you What does a Soochow man have to do with it?"

Li Ji's eyes lighted up.

"Do you think your realm is stable now? Can you meddle in other people's business?" Ji Mo sneered, "A person who dare not even show his true colors wants to meddle in other people's business?"

"You want to stop me?" Ji Mo stared coldly at the young man not far away who claimed that Li Ji didn't want to reveal his identity, "What identity do you want to use to stop me?"

Seeing Li Ji appearing under the high platform, Zhao Guang, who was about to cry out excitedly, suddenly turned cold when he heard the words.

Identity has always been something his second brother wanted to hide.That person's realm is special, once exposed, he will even be hunted down like Shao Siming back then.

Looking at the silent young man, Ji Mo's eyes became even more mocking.

The state affairs of Eastern Wu are more complicated than those of Southern Chu. He is very clear that this man who has no interest in the world has never disclosed his identity in front of everyone, let alone for a...

"I will stop you," but at this moment, Li Ji, who had finally breathed out, raised his head, looked at the strongest man in the world opposite, and said quietly.

"As Lord Zhaohua of the Eastern Wu Dynasty."

 He is Zhaohua.

(End of this chapter)

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