Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 784 Awakening

Chapter 784 Awakening
Zhao Guang turned his head and stared blankly at the door that was pushed open behind him.

The girl standing behind the door was pale, and strands of black hair were still stained on her sweaty forehead.

Panting like this, she stood behind the door holding the door leaf with one hand, only a layer of coat was on top of the moon-white pajamas, she looked extraordinarily delicate.

However, it was such a slender figure that froze the father and daughter who were fighting outside the door.

Just as Ying Baoyue yelled out Ji Mo, King Goujian of Yue stopped in mid-air, and the man in black shrank his pupils, quietly staring at the woman who appeared behind the door.

She is the one who is expected and the one who is not.

Zhao Guang stared blankly at the person behind him who was supposedly impossible to wake up, and couldn't believe his eyes.Just because it took less than a quarter of an hour for Li Ji to help her heal her injuries, it was impossible for her to wake up according to the girl's injuries.

However, at this moment, the girl pushed open the door and stood behind it like this.

Zhao Guang swallowed a mouthful of saliva, wondering if he was too scared and dreaming.

However, just when his eyes collided with those lake-like eyes, his tense body suddenly relaxed.

is her.

Just seeing this figure, the fear and uncertainty in the boy's heart disappeared miraculously.

She really woke up.

In the nick of time, I woke up.

It was obvious that her body was extremely weak, and the situation outside the door could not be worse.But just seeing these eyes again, for some reason Zhao Guang is not afraid at all.

What's with this weird sense of security...

"Ying hugs the moon!

However, at this moment, an angry voice came from behind the girl standing at the door, interrupting Zhao Guang's thoughts, "Who can you get out of bed!"

Seeing the real anger in the eyes of Li Ji who was chasing after Ying Baoyue, Zhao Guang gasped.

If he guessed correctly... the sentence Li Ji wanted to yell just now should be "Who allowed you to get out of bed!"

get out of bed...

It is estimated that Li Ji himself found that this sentence was too ambiguous and changed his words halfway. His elder brother is quite skilled in avoiding suspicion.

But regardless of the ambiguity or not, seeing the rare anger in Li Ji's eyes, Zhao Guang's heart trembled, and he had a guess in his heart.

I'm afraid it was the girl who unilaterally ignored the backlash, interrupted her healing and rushed to the door.She guessed that she carried all the injuries on her back, otherwise Li Ji wouldn't be so angry.

I don't know how this girl woke up, and she managed to sneak out of bed while Tianjie was not paying attention...

Zhao Guang sucked in a breath of cold air, but the situation at this time cannot be elaborated.

No matter how Ying Baoyue did it, there can only be one reason why this woman is desperately trying to wake up.

Feeling the cold gaze of the national teacher behind him, Zhao Guang's back felt chill again.She woke up to protect Ji Ange.He and Ji Ange should be fine, but how will she solve the current situation?
Don't forget that this group of people has already fought this national teacher for a round at Zihua Mountain, and no one is Ji Mo's opponent in a real fight!

"Sister..." Ji Ange, who had closed her eyes and was ready to face the storm, opened them when she heard the sound, and turned to look at the person behind her in a daze, "Are you awake?"

"Well," Zhao Guang saw with her own eyes the veins on the back of Ying Baoyue's hand that was supporting the door, but she looked at the girl guarding the door and smiled softly as if nothing had happened, "It was really hard for you before. I'm fine now."

Standing behind Ying Baoyue, Li Ji waited coldly for her back, feeling that he had never seen such a person who could open his eyes and tell lies.

"Wake up? I thought you were dead."

But at this moment, the middle-aged man interrupted the conversation between the young people with a cold sentence.

Ji Ange and Zhao Guang's shoulders shook, looking at Ji Mo in front of them, their whole bodies tensed up again.

"You know I don't die so easily," Ying Baoyue tightened her coat on her shoulders, quietly looking at the sword in the man's hand outside the threshold, "So..."

"So what?" Ji Mo sneered, "Also, what did you say I dare not do?"

Ying Baoyue stretched out a hand to the man outside the threshold, and quietly clenched it into a fist.

"If you dare to touch a single hair of An Ge, I will fight with you forever."

The girl's voice was very calm, but everyone present was shocked when they heard it.

Ying Baoyue didn't have a sword at her waist at this time, but Ji Ange felt such a strong murderous aura from the girl behind her for the first time.

Zhao Guang swallowed his saliva. He didn't know what kind of hatred existed between Ying Baoyue and Ji Mo, but this girl's attitude towards Ji Mo was unbelievably rigid.

What's even more frightening is that no one took her words as a joke.

It stands to reason that even if a Tier [-] wants to fight desperately with a Tier [-], there is no deterrent effect.But speaking from this woman's mouth, all the practitioners who have watched her fight will feel chills from the bottom of their hearts at this moment.

This woman's ability to fight for her life when she was dying was so terrifying that it was unimaginable.

However, Nan Chu Guoshi had never seen her fight a few times. Would he really take such a threat to that son of God seriously?

Zhao Guang turned his head and his pupils shrank, because he realized that Ji Mo's hands were really suspended in the air when he heard these words.

The next moment, the point of the sword in his hand had changed direction, it was no longer on Ji Ange's left arm, but aimed at the girl standing behind Ji Ange.

"What? Are you going to fight me hard?" the man said lightly.

"Whether I can do it, you should be very clear." Ying Baoyue also said lightly.

Zhao Guang opened his eyes wide, looking at the two people who were talking through Ji Ange in front of him, he felt a strange feeling for some reason.

The feeling of the confrontation between these two people at this time seems to be different when they are on Zihua Mountain.

Zhao Guang looked over Ying Baoyue's shoulder and looked at Li Ji who was standing not far behind her.

I saw that the clothes on Li Ji's body were soaked with sweat, but he just stood behind Ying Baoyue and quietly watched the scene in front of the door.Tianjie's sense of murderous aura is extremely keen.Li Ji didn't step forward at this time, which meant... Ji Mo wouldn't kill him right away?
"Now you, even if you work hard, what can you do?"

At this time, Ji Mo's sword in front of the door moved towards Ji Ange again.

"I am teaching my own daughter, please remember your identity"

The man watched Ying Baoyue pronounce the name word by word, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

""Qian, Qin, Gong, Lord. "

Ji Mo looked at his daughter in front of the threshold and said calmly.

"An Ge, take care. As long as you continue to stand in front of this woman, I will strike down."

Ji Ange looked at the sharp sword in front of her eyes, bit her lips and straightened her arms, but at this moment, the voice of Ying Baoyue came from behind her.

"An Ge, may I borrow your room for a while?"

Ji Mo stopped when he heard that, Ji Ange looked back at the girl behind the door in astonishment, "Sister, what are you going to do?"

"Sister?" Ying Baoyue was startled when she heard this address.

"This... this is," Ji Ange who yelled casually was also taken aback and was about to change his words.But the girl standing behind the threshold smiled faintly, "Sister will be fine, why don't you go to the yard for a while?"

"I..." Ji Ange was taken aback when he heard this, and looked at the girl behind the door who was only wearing a coat, looking over her shoulder at her father.

"I have something to say to your father."

(End of this chapter)

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