Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 80 Guiyang

Chapter 80 Guiyang
While the brothers in the mountains were discussing the itinerary, Ying Baoyue didn't know what was going to happen in Guiyang. At this time, she was arranging the last thing to do after leaving the village where she had lived for half a month.

"Sister, do you want to go?"

Xu Wenning stood on the side of the road and stared blankly at the woman in front of him.

The wound medicine was still applied to her face, and the warmth left by this woman still remained on her skin, but the warmth that was obtained with great difficulty was about to dissipate so soon.

"I have something important to do, and I have to go to a place far away." Ying Baoyue squatted down and looked at the girl in front of him, "Sorry, I took you out of that house on my own initiative, but now I have to leave. "

Ying Baoyue looked at the little girl and said, "You don't have the ability to make choices yet. When you grow up, you can choose whether to return to this home."

Staying in that environment at this age is not good for her body or mind.

She neither regrets nor impulsively intervenes in this little girl's life.

There is apology in the eyes of the woman in front of her, but her will is firm and unwavering.

Xu Wenning likes this look.

"I know it's very irresponsible, but at that time there was no better way," Ying Baoyue said softly, "You..."

"I know." The little girl's voice interrupted the woman in front of her.

she knows.

This man changed her life.

She has no regrets, she is very happy.

It's a pleasure to know such a person.

"Sister, are you already... a cultivator?" Xu Wenning looked straight at Ying Baoyue and asked.

this kid...

Ying Baoyue stared into the eyes of the girl in front of her, and nodded seriously.

"I am."

Xu Wenning's eyes were filled with brilliance in an instant, Ying Baoyue looked at the overjoyed little girl and smiled, but the next moment the big eyes of the elated little girl filled with big drops of tears.

This six-year-old child didn't cry when she was beaten and scolded by her stepmother, and she didn't cry when she was abandoned by her own father, but at this moment, she burst into tears.

"I knew... Mom was right."

A hoarse cry flowed from the girl's mouth, Xu Wenning cried hoarsely, tears streaming down his face.

Ying Baoyue watched as she stretched out her hand and hugged her into her arms.

Xu Wenning cried even harder, and even she felt ashamed of herself who suddenly seemed to be younger, but the woman didn't dislike her even if her clothes were wet on her chest, and she didn't let her go.Until the sound of armor rubbing around him.

Feeling Guichang's icy gaze from behind, Ying Baoyue patted the head of the child in his arms.

"I have to go."

"You go later..."

Before Ying Baoyue could finish speaking, Xu Wenning was in a state of excitement, wiped his face with his sleeves, and looked at Ying Baoyue with courage and asked, "Sister, can I go with you?"

Looking at the stunned woman, Xu Wenning's heart beat faster, and he raised his head and said loudly and quickly, "I... obedient……"

A warm finger gently stopped her lips.

"You don't need to be obedient in the future, what you need is to do what you want to do."

Xu Wenning stared blankly at the woman in front of him.

Ying Baoyue looked at her and smiled, "It's not that I don't want to bring you by my side, it's that it's too dangerous to be by my side."

In a sense, it might be the most dangerous place on the entire continent.

This woman is self-aware.

Behind Ying Baoyue, Chu Ji's eyes flickered.

Ying Baoyue put her hands on Xu Wenning's shoulders, looked into her eyes, and instructed carefully.

"Go west along this road, and you will see a small courtyard with a blackened roof. Go there and find a woman named Murongyin, and ask her to take you in."

"Your Highness!" Gui Chang frowned and was about to explode when he heard this, Ying Baoyue stretched out a rejecting hand with his back turned to him.

"Da Sima, please remember that you have no position to interfere during the reconciliation."

Guichang choked again.

Ying Baoyue looked at the teary-eyed little girl again, "My name is Ying Baoyue, you can tell that woman exactly what happened just now, as for whether she can take you in."

Her voice paused, and she looked seriously at the young boy in front of her, but her tone was not tolerant towards the child.

"It depends on your own eloquence."

Cruel to a child maybe, but that's the way the world is.

Ying Baoyue looked at her and said quietly, "Whether a person can live or not depends only on you."

Xu Wenning stared blankly at the woman in front of him with his red eyes, then bit his lips tightly and nodded heavily.

