Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 801 Departure

Chapter 801 Departure
The girl's voice echoed quietly in the study.


Ji Jiashu looked at the girl in front of him who was not shaking at all, looked at the map on the table and nodded nonchalantly, "Well, then I'll go and inform Zichu and Yishan that we should go this way too."

"Hey, wait," Ying Baoyue panicked when he heard this, "Are you leaving too?"

"Huh?" Ji Jiashu, who was walking towards the carrier pigeon tied by the window, turned to look at her, "Otherwise? I said I would go with you, right?"

"We can start from Nanchu together," Ying Baoyue smiled, "but you can take a detour from outside the cloud forest, and the nearby roads should not be dangerous."

Although Li Ji drew a route, no one has walked this road, and the fewer people who walk, the better.But Li Ji helped so much, and he was so familiar with the route in the cloud forest, if she escaped alone again, he would still be blocked by him.

Originally, Ying Baoyue was only planning to inform her four people around her.If Gui Chen and Gui Li were not afraid, she would discuss with the two adults Yao Nv Guan Lou Xiaowei, and still maintain the lineup they had when they went to Southern Chu, and the group of five went to Soochow together.

There are few people, and it is convenient.

Ying Baoyue looked down at the route drawn by Li Ji on the map. Just looking at the length of the line, passing through the cloud forest was indeed the fastest route.The other routes, including the official road, all avoided this forest if there was nothing, and to put it bluntly, they all walked around.

If all goes well, they might be the first practitioners to reach Southern Chu.

And it is definitely enough time to go around from outside the cloud forest, after all, this is a normal route.

"Jiashu, you can follow the official path," Ying Baoyue looked at Ji Jiashu and said, "No one should ambush you and Zichu."

Although the ambushes against her were strange and the number was too much, it was actually not unusual in the general environment.

It's because the well-known practitioners from all over the world are often ambushed on their way to participate in the middle-level ceremony.

The middle-level ceremony is a battle between the masters and the God Dance Realm, and the battle has already begun when the practitioners left their own mansions.

In order to exclude those possible masters, the royal families and families of various countries did everything possible.

This is also the reason why the attacks on the official roads of Southern Chu have not attracted the attention of other countries these days.

It's just because this is also commonplace before the start of the middle-level ceremony.

But no matter how high-minded those aristocratic families are, there should be very few assassin organizations and lackeys of the aristocratic families who would dare to ambush the son of the Southern Chu Guoshi.

"Will someone be ambushing?" Ji Jiashu looked at Ying Baoyue quietly, "Then why don't you dare to walk with me?"


If she is here, God knows if anyone would dare.

The collapsed Zihua Mountain appeared before Ying Baoyue's eyes.

Among the group of people who reached out to her in the dark, there was a lunatic who would not hesitate to let all the practitioners who participated in the initial ceremony be buried with him.

"If I'm here, I don't know." Ying Baoyue looked at him and smiled helplessly.

Ji Jiashu knew what she was worried about, but why did she think he was standing here tonight to participate in the discussion between her and Ji Qingyuan about the departure route?
"I won't interfere with your choice," Ji Jiashu looked at the route on the table, "but I also want to take this route now, so don't interfere."

Ying Baoyue was startled when she heard this.

"Zhaohua," Ji Jiashu looked at Li Ji and asked, "Will you encounter any ferocious beasts or beasts that cannot be dealt with by the Divine Dance Realm?"

"Very little." Li Ji said lightly.

There are actually many routes out of the forest, but he chose the safest one.

Of course he would not tell others that this route was carefully chosen by him.

Ying Baoyue's eyes paused slightly when she heard the words, and she more or less guessed Li Ji's suggestion, and she was not afraid even if it was there.

She has always felt that people are far more terrifying than beasts.

"Well, if that's the case, I'll choose the fastest route," Ji Jiashu nodded seriously when he heard the words, "If you arrive at Soochow early, you can settle down early and find a place to live."

Both the Ji family and the Chen family have annexes in Soochow, even if it is not so difficult that you young masters from aristocratic families can't find a place to live?

Are you in a hurry for those few days?

Ying Baoyue secretly slandered.

Seeing that Ji Jiashu was about to make up his mind, Ying Baoyue took a deep breath, "But don't you want to go with senior brother and Zihan Zichu?"

She still had a little luck, "You haven't asked if they would like to leave."

"Yes, I was going to ask." Ji Jiashu, who was about to let go of the carrier pigeon, looked at a carrier pigeon that had just flown in in his hand.

"But it seems that there is no need to ask now." He smiled and said.

Ying Baoyue was startled, but at this moment, the sound of youths' striding footsteps could be heard outside the house.

"Chunhua, are you determined to leave tomorrow?"

Ying Baoyue looked up, and saw Xu Yishan and the Chen family brothers striding into the gate of Qing'an Yuan with a package on their backs.

"This way?" After listening to Ji Jiashu's explanation, the teenagers looked at the map on the table, looked at each other and said with a smile.

