Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 775 Guard

Chapter 775 Guard
Song Zhai tightened his grip on the railing slightly, looked at the river and said nothing.

"But don't talk about Soochow, it's unknown whether she will be able to get out of Southern Chu alive." Song Deming continued, "Ji Mo probably knows this, so he admitted her position as the leader indifferently."

Anyway, for a female cultivator who is doomed to die, it is useless to get the leader.

The position of the elementary ceremony will be filled.

In the past, the leader died suddenly overnight, and Yakui replaced him as the leader.

Therefore, on the matter of the leader, if the background is not strong enough and has real skills, not many practitioners would dare to fight.

After all, this is not a seat that anyone can afford to keep.

"She was able to get that position because no one noticed her at the beginning," Song Deming said calmly, "but now Donghuang Taiyi's words have pushed her to the forefront."

The primary ceremony is just a battlefield for practitioners below the Divine Dance Realm, but in the eyes of people who really stand high enough in this continent, battles below the Divine Dance Realm are not considered battles.

However, the leader is still worthy of people's attention, and now it turns out to be a woman.

It has been seven years since the practice world banned women from practicing. In the past seven years, there are not a few practitioners who have grown up to occupy the positions of former female fairy officials. Naturally, we must spare no effort to eliminate the signs of female restoration.

"It's a pity, but she is the former princess of the Qin Dynasty," Song Deming sighed, "Ying Hanri can hardly protect himself, let alone protect her."

Without the backing of a powerful country and aristocratic family, how could a weak woman be able to withstand the coveted eyes of all directions.

After Song Deming finished speaking, he looked at Song Zhai, who had been silent all the time, in surprise. He used to be very interested in talking about the practice world, why today...

"Is Ying Hanri in danger?" Song Zhai finally asked without looking back.

"Don't pretend to me, this news was found by the spies of Fengyulou from Afang Palace." Song De understood him and then sighed, "It's only been more than a month. I didn't expect the North to attack so quickly."

"That news, isn't it confirmed yet?" Song Zhai said lightly, "It's only been a month since the fetal gas has not stabilized, and the imperial doctor can't find it out."

"If it is not stable, it will be stable." Song Deming looked at Jiang's face with his hands behind his back. "After so many years of preparation over there, it will naturally hit the ground."

"It's been seven years," the king of the middle Tang Dynasty looked down at the prosperous Hengyang City, with a trace of heaviness in his eyes, "That woman has delayed this scene for seven years by herself, but it has finally reached its limit today. .”

Song Zhai tightened his hand on the railing inch by inch, leaving deep finger marks on the wooden railing.

"You should have heard about what happened in the first and last rounds of the elementary ceremony." Song Deming took a deep breath and looked to the north, "People outside the city have already moved, and people in our city have to do well get ready."

"Murong Heng...Murong?" Song Deming sneered, "It's really thanks to them that they can do such immoral things."

"They have always been good at this," Song Zhai said lightly.

After all, he believed in such a god.

Flesh and flesh eat each other, brothers and sisters kill each other.

It's all commonplace.

"We people in the middle Tang Dynasty, as long as we can make money, no matter in troubled times or prosperous times, we are needed everywhere," Song Deming looked up at the unicorn crouching on the eaves of the building, "You go to watch the middle-level ceremony, and remember to keep everything in mind." Don't meddle."

"Your brother has a sense of proportion." Song Zhai said calmly, traces of blood could be seen in the finger marks on the railing.

Mid-Tang is a country that is always neutral.

He is just a cold and heartless bystander, not even as good as the man on the snow mountain.

"Qian'er is the same, he is not as mature as you, remember to mention him," Song Deming shook his head without noticing the abnormality of the people around him, "He was still wondering when the former Qin princess would wake up in the letter, it's really meddlesome No business."

Song Zhai was startled when he heard the words, and suddenly looked at his brother beside him, "Is she still awake?"

Song Deming was taken aback, "The letter was written three days ago, now... you should wake up, right?"

"However, it is not impossible for a level seven to fight against so many masters, and die from exhaustion of true energy," the man frowned. Can't get out."

No, she can get out.

Song Zhai took a deep breath and looked towards the river.

It's just that for that girl, the more difficult thing to face is the man in the National Teacher's Mansion.



"Eldest sister, is she still awake today?"