"I understand."

"Your Highness, hurry up and leave!" Gui Chang shouted angrily, but Ying Baoyue didn't look back.

Xu Wenning felt that warm hand finally gently pushed her back.

"I can only send you here, and you have to go the rest of the way by yourself, don't look back."

The little girl ran towards the west of the village.

She doesn't cry.

She doesn't look back.



Grand Sima Guichang, who was newly granted the title of Marquis of Zhongyi, left the small mountain village on the edge of the former Qin Li Mountain with a brigade.

At that time, no one knew that there was an extra carriage in the brigade.

Amidst the rumbling wheels of the carriage, Ying Baoyue raised the curtain to take a last look at the village, and then lowered the curtain.

With the sound of soldiers running, the carriage set off.

Just seven days after the carriage set off, the news that the former Qin and the princess had been found spread throughout the country.

But no one knew that just three days before the news spread across the Seven Kingdoms, someone in the capital of the former Qin Dynasty received the news in advance.



The capital of the former Qin Dynasty, Guiyang.

Although there have been many palace changes, the former king of Qin stopped the Six Nations Allied Forces from attacking this ancient city at the cost of giving up the throne, and finally left this city behind.

Many years have passed since the war that year, and even in the troubled times, Guiyang City still retains the aura of luxury left by the imperial capital of that year.

The bustling streets are crowded with people, luxury carriages come and go frequently, and the turmoil outside does not seem to affect the city at all.

The prosperity is gone, but here is still singing and dancing.

However, in the dark of this bustling scene, other voices are sounding.

"Hey, the person is not dead."

On the top floor of Qianjin Pavilion in Guiyang, in the deep cabinet, a man's voice with a smile suddenly came out.

Qianjin Pavilion, as the name suggests, is worth thousands of gold.

This is the most expensive restaurant and song and dance shop in Guiyang, and of course, it is a veritable gold-selling cave and gentle township.

However, at this time, the atmosphere and gentleness in a pavilion on the top floor are not up to par.

The house is full of beauty, luxury and comfort.

However, looking at the man in black in the room saying this, a soldier in soft armor kneeling on the wool carpet felt as if he was kneeling on pins and needles.

"It is said that... Zhongyi Hou Guichang found it near Lishan." The soldier tremblingly said, "But Master Xu killed her with one bite. When his men left, they were sure that the princess was dead."

"Really?" Hearing such news, the man in black didn't show any expression on his face, just staring intently at the liquid in the glass.

"Anyway, the princess will be back soon, won't she?"

"Yes," the soldier was sweating profusely, "the subordinate is incompetent..."

"No, it's not that you are incompetent," the man in black interrupted him with a smile when he heard his subordinate blame himself.

"Hints and help have been given to this extent, but there are still people left alive. How can you blame my people?"

The man in black raised his head and condescendingly admired the whole picture of Guiyang City outside the window, and smiled softly.

"It seems that the rumors are true. The immortal officials of the former Qin Dynasty are indeed full of wine bags and rice bags."

"Lord... lord..." The soldiers on the ground were not at all happy when they heard the words, and the two were fighting.

"What are you afraid of? You are no longer useful for this matter." The man in black looked at him and said, "By the way, what has Little Aye been up to lately?"

The soldier nearly collapsed in fear, and when he heard the question, he fell to the ground with a shock and said.

"Your Majesty has other things for you to do recently..." The soldier quickly added, looking at the face of the man in black, "but after you heard what happened here, you sent a message saying that General Lang has been sent here."

The man in black smiled again, "Ah Ye is still busy as always, but he is still willing to send his right hand and right arm in the midst of his busy schedule. He has a heart, thank him for me."

The soldier nodded hurriedly.

"Then, when will Alang arrive in Guiyang?" the man in black asked while playing with the wine glass in his hand.

"Seven days later," replied the soldier.

"Really," the man in black said casually with a smile in his eyes, "Then when will the convoy of Her Highness the Princess arrive?"

The soldier in soft armor spoke in a low voice.

"Seven days later."

"Oh?" The man in black smiled.

"It's such a coincidence."

 "I can only send you here, and you have to go the rest of the way by yourself, don't look back." - Hayao Miyazaki "Spirited Away"

(End of this chapter)

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