Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 757

Chapter 757
The boy's voice echoed, and the Zihua Mountain in Southern Chu was very quiet among the mountains and forests.

The next moment, the crowd suddenly exploded.

The people opened their eyes wide.

"What's going on? Jun Zhaohua... what did he say?"

"Soochow? People from Soochow proposed marriage to Princess Qin in Southern Chu?"

A series of country names made all the people dizzy. They felt that this was so outrageous that no street rumors dared to spread it. Everyone could only stare at the Soochow son standing on the high platform with wide eyes in astonishment.

"As the adopted son of the Eastern Wu State Teacher, and the Eastern Wu Zhaohua Jun, I propose to the King of Dongling County and the former Princess Qin to marry me."

The echo of Li Ji's words was still echoing in the mountains and forests, and everyone was caught off guard by this sudden development.

"What's going on? Robbing a relative?"

Too many things happened today, and in the end, there was such a twist.

If one could use one sentence to describe the ups and downs of the onlookers in today's elementary ceremony, it could be said to be a turning point, a turning point, and a turning point.

Not to mention the previous Beast God War, it was finally over, and it turned out that Ji Mo, the master of the Southern Chu Kingdom, readily admitted Ying Baoyue's position as the leader, which was extremely surprising.But Jiang is still the old spicy Ji Moqi Gao came up with a tactic to draw on the bottom line, annulling the marriage contract between Ji Jiashu and Ying Baoyue, and completely depriving the former Qin princess of the qualification to stay in Nanchu.

People thought that today's matter would end like this, and the former Qin princess would be sent back to China.But no one expected that a king of Soochow County would turn out to be out of nowhere.

It's this the meaning that the former Princess Qin's side was about to be picked up by Soochow just after being divorced by Nan Chu?
But...the marriage hasn't been retired yet!

Looking at Ying Baoyue Ji Jiashu and Li Ji who were standing very close to each other on the stage, the eyes of the practitioners in the audience became more and more strange.

When Li Ji said this, the woman on the stage hadn't reacted yet, but Ji Jiashu suddenly raised her head and looked straight at the man walking up the high stage.

The two men stood facing each other.

"Mr. Zhaohua is... wanting to snatch Mr. Chunhua's fiancée?"

Seeing this scene, some practitioners under the stage spoke in a daze.

But before the man finished speaking, he was slapped on the head by the people around him.

"Is there something wrong with your ears? Mr. Zhaohua is proposing marriage for someone else! It's not that he wants to marry himself!"

"Not Mr. Zhaohua himself?"

Hearing this sentence people woke up from the initial shock.Only then did I think of the most important question today, which is...

"Who is that Tangling County King?"

Seeing Li Ji walk on the stage, coupled with the fact that he had just disclosed his identity as Lord Zhaohua of the Eastern Wu Dynasty and his actions to protect the former Princess Qin, everyone heard him ask for a marriage for the first time, subconsciously thought that he was going to propose marriage for themselves up.

After listening carefully, I found out...that's not the case.

Propose marriage to the king of Dongling County for me.

Thinking of this sentence, the people looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Who is the King of Dongling County? Have you never heard of a King of Dongling County in Soochow?"

Compared with titles like Soochow King Zhaohua, this title of King of Dongling County is quite unfamiliar to most common people.

However, this title is unfamiliar, but the title of county king is no stranger to the people of Shanhai Continent.

The children of the royal family are not born with honor.Except for the concubine, the status of the prince's children is all distinguished by title.

You know, in a sense, in terms of status alone, the county king is more noble than the prince and princess.

"The king of the county... this status is high enough! If it is true, Soochow's sincerity is fine!"

"The old man remembers that the Soochow King is still young, so he canonize the county king? Is it an uncle or a younger brother? Why have you never heard of it?"

"Speaking of which, Mr. Zhaohua is not the parent and son of the national teacher after all, and his identity is still a little bit worse, but the county king is different!"

Hearing the discussion of the people on the stage, Ying Baoyue, who was standing on the high stage, also stared.

The king of the county is indeed a very high title in the country of the princes.

In her previous life, she was canonized as the princess. Although there is only one word difference between the princess and the princess, the status of the two is completely different.

First of all, the king of the county canonize only the children of the royal family, and among the titles of men, in the Qin Empire era, only the prince was higher than the king of the county.

But only the blood of the royal family can be canonized as a prince, and the children of the royal family in the vassal state cannot be named princes, the highest can only be named county kings.

But now after the disintegration of the Qin Empire, the title of prince no longer exists, and no other monarch of the six countries on the Shanhai Continent has proclaimed himself emperor, so the county king can be said to be the highest position that can be conferred by the children of the royal family on the Shanhai Continent.

Generally, the sons of the monarchs are not enough to be named county kings according to their seniority. Only the younger brothers or uncles of the monarchs can be named county kings.

Now there is only one county king in Southern Chu, and that is the younger brother of the current King of Southern Chu and the uncle of Jiang Yuanyuan.

But don't say that Jiang Yuanyuan is gone, even the elder brother of Jiang Yuanyuan, the eldest son of King Nanchu, didn't get the title of county king.

This shows how high the status and seniority of the county king are.

"But speaking of it this way... the king of Dongling County is not very old, right? Although he has a high status, he needs a princess to marry him..."

"Hey! As long as you are not an uncle, you will not be too old. Have you forgotten that the Soochow King is only thirty now!"


Ying Baoyue was taken aback when he heard this.

Sure enough, that man has inherited the throne?

"Then if it's the younger brother of the Sovereign Lord of the Eastern Wu Kingdom, he will be a noble and young son!"

After discussing this, many common people and noble ladies began to see their eyes light up, but the next moment they thought of something, they showed doubts.

"But such a son should be very famous...why..."

How come no one has heard of it?
Under the tree, Chen Zi, Chu Ji, Qingyuan and the others, who were proficient in all kinds of news, were also a little stunned.

Ji Ange looked at her brother who had returned to her side, "Brother, do you know who is the king of Dongling County?"

Ji Qingyuan pursed his lips and shook his head.

Ji Ange then turned to look at the young man standing on her left, "Do you know the King of Dongling County?"

It's just a very common question.

Only then did Ji Ange realize that the talkative boy beside her had been... very quiet since the very beginning.

Hearing the seemingly unintentional question from the girl beside him, Zhao Guang turned his head to look at her stiffly.

Seeing the weird look on the boy's face, Ji Ange was startled, then frowned, "What's wrong with you? Does your face hurt?"

His face doesn't hurt, but other parts of him hurt.

"Dongling County King?" At this moment, Ji Mo narrowed his eyes when he heard Li Ji's words, and then sneered, "I didn't expect Zhaohua Jun to be the king of the county, just a mere adoptive son?"

"It's not me who decides for him," Li Ji said lightly, "To show our sincerity, His Highness the Prince of the County is also here today."

Hearing this sentence, all the people were excited, "Here? Where is he?"

Everyone looked in the direction of the family and the noble box, their eyes full of expectation and admiration.

Watching this scene, a certain young man under the tree felt more and more embarrassed, and a mausoleum could be dug out on the ground with his toes.

"Coming?" Ji Mo's eyes became colder, and the next moment he also walked onto the high platform, looking down at the huge pressure on the crowd, "Where is the person?"

Li Ji on the stage looked quietly at the audience.

(End of this chapter)

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