Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 762

Chapter 762 The Sixth Comer

The young man's voice echoed in the forest.

The people in the audience, whose attention had been focused on the sudden appearance of Soochow County King, were taken aback for a moment.

Ying Baoyue, Li Ji and others on the stage were also stunned when they heard the words.

No one expected that the boy who had been silent all this time would speak at this moment.

I didn't even expect to say such a sentence.

Li Ji's eyes moved away from Ying Baoyue, and fell on the young man who was staring straight at him.

The man's dark eyes and the boy's brown eyes looked at each other, just like the night when they nested together on the roof of the Nanchu fairy official's house.

Ji Jiashu looked complicated.

Compared with that night, they have all changed their identities and positions now.

"Mr. Chunhua, Soochow has no intention of offending." At this moment Li Ji said quietly, looking at Ji Mo who was on the side, "However, if I remember correctly, the Southern Chu State Master has just announced that the relationship between Southern Chu and the former Qin Dynasty has been lifted." engagement."

"What's more," Li Ji looked at Ji Jiashu and said calmly, "The two of you got married from the very beginning, it wasn't your decision, was it?"

Everyone in the world knew that Ji Jiashu had resisted this engagement from the very beginning. Everyone in Danyang City knew that Mr. Chunhua of Nanchu was imprisoned in the mansion by the Master of Nanchu because he refused to marry him.

"You're right," Ji Jiashu quietly looked at his father, looking at his son, Ji Mo narrowed his eyes.

"No one asked for my opinion when the marriage contract was made," Ji Jiashu said indifferently, "So when the marriage contract was terminated, no one was going to ask me?"

Everyone was stunned.

People who had been worrying about whether Soochow would marry Qianqin just now suddenly realized that they seemed to have forgotten something.

Ji Jiashu watched the crowd silently.

From the beginning to the end, has anyone asked him if he wants to dissolve the engagement?

Not only did he not ask him, but no one asked her either.

"You Soochow's request for marriage is your Soochow's business. But whether we in Nanchu want to dissolve this engagement is a matter for us in Nanchu and Qianqin."

After Ji Jiashu finished speaking, what he looked into were Ying Baoyue's eyes.

Ying Baoyue was slightly taken aback, and looked at Ji Jiashu quietly.

At this time, she found that Ji Jiashu's eyes seemed to have a different color.

"Jiashu!" At this moment, Ji Mo finally opened his mouth, looked at his youngest son and shouted, "You are not here to speak..."

"Father," Ji Jiashu interrupted his father's words for the first time.

"Let's not mention the marriage contract you made for me, but I have an agreement with the former Princess Qin. This is between us and has nothing to do with you."

The boy's tone was respectful, but his words were direct.

Ji Mo was taken aback when he heard the words, and Ji Qingyuan who was in the audience almost fell over when he heard the words.It's been a long time since he's lived to hear his brother talk to his father like that.

And just when the anger in Ji Mo's eyes was gathering and about to explode, Ji Qingyuan heard Ying Baoyue and immediately opened his mouth to follow.

"That's right, there is indeed an agreement. This matter has nothing to do with the Southern Chu State Teacher, so please don't talk."

On the way to piss off his father, the girl has been sparing no effort.

Looking at Ying Baoyue who spoke calmly on the stage, Ji Qingyuan's heart was no longer disturbed.

Ying Baoyue looked at Ji Jiashu, and at the same time looked at Jiang Yuanyuan who was shocked in the audience, "I once promised you that if I can get the leader, it will be like the Second Highness asking for a release..."

Ji Jiashu didn't let Ying Baoyue continue with this sentence.Of course he knew what she was trying to say.

Although his father announced the dissolution of their engagement just now, the young girl's heart was the same as his.

Although the marriage contract between them was not decided by them, but the dissolution of this marriage contract...

Only among them are eligible to come.

"We said that it's up to us to decide to terminate this engagement, isn't it?" Ji Jiashu looked at Ying Baoyue and said softly.

Ying Baoyue nodded.

"Since it's up to you, it's a matter between the two of us," Ji Jiashu continued to ask, "It has nothing to do with anyone else, right?"

Ying Baoyue continued to nod.

This is indeed reasonable.

