Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 779 Father and Daughter

Chapter 779 Father and Daughter
toss?This statement always feels weird...

Ji Ange nodded in bewilderment, and then watched a certain Soochow king sit down on the threshold leaning against the door panel without any image in front of him.

Time passed bit by bit, and the house was extremely quiet.

Ji Ange, who was only at the seventh level, could not feel any change in the fluctuation of her true energy. After a quarter of an hour, she was also tired from standing, and finally imitated Zhao Guang and sat on the threshold.

"Oh, are you sitting too?" Zhao Guang looked sideways at her and smiled, then glanced back at the door panel, "Don't worry, the healing has officially started just now."

"Sister, is she willing?" Ji Ange was taken aback upon hearing this.The next moment, I realized that I didn't know why I also started calling my sister, and it was all because of the misleading of the Soochow boy just now.

At this time, Zhao Guang's voice came.

"It's the second brother who connected the meridians of the two of them through the true essence. If she struggles again, the person who healed her will be backlashed," Soochow County King, who was sitting on the threshold feeling the movement in the room, shrugged, " So she didn't struggle."

"Can it still be like this?" Ji Ange's eyes widened, and Zhao Guang could only smile wryly upon hearing this.

Sure enough, in the end, there was only this way to make the woman no longer refuse.

She doesn't care about her own injuries, but she will always care about whether others will be hurt.

"It's just that...would it be dangerous?" Ji Ange swallowed with difficulty, even if she didn't know how to practice, she could still sense the danger.

"It's very dangerous. Once interrupted, both of them will be seriously injured." Zhao Guang tightened his left hand on his knee, and touched the Yuchang Sword with his right hand.

He looked towards the empty courtyard, his expression became serious.

"By the way, what about the former Princess Qin's guard? I remember the surname Gui?"

"You mean Guichen?" Ji Ange replied, "Because my sister has not woken up, Guichen went to the southern Chu border this morning, saying that he was going to pick up a school captain."

"Captain?" Zhao Guang saw the appearance of Colonel Lou vaguely in front of Zhao Guang's eyes. Speaking of which, this person had indeed disappeared for a few days, and he seemed to be coming back.

"But Sister Guili and Lady Yao are in the kitchen," Ji Ange asked, "Do you want to see them?"

"No, no need," Zhao Guang shook his head, looked at Ji Ange seriously, "Please ask Miss Ji to let those two girls just stay in the kitchen like this, and don't come out if anything happens."

Ji Ange nodded, and looked at Zhao Guang with a somewhat uneasy expression.

There were only a few people around Ying Baoyue, and Zhao Guang recognized them all.

Gui Li and Ms. Yao are just ordinary people, letting them out for nothing will only worry the woman in the room.

"What about Tuoba Xun who lives in Ji Jiashu's side?" Zhao Guang looked at the door panel behind him, "She doesn't wake up, will Tuoba Xun come to see her? Isn't something wrong?"

Ji Ange was stunned, wondering if Ying Baoyue still had any friendship with that Northern Wei son.But at this moment she remembered what Ji Jiashu said, "When Jiashu came, he said that Mr. Tuoba went to Beihan Pavilion to find medicine. Could it be that he did it for my sister?"

now it's right.Zhao Guang took a deep breath, he said why Tuoba Xun is not here.

Although the Beihan Pavilion is full of filth, it has to be said that it still has some background in medicine and poison. Tuoba Xun is willing to return to the Beihan Pavilion for her, which is in line with the way that person looked at her.

It's just that Zhao Guang didn't expect that the two people in the house could be said to be powerless now, and Ji Jiashu and Ji Qingyuan were not there at this time, and the only practitioners left in this yard were him and Ji Ange.

This is really a bit of a coincidence...

"What's the matter with you?" Seeing the beads of sweat dripping from the corner of Zhao Guang's forehead, Ji Ange asked suspiciously, "Could something happen in the room?"

"No, no," Zhao Guang glanced at Ji Ange, who was bewildered beside him, and forced a smile, adding another layer of pressure in his heart.

