Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 753

Chapter 753
Looking at Ji Mo and Li Ji who were facing each other vaguely in front of them, Ying Baoyue suddenly heard what Ji Qingyuan had asked her.

"Sister, do you know anyone from Soochow?"

At that time, she was dumbfounded when faced with this question, but she only heard Ji Qingyuan mention a boy from Soochow who once challenged Ji Mo.

"After you and your mother died, a fourteen or fifteen-year-old boy from Soochow came to my father and challenged God Son Suzaku with a mere fifth-rank body. Shao Si ordered Lin Baoyue's whereabouts."

"My father didn't want to pay attention to him. As a result, the boy drew his sword at my father. My father was also in a bad mood at the time, so he fought back."

"The meridians all over his body were interrupted at that time, and it was the Eastern Wu Guoshi who rescued him while he was half dead."

What Ji Qingyuan said echoed in Ying Baoyue's ears. Standing on the high platform, she fixedly looked at the back of the man in Tsing Yi.

Seven years ago, when he challenged the Southern Chu State Teacher, a fourteen or fifteen-year-old boy had all his meridians broken.

Li Ji is 21 now, and he was 14 seven years ago, just the right age.

Could it be that he was the Soochow boy who challenged the Southern Chu State Teacher back then? press Ji Mo for the whereabouts of Shao Siming?

At that time, the master had already died, and it was not unreasonable to ask the whereabouts of Shao Siming to find the second emperor in the world, Donghuang Taiyi.

It's just... This way of asking doesn't seem like wanting to avenge her, but more like having a grudge against her.

If he really wanted to avenge her, then instead of pressing Ji Mo for her whereabouts, he would come to Ji Mo Xingshi to ask for her guilt.

After all, everyone in the world knows that Donghuang Taiyi and Shao Siming are at odds.If it was really her person, at that time, he would only doubt whether Ji Mo had meddled in the death of her and her master, and would choose to hide his investigation information and finally come out with one blow.

But that boy didn't do that, and he didn't come here to kill Ji Mo, which proves...

Ying Baoyue looked at the mask on Li Ji's face, her heart sank.

It proves that back then he really just wanted to know the whereabouts of Lin Baoyue ordered by Shao Si.

"Do you know who the person you are guarding is?"

Thinking of Ji Mo's sarcasm just now, Ying Baoyue looked at the man's cold eyes that knew everything, and Ji Mo also looked at her, his eyes narrowed slightly like a deep pool.

Ying Baoyue froze and clenched her fists.

Sure enough, Jimo knew something that she didn't.

But she knew very well that Ji Mo would never tell her.

He would not be so kind to her.But at the same time, even though he spoke sarcasm, it was impossible for Ji Mo to tell Li Ji her real identity that he had guessed.

Unless he can confirm that Li Ji and her will turn against each other, that man will not do anything unnecessary and will just watch the fun.

Ji Mo is such a person, Ying Baoyue sighed in his heart.He was actually not that interested in people other than her and her master.

Of course, the only interest in her is hatred.

Seven years ago, the reason why Li Ji fought so fiercely with Ji Mo was probably because it was exactly seven years ago.

Seven years ago, when her master Lin Shubai passed away.

It is said that her master died in the Great Wall of Eternal Night, and the Great Wall of Eternal Night is thousands of miles away from Nanchu.

Ying Baoyue didn't know what kind of mood Ji Mo was in when he received the news, but thinking of Ji Qingyuan's euphemistic "Father is in a bad mood", Ying Baoyue closed his eyes.

Li Ji, who was still a teenager at the time, probably met Ji Mo who had just received the news of her master's death and was on the verge of collapse and about to explode.

In the words of the world in her previous life, she hit the muzzle of a gun.

But even so, no matter what the reason was, no matter what happened to Ji Mo, it would be too heavy a price for a young practitioner to have his meridians cut off.

For practitioners, breaking the meridians all over the body is more painful than breaking all the bones in the whole body.

Normal people cannot survive.

Even if he could save his life, he would no longer have the courage to stand in front of the person who broke his veins.

But at this time Li Ji did so.

Even if he had to hold on to the pillar to keep from panting, the man in that sacrificial attire stood up straight at this moment.

Ying Baoyue took a deep breath, looked at Ji Mo, who had already looked away, and stared at Li Ji coldly again, and closed her eyes.

The sentence "For your father's sake, I won't kill you today" was serious to Ji Mo.

As long as she didn't stand in front of her, she had no doubt that Ji Mo would really not attack Li Ji.

He's not that interested.

Looking at Li Ji standing under the stage, Ying Baoyue suddenly said softly, "Li Ji, get out of the way."

The back of the man supporting the pillar trembled slightly, and then slowly turned his head to look at her.

Ying Baoyue looked at him quietly, and said calmly, "Mr. Li, just like the Nanchu Guoshi said, today's matter has nothing to do with you, you shouldn't have come."

According to common sense, he would not have appeared...

Ying Baoyue looked at Li Ji's hand with bulging veins supporting the pillar, recalling Zhao Guang's surprised and unexpected expression on Li Ji just now, and sighed in his heart.

Obviously, the Yelixiang she gave can paralyze a practitioner who has just broken through for three days...

And it's only been a day now.

How on earth did this person still run over?

Ying Baoyue couldn't figure it out, but what surprised her even more was that when she heard her words, Li Ji not only didn't move, but turned his head away abruptly.

The man turned his back to her and said angrily, "Don't talk to me for now!"

The man seemed... angry.

Ying Baoyue was stunned, and Zhao Guang, who was standing under the tree on the other side, supported his forehead after hearing the words.

It's more than just angry... He really hasn't seen his second brother so angry for many years.

I almost yelled like a child, "I don't want you to worry about it!"

The man in Tsing Yi just stood there stiffly, like a piece of blue stone.Li Ji clenched the nameless iron sword he had picked up from unknown sources, and looked at Ji Mo who mobilized his true energy, his eyes dimmed.

Ying Baoyue looked at his back, at the small straw rope tied around his head that she pulled out last night, and suddenly remembered the impression they had when they first met.

He never seemed to hesitate.

He said he, too, wanted revenge at all costs.

"I didn't expect that after seven years, you are still so overconfident," Ji Mo said calmly facing Li Ji who was not giving an inch, and the next moment he suddenly stretched out his hand in mid-air.

Not far away, there was a sudden exclamation among the family members, and a burst of golden light was blinding. The long sword that was originally worn by Ye Siyuan's waist suddenly rose into the air and flew straight into Ji Mo's hand.

"Goujian Sword, King of Yue!"

People exclaimed, Ying Baoyue's pupils shrank, she almost forgot that Ji Mo's sword was here at this moment.

At this time, Ji Mo, the master of the Southern Chu Kingdom, held the sword.

Just when the sword fell into his hands, it suddenly glowed with a brilliance three times brighter than before!

This is the real master of this sword.

Everyone looked at the dazzling long sword with admiration in their eyes, and looked at Li Ji standing in front of Ji Mo as if looking at a dead person.

"I'll ask you again," Ji Mo said calmly, holding his sword slowly and pointing at Li Jidu, "Will you let me go?"

Li Ji answered his question with silence.

"Anyway, you're not Dongfang Yi's biological son, so let's die." Ji Mo said lightly, and then simply swung his sword.

(End of this chapter)

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