Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 806

Chapter 806
At this time, the carriage of the group had already left Danyang City, and was driving on the official road in the forest.

There was such a noise outside the car that everyone in the car was startled.

Horseshoes burst out of the window, as if a large number of people and horses were coming. In addition to the sound of horseshoes, there was actually the sound of arrows passing through the forest.

Just as the sound of arrowheads sounded, there was also the voice of a young man in despair.

"Bastards! Who told you to shoot arrows!"

"But Second Highness...Your Majesty said that life and death are irrelevant..."

"What's going on outside?" Song Qian in the carriage was nervous when he heard the movement, and asked the Zhongtang guard outside the carriage, "Could it be an assassin? Did he come down to the princess?"

"No..." The rough voices of the guards came from outside the carriage. For some reason, the voices were a bit strange, "Third Highness, you didn't come for our carriage. It seems that a rich family is chasing a fugitive slave... Wait, they are chasing a woman!"

"Woman?" Everyone in the car was startled when they heard this.

I heard that there are many people coming, such a large number of people are chasing a woman?
"Third Highness, it seems that a woman escaped from marriage, and her husband's family is chasing her!"

"Escaping marriage?" Song Qian was taken aback for a moment, then asked in doubt, "Which woman is so bold?"

According to the laws of Southern Chu, it is a felony for a woman who has not left the cabinet to escape from marriage, and it will make her husband's family lose face.If the husband's family was a little more powerful, they could even kill the woman on the spot.

Women can't practice. Women have no ability to resist in this situation, and they rarely have the courage to resist.

"I think it's a husband's family of no status, but they still shouted and killed," Song Qian shook his head and sighed, reaching out to open the car window on the man's side, but he didn't notice the strange atmosphere in the car.

The young people who were born in Nanchu Dadian in the carriage had different expressions.Hearing the somewhat familiar voice outside, Ji Jiashu's expression became even more subtle.

"The people outside won't be..." Ji Jiashu and Ji Qingyuan looked at each other.

"Huh? Who is it?"

At this time, Song Qian had already pushed open the car window, and Ji Jiashu took a closer look and found that the compartment where Ying Baoyue and other women were on the other side had also opened the car window.

And at the moment when the window was pushed open, an extremely thrilling scene flooded in front of everyone.

I saw a young girl running in the forest, chasing more than a dozen horses behind her, and the guards on the horses were all heavily armed. They were shooting at the girl with their bows and arrows, but the girl used the terrain to escape all the way Arrowheads in the rear.

The young girl's actions are brave, she dresses like a lady, but she jumps and runs away in the mountains like an elf.

However, even though the arrow swished through the forest like this, the girl seemed to be gradually exhausted, and the scene became more and more thrilling.

"I said it all, who gave you permission to shoot arrows!"

Just in front of this group of forbidden soldiers was a young man in noble clothes riding a white horse. Seeing that the forbidden soldiers around him refused to listen to dissuasion and continued to shoot arrows at the girl.

"Stop it all, I'm asking you to arrest people, not kill people!"

"But His Majesty has an order..." The imperial guard on horseback retorted.

Seeing the appearance of the white horse boy clearly, Song Qian exclaimed, "His Highness Nan Chu?"

It really was this person... Ji Jiashu held his forehead in the car.

The young man who grabbed the bow was none other than Jiang Yuanyuan, the Second Highness of Southern Chu whom no one had seen for a long time.

At this time, a girl's exclamation came from the carriage where the women were in, "Miss Li?!"

Only then did everyone discover that the woman who had escaped under the cold arrow of the imperial army was actually a lady of a great family.It was Li Jinniang, the first daughter of the Li family of Danyang who was betrothed to the second prince of Nanchu at the primary ceremony not long ago.

"What's going on here? Miss Li's family escaped marriage again?"

Chen Zichu poked his head out in the Chen family's carriage following behind, and at this moment, the flying arrow from behind hit the window wall of his carriage with a buzzing sound, and he was startled and quickly retreated.

"Second Highness! That woman is coming towards us!" At this moment, Zhongtang's guard shouted loudly, and Ji Jiashu and others in the carriage stared wide-eyed.

Li Jinniang ran desperately under the cold arrows of the forbidden army, and approached the convoy on the side of the road while dodging.

Even the cold arrows of the forbidden army were shot at them.

"Whose convoy? The imperial army is handling the case, so hurry up and dodge!"

Regardless of Jiang Yuanyuan's obstruction, the commander of the imperial army who insisted on arresting Li Jinniang was so arrogant that he didn't even have time to recognize the emblem on the convoy, and yelled at the convoy.

"I told you not to shoot arrows!" Jiang Yuanyuan didn't have time to pay attention to the convoy on the side of the road, and stopped in front of the commander of the imperial army, "If you shoot like this again, you will hurt people!"

"Second Highness, didn't you personally take orders from His Majesty in the palace, and would you personally capture Second Miss Li?" The guard commander of the imperial army, who is the direct descendant of the Ye family, looked at Jiang Yuanyuan coldly, "If you don't help me to catch it, it's fine." Now, why do you want to stop your subordinates and others from handling the case?"

"Where did I stop it!" Jiang Yuanyuan's face burned when he heard the words, and he looked at the girl who was still unwilling to turn back, unwilling to surrender and insisted on running forward amidst the flying arrows, and secretly groaned in his heart.

Escaping marriage... He still wants to escape marriage!
Originally, when he heard the news of Li Jinniang's escape from marriage, although he was a little embarrassed, he didn't intend to put this woman to death.I just thought that if she really had the ability to escape, it would be fine.

However, Jiang Yuanyuan did not expect that the commander of the imperial army who was ordered to arrest people with him was a member of the Ye family in Danyang. The Ye family and the Li family were rivals. live.

"Second Highness! Such a woman who has damaged the face of the royal family must not be merciless!" The commander of the imperial army looked at Jiang Yuanyuan and said righteously. While driving the horse, he drew the hard bow in his hand.

Seeing the girl running recklessly in the forest, the man sneered.

"Such a woman deserves to die!"

"I will chase my fiancee myself! Don't interfere!" Seeing this scene, Jiang Yuanyuan was terrified, so he could only drive his horse to chase the girl running barefoot in the mountains.

But he didn't know why that woman's shoes ran away, how could she escape so fast!
"go to hell!"

The whistling of arrowheads came from his ears, and Jiang Yuanyuan's eyes cracked.

However, at this moment, a scene he didn't expect appeared.

A convoy was also speeding along the forest road, and when arrows shot at Li Jinniang from behind, the barefoot girl fled to the side of an unknown carriage that was speeding in the forest.

And at this moment, the window on the carriage suddenly opened.

A slender hand stretched out from the window and pulled her into the carriage.

With a snap, the arrowhead of the commander of the imperial army hit the window of the carriage, and the arrow shot through the window!

A woman screamed in the carriage, but the window was closed suddenly, blocking all danger from the outside.

The girl who escaped marriage on the road just disappeared in front of his eyes, Jiang Yuanyuan stopped his horse watching this scene in a daze.


what happened?
(End of this chapter)

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