Compared with Ji Qingyuan, who has no cultivation but knows everything, Ji Ange is obviously soft-tempered.Although she has a natural level, she doesn't know how to use it at all, and it can be said that she has no fighting ability at all.

It can be seen from his usual words and deeds that once he leaves Ji Qingyuan, Ji Ange will become less courageous, especially afraid of certain people.

If something happens, he still needs to protect the girl first.

"It's really okay. It's at your house again under the blue sky and daylight. How could something happen?" Feeling that the eyes of the woman beside him were still on his face, Zhao Guang pretended to be hearty and smiled.

But this also comforted him.

Probably everything is his illusion.After all, both Ying Baoyue and Li Ji had slept peacefully for five days, and it was still broad daylight, so there would be no unruly practitioners entering the Southern Chu State Master's Mansion.

After all, it is the Southern Chu State Teacher's Mansion, who can...

who can...

However, the mutation happened in an instant.

Zhao Guang sat on the threshold, and the hand that clenched the sword by his waist suddenly trembled.

This is, who?

He raised his head in astonishment, staring blankly at the empty courtyard gate not far away.

who is it?
someone is coming.

Zhao Guang couldn't feel anything, and the visitor hid his breath.But the instinct that belonged to the cultivator told him that a huge monster was walking towards this courtyard.

That feeling is too terrifying, the footsteps of the person coming are very slow, like a beast quietly approaching its prey.

But at this moment, the sound of Zhenyuan pushing the door leaf came from the door behind him. Zhao Guang knew that Li Ji and Ying Baoyue's healing was entering the most critical moment.

It happened at this time.

Not only is Ji Ange afraid of leaving his brother, but he is also afraid of leaving his brother!

He has never dealt with a practitioner of a higher realm than himself alone.

Besides, who could break into the Southern Chu State Teacher's Mansion in broad daylight?

A drop of cold sweat slid down Zhao Guang's neck, staring at the empty courtyard gate, the boy's Adam's apple slid up and down.

In the end... who is it?
But no matter how high the level of the visitor is, it should be impossible to cross the barrier of Qing'anyuan, right?

Zhao Guang is very self-aware. He knows that he is just a waste of snacks, even less timid and capable. If something really happened, he would probably just run away.

He still dared to stay here because he knew from the beginning that Qing'anyuan had a very high-level enchantment.Ji Qingyuan specially reinforced it when he left, and now this barrier is the only hope in Zhao Guang's heart.

I heard that this enchantment was still made by Da Si Ming.

No matter who comes, it is absolutely impossible to break through...

However, at this moment, Zhao Guang suddenly found that the girl sitting beside him was shaking all over.

"Miss Ji?" Zhao Guang turned his head to look at Ji Ange beside him in astonishment, only to find that the woman beside him was red-eyed and almost cried out of fright, she hugged herself and curled up into a ball.

"Big, big brother... big brother... big brother, where are you..."

Zhao Guang looked at the girl beside him holding on to his veil and shrunk into a ball, calling out to that impossible person in a low voice.

Although Ji Ange was timid, she was usually very strong in front of them.It was the first time Zhao Guang saw her like this, and this was not caused by ordinary psychological shadows.

Thinking of the secrets of Ji's family that he had inquired about in the past, Zhao Guang's heart skipped a beat, making Ji Ange afraid of such a person...

There is probably only one in this world.

At this moment, he heard Ji Ange gritted his teeth and called out that title in a low voice.


Zhao Guang turned his head abruptly.

Saw the figure in black.

He saw Ji Mo, the national teacher of Southern Chu, standing quietly at the gate of Qing'an Yuan.

 This chapter is scary

  But it was not without reason that Ji Ange was so afraid of Ji Mo.If my father didn't even want to look at my face since I was a child, everyone would think that my father hated me.

  In a sense, it was also because Ji Qingyuan protected Ji Ange so well that she would have to face all this by herself sooner or later.

(End of this chapter)

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