"As expected of Chunhua, if you are brave enough, then we will go this way!"

The laughter of the teenagers resounded in the room, and Ying Baoyue stared blankly at the scene in front of him.

She glanced back at Ji Qingyuan who was sitting behind the desk, and the latter raised his head and showed her a gentle smile.

"Go with them," Ji Qingyuan said, "I wish you all the best of luck."



Departure tomorrow.

This is her last night in Nanchu.

"Aren't you going with us?"

In the study, Xu Yishan, Ji Jiashu, Chen Zichu and the others were still discussing the details of tomorrow's departure, and the laughter of the teenagers kept coming from below.

Ying Baoyue sat on the roof, looked at Ji Qingyuan beside him and asked.

"Father will not allow me and An Ge to leave Nanchu." Ji Qingyuan looked up at the moonlight above his head and said quietly, "I will wait for you to come back in Nanchu."

For so many years, Ji Qingyuan has become accustomed to waiting.

He is the person living under this night sky, and she is the moon in the sky. She can illuminate the night sky, but she cannot belong to him alone.

"Qingyuan, you..."

Ying Baoyue looked at the side faces of the people around her and wanted to say something, but he only saw him glance at the noisy study room below, "Speaking of which, this time you leave, there are so many people around you who want to go with you, I still want to leave." I'm quite relieved."

Ji Qingyuan looked at the girl beside him and said, "You are different from when you came here."

Ying Baoyue was taken aback, but also listened attentively to the voices of the boys below.

It is indeed different.

The days in Nanchu were like a long night, but she finally pierced through the day and let the light shine in.

Just like that woman bent down and reached out to her during the chase.

"My name is Lin Shubai, and I will definitely take you out."

Master, now she will go out from here with new hope and strength.

"When I came to Nanchu from Qin Dynasty, I didn't just want to improve my realm," Ying Baoyue looked at Ji Qingyuan and said, "Master once told me that she named me Yue because she wanted me to find my own star." .”

Ji Qingyuan was startled when he heard the words, "Then, have you found it all your life?"

"I think I found it." Ying Baoyue looked at the dots of lights under the eaves and said with a smile.

"what are you guys saying?"

Gui Chen climbed up to the roof with his sister on his back, Zhao Guang yelled to go up from below, Li Ji stretched out his hand to pull him up, and Zhao Guang stretched out his hand to pull Ji Ange up, and the roof became lively for a while. .

"We are looking at the moon." Ying Baoyue said with a smile.

"Really?" Li Ji walked to her side, "This is the last moon you will see in Nanchu."

Ying Baoyue smiled and beckoned him to sit down beside her.

Li Ji bent down and sat down, only to see her reaching out her hand towards his face.

His dark eyes paused, but did not move.Zhao Guang was startled and thought she was going to take off his mask, but the girl sitting on the roof just reached out and knocked on the bronze mask.

With a ding, Ying Baoyue smiled and continued to knock.

Ying Baoyue tapped different parts of the mask on Li Ji's face with her fingers, and they made different sounds, like chime bells.

"What are you doing?" Li Ji asked in a daze, but only saw the girl in front of her smiling like a flower.

"It's really fun, like a hollow drum." Ying Baoyue said with a smile.

"What's that?" the man asked.

"A musical instrument from my hometown." Ying Baoyue said.

Ji Qingyuan looked at the man whose mask was being tapped and stopped asking, and let her tap without moving.

The sound of the girl's fingers popping out was extremely ethereal and distant.

Amid the melodious music, Ji Jiashu ended the discussion, climbed up to the roof and sat on the side holding the sword, also looking up at the starry sky.

Ji Ange and Gui Li lay on their brother's lap, a little sleepy.

The sound of music enveloped the entire Qing'an Temple, and the world looked extraordinarily peaceful and beautiful.

Ji Qingyuan knew early on that she would ring the chime.

But she used to only knock to his mother.

Now that he experienced it for the first time, he understood how his mother wanted to monopolize it.

Just because the sound is so beautiful, people are reluctant to share it with others.

The voice is ethereal, like a bell like a chime.

Straight to the sky.

The boys and girls stared at the ray of morning sun in the distance.

The night in Nanchu is over.

Tomorrow is the sky of Soochow.

 Southern Chu Ye, Lu Cong is white tonight.This is the story she told in Nanchu.

  If the theme of the former Qin scroll is rebirth, then the theme of the Southern Chu scroll is dormancy and nirvana.

  The theme of Soochow volume will be blooming.

  Kongling Drum: The creation of Kongling Drum originated from the ancient Chinese Western Zhou musical instrument chimes. The sound is beautiful, empty, deep, and mellow.Kongling is also called Kongling Drum, Kongling Drum, and Sekonggu Wangyou Drum.Ethereal is a modern national musical instrument in the new era. It is easy to learn and has no complicated theory. It is most suitable for beginners who like musical instruments.

  Interested readers can search for the music of Kong Ling Drum and listen to it, I like it very much.

(End of this chapter)

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