Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 814 Burning

Chapter 814 Burning
eat it.

ate her.

Such an echo resounded in the dark cave, Xu Bingqing's heart felt cold and his whole body trembled.

Looking at the elixir that seemed to be burning on the high platform, she suddenly became frightened for no reason.

"Mother, I..."

"What's the matter?" Tuoba Rong held the long sword in his hand and looked back at her, "Come here."

I don't know if it was Xu Bingqing's illusion, but against the reflection of the flame on the pill, she felt her mother's eyes turned red for a moment.The eyes of the woman standing beside the vermilion elixir seemed to be shining with the will-o'-the-wisps from the depths of hell.

Xu Bingqing's feet were flabbergasted for a moment, and he took a step back while trembling.

The next moment, she saw a red light flash in Tuoba Rong's eyes, and looked at her and said lightly, "What? Now you know you are afraid?"

"Mother, this elixir won't do any harm to people, right?" Looking at the elixir in the middle of the high platform, the red light was even a bit dazzling, making Xu Bingqing doubt her mother's words.

"No one will know about this," Tuoba Rong stared at the elixir with faint eyes, "If it wasn't for this elixir, there is only one in the world, I must have caught a disciple to test it for you, but now It's impossible."

"However, I can assure you that this elixir can greatly increase the realm of practitioners." Tuoba Rong's eyes were cold, "After all, it is a part of that woman."

Although he was very jealous, when he saw this elixir, Tuoba Rong understood why so many practitioners in the whole continent wanted to eat that woman when she was young.

It was only a small fragment at the beginning, but it could be refined into the Broken Mirror Pill, which breaks through the Divine Dance Realm in one fell swoop.

But now the one hidden in the ground is a full half of that woman's soul, and the effect it can produce even Tuoba Rong can't predict.

If it wasn't for their daughter, according to the agreement between her and her husband, Tuoba Rong would never disclose the existence of this elixir to others, let alone dare to swallow it without authorization.

Otherwise, this will undoubtedly be exchanged for a divorce letter.

"But..." Looking at the abnormal mother, Xu Bingqing suddenly thought of a question, "Mother, since this elixir is so precious, why doesn't father take it?"

Xu Bingqing was full of doubts.

She can understand why her mother doesn't eat it.When Tuoba Rong was young, she was also a practitioner of the sixth rank, but when the ban on women's cultivation came out, she immediately abolished her realm and became a model for women all over the world.

But even before her mother abolished her realm, looking at this pill, Xu Bingqing knew that such a pill was definitely not something that her mother or even the Tuoba family could get.

The elixir that can instantly elevate a person to several realms... will definitely be contested by the top forces in the cultivation world, and only the Son of God can touch it.

Looking at the go-getter sword in her mother's hand, Xu Bingqing understood that the existence of this elixir must be inseparable from her father.

However, the next question was turbulent in her heart, and that was...

Why has such a elixir been in hand, and her father has not been promoted for ten years, but he has not taken this elixir?
Could it be that there is no harm to the heavenly practitioners?
However, Xu Bingqing didn't expect that this natural question would hurt her mother, and Tuoba Rong's gaze when he looked at the elixir instantly turned cold.

"I don't know what he is thinking," the woman who has been married for more than [-] years sneered, "Maybe he has stood up for so many years just to leave it to you!"

How is this possible...Xu Bingqing's heart felt cold, she was just a daughter, and girls cannot practice.

"Mother, you gave me this elixir, so dad..." For some reason, she suddenly had a premonition that if her father hadn't been in seclusion, she would not have had the chance to take this elixir.

"What are you afraid of?" Tuoba Rong glanced at her lightly, "You are his own daughter, so you are afraid that he will kill you!"

Xu Bingqing nodded when she heard the words, she is the only daughter of that person, this is her confidence.

"I know what you're thinking," Tuoba Rong said indifferently, "Today is your only chance, if you miss it, you won't have another chance in the future."