Southern Chu Danyang City, inside the National Teacher's Mansion.

In the Qing'an courtyard, I don't know how many times the boy's hoarse voice sounded.

Ji Ange stood at the door of his room in the west courtyard, looking at Ji Jiashu standing outside the threshold, shaking his head in embarrassment.

It has been five days since the primary ceremony ended.

But the frightening thing was that the girl who had been sleeping since the day it ended, never woke up.

Ying Baoyue also had the experience of sleeping for three days straight after a fierce battle before, so the people in the Qing'an Courtyard were not too worried at first.

But when three days passed and the girl still had no signs of waking up, Ji Ange and the others finally began to panic.

But panic is useless.

"Father, he hasn't come back yet, right?" Ji Ange looked at Ji Jiashu and asked nervously, and she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw her younger brother nodding.

The only good thing is that on the day when the primary ceremony ended, their father, Ji Mo, did not return to the National Teacher's Mansion with them, but re-entered Zihua Mountain for retreat.

"It seems... that Master of the Later Liao Kingdom caused serious injuries to my father." At this time, Ji Qingyuan came over from the East Courtyard and said with a complicated expression.

Ji Jiashu turned his head, looked at his brother and nodded with a complicated expression.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see the hostility of the Southern Chu State Teacher towards Ying Baoyue, and it is really fortunate that he did not return to the State Teacher's Mansion immediately.

Ji Qingyuan feels scared when he thinks about it now, even he can't guess what his father will do to her in private.

But that was their father after all.Anyone with a discerning eye can also see that the Southern Chu State Teacher retreated immediately after the initial ceremony, probably because of the injury he suffered in the battle with the Hou Liao State Teacher Shangui.

"The ranking ceremony is about to start, and my father temporarily left the customs before, and had a conflict with the Son of God. It may take some time to adjust this time," Ji Qingyuan looked at Ji Jiashu and said.

Even if he is not filial, but he sincerely hopes that his father can retreat well this time until Ying Baoyue leaves Nanchu.

After all, if his mother was still alive, Ji Qingyuan had no doubt that based on what his father did to Baoyue at the primary ceremony, his mother would also do something to his father.

Ji Jiashu took a deep breath and nodded, now they can only hope so.

It was all because he was too weak to protect her.

When she arrived in Soochow, looking at the attitude of Soochow's county king towards her, there should be someone who could protect her.


Ji Jiashu looked at the east courtyard with the closed door, looked at Ji Qingyuan and clenched his fists and said hesitantly, "He...hasn't woken up yet?"

Ji Qingyuan knew who his younger brother was asking.

Because in this Qing'an courtyard, Ying Baoyue is not the only one who is in a coma.

Five days ago, after Guichen carried Ying Baoyue to the Qing'an Courtyard, they were stunned to witness the scene of the fallen Tianjie.

After watching Ying Baoyue lie down, Li Ji also fell asleep peacefully, and was dragged by Zhao Guang to the East Court of Qing'an Yuan to settle down.

Before that, no one thought that the man who had fought so fiercely against their father in the primary ceremony would actually fall down as soon as he said it.

Looking at the shocked crowd, Zhao Guang, the only one who didn't have any shock on his face, stood by the bed and spread his hands, "He should have fallen asleep a long time ago."

The medicine given by Ying Baoyue before was enough for Li Ji to sleep for three days and three nights, who knows how he got up in less than a day and dared to fight against the Nanchu Guoshi.

In short, there are people in the East and West of Qing'an Yuan who are sleeping for a long time.

Ji Qingyuan looked at Ji Jiashu and nodded, "He's not awake either."

"If it's only five days, there should be nothing wrong with the Heaven Rank," Ji Jiashu took a deep breath, and to be honest, he wasn't worried about Li Ji.

It is not the turn of the heavenly ranks to worry about the earthly ranks.

You must know that Tianjie can't die without eating or drinking for ten days, but that girl is different.

It was difficult for her already weak body to survive such a long period of coma.

"It's been five days," Ji Jiashu looked at the door panel of the west courtyard with a solemn expression, "She's so unconscious, I'm worried about her..."

At this moment, before he could finish speaking, everyone heard a bang behind them.

Ji Qingyuan and the others looked back and were taken aback for a moment.

The door to the east courtyard of Qing'an Yuan, which had been closed for five days, opened.

(End of this chapter)

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