Chapter 78


Looking at the back of the girl kneeling on one knee in front of him, Gui Chang's eyes shook so violently before, and the next moment his complex eyes suddenly turned into a deep murderous intent!
Chu Ji covered half of her twitching face, her eyes flashed between her fingers and looked at Gui Chang's back, she clearly sensed Gui Chang's impulsiveness.To her surprise, the voice that usually stopped her and asked her to stop Guichang didn't make any sound at this time.

Sensing the silence of that person in her mind, Chu Ji clenched her lips and looked at the slender girl and the frenzied strong wind on her body.

The time of breaking the realm is the most unstable and fragile time for a practitioner, not to mention that the body of this woman has just transformed from an ordinary person into a practitioner, and the severe pain all over her body is enough to make her unable to stand up for a long time, let alone control her strength. .

In other words, if you want to kill this chick, now is the best time.

But Chu Ji didn't expect that although the formation was a bit special, this mere lowest-level breakthrough would arouse the vigilance of Guichang and the person in her body at the same time.

He was so vigilant that he even wanted to kill her.

It is not surprising that Guichang would think of Chu Ji so much. After all, it is a treasonous thing for a woman to break the realm, not to mention that this woman is still a princess who will have an impact on the court. The earlier the better.

But the person in my body is a woman, and she is always cautious to death, and she will never take another step if she can't kill someone. She even said that she wanted to kill the Gui brothers and sisters for several years before she was willing to set a trap. Now...

"This is an opportunity." At this moment, the old woman's voice sounded in Chu Ji's mind, "The risk of killing her is still too great, but if you can kill her without causing too much noise, it will also prevent future troubles."

The risk of letting her grow is far greater than the risk at this time.

"It's rare that you are actually willing to kill." Chu Ji said in her heart.

The old woman said in a deep voice, "I just had a hunch."

If you don't kill her now, it may become more and more difficult to kill her in the future.

"This girl is so special, I always feel that she will get in our way sooner or later." The old voice just said so.

"What is sooner or later?" Thinking of Chu Ji, the brother and sister of the Gui family who remained in the small courtyard unscathed, she gritted her silver teeth, "Isn't she still getting in the way?"

"Don't worry about these things," the voice in my head was rarely impatient, and the twitching eyes looked at the back of Guichang walking towards Ying Baoyue full of murderous intent, and narrowed slightly, "If it's later, it may be too late, absolutely not Let her digest this power, fortunately she should not be able to stand for at least an hour..."

Just at this time.

The hoarse old woman's voice came to an abrupt end.

Guichang stopped in surprise.

Chu Ji widened her eyes.

The breakthrough should have ended, but the aura on the girl in front of her became more and more violent. The huge energy of heaven and earth surged up crazily like a big cloak wrapped around her body. Even Xu Wenning couldn't bear the gust of wind blowing on her face and covered her tightly Eyes, just when Chu Ji thought that the girl would explode and die in the next moment.

Ying Baoyue took a quiet breath.

In the howling wind, that voice was extremely peaceful.

With one breath, the mountain and the sea are fixed.

Xu Wenning let go of his fingers in a daze.

Just like the feeling when the sun rises, quiet and gentle.

The not-so-violent sunlight, however, made the whole world quiet. When one came to his senses, the wind and waves that seemed to shake the world disappeared in an instant.

Little girls see tenderness, but other grown-ups see only terror.

Guichang nailed his heels to the ground, staring fixedly at the thin back, watching her stand up slowly, speechless in astonishment.

Practitioners will break through the environment and their breath will be unstable. With the help of the guardian, it will not recover for a long time. The situation of this woman's breakthrough is dangerous, not to mention that he has been interfering with the internal breath, and it is not surprising that he will explode and die!
How can such a huge vitality of heaven and earth be controlled by a little girl like her!
Looking at the majestic situation, only Guichang knew that it was the life-threatening talisman of this ignorant girl. Did that girl still think she was gifted?

Originally, Guichang planned to give the woman the final blow when she couldn't control the huge aura and rolled all over the ground.After all, isn't it also his responsibility as the big Sima to end the princess's pain?
He is by no means envious of this breakthrough momentum, what's the use of being grander than his own level nine?She will know the cruelty of this world immediately, and she will know how powerful practitioners are...


The steps that Guichang took were fixed in place.

The next moment, the wind and sea were calm, and all the breath was wiped out in an instant.

Gui Chang's eyes were shattered, watching the violent aura that should have torn her apart in front of his eyes, disappearing from that woman's body in an instant.

Looking at the girl who stood up lightly, she turned to herself as if nothing had happened.

"Big Sima, what did you just say?"

Ying Baoyue leaned slightly, as if she was genuinely curious, "Da Sima, what do you think you know?"

"No, it's impossible." Gui Chang stared at her, and squeezed out the words word by word.

How can this be.

Looking at the frozen Guichang, Chu Ji was unable to care at this time, but she couldn't forget the scene she just saw.

The violent wind really disappeared in an instant.Quickly she wanted to rub her eyes.

This woman's body seemed to be a bottomless pit, almost as if she had sucked in all the breath in an instant.

Introverted and deep, bottomless.

No, how is this possible.

Chu Ji stared at this unbelievable scene in astonishment, and opened her eyes wide.

"It's impossible..." Before she could open her mouth, that person's voice mingled with Gui Chang's voice, "Have you mastered all the ways to use breath just after you broke through?"

No, it's not just that, if you want to instantly restrain such a huge amount of heaven and earth vitality in an instant, the use of inner energy must be perfected!

Not to mention that the lowest level ten can do such a thing, even if it is a high level she has lived for so many years and has never heard of it.

Who is this person?

Hearing the hoarse but stern voice in her mind, Chu Ji's face twitched even more. She had never seen this person so emotional. Chu Ji looked at the girl in front of her with resentment.

"What's the matter?" Ying Baoyue smiled at Chu Ji and Gui Chang, who had unkind eyes, "What's the matter with Da Sima and Mrs. Chu Ji?"

It was impossible to kill her silently.

Who would have thought that she could digest the realm so quickly?

Is this the speed a human can do?
It really is a witch!

Guichang looked at the girl in front of him, and said bitterly, "Your Highness, do you know what you did?"

"I think my answer and Da Sima's may not be the same." Unexpectedly, the girl in front of him has no regrets at this time, Ying Baoyue spread her hands and said lightly, "What's the point of asking again?"

"You..." Gui Chang stared at her.

"Okay, if you have something to do, please return to the capital for your majesty's ordination," Ying Baoyue said lightly, "The person who can do anything to me is not here, and it's not you. If Da Sima has something to say, wait until you are in the capital."

This girl really has the ability to choke people speechless.

Chu Ji looked at Guichang whose chest was heaving, and didn't know what to say.

"You do it yourself."

Guichang flicked his sleeves and walked away.

Unexpectedly, Guichang would really leave in such a rage, Chu Ji panicked in her heart, "Why did the master just give up like this? Is there really no way to kill this scourge?"

Her twitching half of her face stopped suddenly.

"Your master didn't give up, I'm afraid he is planning to borrow a knife to kill people." The old woman who had experienced vicissitudes in her mind suddenly said.

"Even if I can return to the capital alive..." The old woman smiled coldly.

"If you want this princess to marry Nanchu, there are plenty of people in the capital."

Ying Baoyue looked at Guichang's leaving back, and at the cloth strip tied around her left wrist.

capital city...

The current capital of the former Qin Dynasty is located in the hinterland of Qinchuan, eight hundred miles away.

The name is Guiyang.

 La la la, let's go to town

(End of this chapter)

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