"Hey..." Zhao Guang watched from the side, feeling that something was wrong with the whole thing.

He glanced at a "other person" who was the Nanchu National Teacher with an extremely ugly face, and said anxiously, "You..."

But Ji Jiashu didn't give him a chance to speak.

"Before you said that you would ask for the dissolution of the engagement, I shouldn't have expressed my opinion, right?" Ji Jiashu looked at Ying Baoyue and continued to ask.

Ying Baoyue nodded. This was indeed a solution she proposed unilaterally at the time, and she forgot to ask for his opinion.

"Okay, then I'll put forward my opinion now." Ji Jiashu nodded, looked at Ying Baoyue and said seriously.

"I disagree."



"I disagree."

The young man's voice was resolute, quietly echoing on the high platform.

Ying Baoyue quietly opened her eyes wide.

The people who were discussing under the high platform were stunned one by one.The audience became dead silent, and everyone looked at the calm young man on the stage in astonishment.

"You mean..." Ying Baoyue blinked and walked in front of Ji Jiashu, but there was no hesitation in the eyes of the young man in front of him.

"We have agreed before that we will figure out a way after we dissolve the engagement," Ji Jiashu said after taking a deep breath and looking at Ying Baoyue.

That's true.

"Since two people are trying to solve it, if one person doesn't want to solve it, it's okay, right?"

Although it sounds like a logical trap, Ying Baoyue, who has a perfect score in logic, knows that this is indeed true.

What she has been pursuing is your love and my wish, so she naturally wants to respect the other party's ideas.

She didn't hate Ji Jiashu herself, and she said she wanted to break off the engagement because she didn't want the boy to be burdened by the forced engagement.

It's just... Looking into the eyes of the young man in front of her, she suddenly understood what Ji Jiashu wanted to say.

"Then I'll just say it straight, Father, Your Highness the Princess," Ji Jiashu said solemnly facing Ji Mo and Ying Baoyue.

"At the beginning of this marriage contract, no one asked for my opinion. But at the end of this marriage contract, no one asked for my opinion. I think this is unreasonable."

It is indeed... unreasonable.Ying Baoyue said heartily.

There is simply no respect for the boy's ideas.

"What on earth are you trying to say!" Ji Mo clenched his fists and looked at this little strange son.

"I want to say that I don't agree with the unilateral termination of the engagement you just said." Ji Jiashu said quietly, "Of course, if the former Princess of Qin wants to terminate the engagement, I will never force her, it's just..."

"It's just..." Ji Jiashu looked at Ying Baoyue and asked, "If what my father said just now is not true, then Your Highness, do you really want to break off the engagement?"

Ying Baoyue was taken aback when he heard this.

The purpose of Ji Mo's proposal to terminate the engagement is very clear, which is to send her back to the country.

The purpose of Li Ji's proposal of Soochow's marriage proposal is also very clear, to help her in this situation.

She looked at Zhao Guang who was on the side, and she almost saw the three words "tool man" shining brightly on his head.

The two engagements were both exploits.

And her current situation requires a marriage contract.

Her identity has been made public, and everyone in the world remembers her face. She can no longer go to Soochow alone like she did back then, so she must not return to the former Qin Dynasty now.

"Baoyue, you can use mine." At this moment, Ji Jiashu looked at Ying Baoyue and said quietly.

"I don't want to terminate this engagement for the time being," Ji Jiashu said seriously.

"This time, it's my own will."

Ying Baoyue was startled when she heard the words, and the next moment she saw Ji Jiashu looking at Li Ji... Zhao Guang beside him.

"I just want to know one thing right now, and that's me and him."

Ji Jiashu's voice was very calm, as if he was asking what to eat tomorrow, "No matter who you answer, I will respect your opinion. It's just me and him..."

Ji Jiashu looked at Zhao Guang who froze. For some reason, Zhao Guang felt a sudden increase in pressure on his body. He only heard the boy look at Ying Baoyue and asked softly.

"Who do you want to marry in the future?"

 Hit Ji Jiashu on the public screen!

  No.1 who successfully detoured our sister Yue into a logical trap.It can be said that he has mastered the correct method to persuade Sister Yue, that is, to reason with her.

  Zhao Muren, learn a little bit.

(End of this chapter)

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