Seeing that Xu Bingqing was still a little scared, Tuoba Rong's eyes showed a trace of hatred, and he suddenly stretched out his hand and dragged his daughter to the high platform.

"The realm is yours if you eat it, you don't need to practice hard," the woman persuaded earnestly, "My son is a genius, this is what belongs to you."

Looking into Xu Bingqing's eyes, Tuoba Rong earnestly persuaded.

"Zhaohua, it will be yours too."

Xu Bingqing's eyes lit up, and he stretched out his hand towards the pill, but his hand was trembling.

"You guys of the younger generation have really lived a stable life for a long time," Tuoba Rong looked at his daughter and sighed, "If you were born in my era and competed with those foxes, I'm afraid you would be chewed to pieces. "

Back then, those two women almost stole the limelight from all the female cultivators. It was simply unreasonable for them to be sought after even though they came from humble backgrounds.Tuoba Rong hated practitioners, because at that time, the ladies were forced to practice to gain a little attention, which is simply disgusting.

Why do women go out to practice!

They are the daughters of heaven!

"Women have to be cruel to themselves," Tuoba Rong said earnestly as he looked at his daughter, "If you don't have some means as a mother, how can you marry your father?"

"My mother thought it would be easier for you to have such a father, but you just fell in love with such a person." Tuoba Rong sighed, "Then my son, you can't be soft-hearted."

Her daughter is destined to become the most honorable woman in the world.

Tuoba Rong looked at the red pill, his eyes also turned red.

That humble woman who occupied the magpie's nest back then and was missed by her husband is only worthy of being her daughter's stepping stone!

"Don't be afraid, this is the power you want!" Tuoba Rong looked at the pill on the stage and shouted sharply, "No, this is your power!"

Xu Bingqing was shocked when he heard the words, a stern look appeared in his eyes, he grabbed the vermilion pill in his hand, and swallowed it into his mouth suddenly!


But the next moment she covered her chest and let out a scream!
"Qing'er? Qing'er?" Tuoba Rong widened his eyes and panicked, "What's wrong with you?"

"I..." Xu Bingqing knelt down tremblingly clutching his chest, his eyes were bulging, looking a little horrified, swallowing hard.

Just when she swallowed this elixir, she felt like she swallowed a ball of fire!And the fire went down her throat and burned all the way to her heart.

Her vision was a little dazed, and her mother's voice came from her ear, and she raised her head to respond, but at this moment, countless voices suddenly flooded into her mind.

"elder sister!"

"will you come back?"

"I can't guarantee that this sword will protect you, you stay in the tree and don't go out!"

"Remember, no matter what happens, don't go out!"

"Okay, but sister, I will wait for you, and will always wait for you to come back!"

Never go out!

What happens when you go out?
I will be waiting for you.

Who is he waiting for?

The next moment, everything in front of my eyes was swallowed by bright red.

Powerful emotions impacted Xu Bingqing's mind, countless memories made of blood and fire floated up and down before her eyes, and the huge impact caused her to stagger and fall down, clutching her chest tightly, feeling unbelievable.

what is this?
This is... memory?
This is the memory of blood and fire, and this is something engraved deep in the soul.

What happened to that woman?
Xu Bingqing only felt that his whole body was burning, while watching this scene, Tuoba Rong felt his heart and mind trembling.

It's just that half of the soul can't even bear it with his own daughter. How strong was that woman back then?

"Qing'er, Qing'er! If you can't stand it, spit it out!"

However, Xu Bingqing scratched his throat and shook his head, and the next moment he passed out on the floor of the cave, and the blood-red picture in her mind was at the moment she passed out.





And at this moment, in the dark carriage in the dense forest on the outskirts of Southern Chu, the girl sleeping next to Ji Ange suddenly woke up.

Ying Baoyue sat up abruptly in the dark, and the next moment she clutched her chest tightly, sweating profusely.

what's wrong with her?
This is, what happened?
(End of this chapter)

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