Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 818 The Eve

Chapter 818 The Eve

Song Qian's voice came from the next car, and the moving convoy stopped.

Ji Ange lifted the curtain of the car, only to see that the Zhongtang guards had already started to prepare for camping in the forest.

"Your Highness, it's already dark, and it's really not safe to enter that place at night." Seeing the girls looking over, Song Qian walked over and said, "Let's spend the night outside the forest tonight, and then enter the forest tomorrow morning." .”

Looking up at the behemoth in the distance, there was an unconcealable fear in the boy's words.

Naturally, Ying Baoyue and the others had no objection.

"Song Jizi is very considerate." Li Jinniang, who was almost recuperating these days, got out of the carriage and looked at the former Qin girl who was sitting quietly in the carriage with a complicated expression, "I didn't expect that you really planned to take this place."

Li Jinniang looked around and saw that the surroundings were deserted except for the mountains and forests, and the occasional crows were even more frightening, because the road ahead was a place that ordinary practitioners would never set foot on.

"That's why I asked you and An Ge to follow Song Jizi to go another way yesterday," Ying Baoyue raised his head and looked at her helplessly.

Li Jinniang narrowed her eyes, and the girl's quarrel with Song Qian yesterday came to her ears.

Only yesterday, she learned that Ying Baoyue originally only planned to travel with Song Qian and others for a certain distance.But yesterday, when the border of Southern Chu was in sight, that girl proposed to part ways with everyone.

Then she was sternly opposed by everyone in the car except her.

After she escaped again in the middle of the night and was intercepted by Mr. Chunhua, Li Jinniang knew that this girl actually planned to go to the cloud forest.

"At the junction of Eastern Wu and Southern Chu, there is a small city called Weicheng. It extends in all directions and is a resting place for passers-by. You can go around the forest and take the waterway to the west to Weicheng. It will not be much slower than me. As soon as I come out of there, I will go straight to Weicheng. Waiting for you there, okay?"

In the temporary court surrounded by carriages, the girl laid out a detailed plan and persuaded her in detail.But none of the teenagers agreed, including this middle Tang stepson who, as far as Li Jinniang knew, had nothing to do with the former Qin princess.

But this is of course, after all, she will not agree.

"It was you who picked me up," Li Jinniang looked at Ying Baoyue and said calmly, "I only follow you."

Ying Baoyue covered her head, feeling that one head was bigger than two.

"Besides, we've already come here," Li Jinniang looked at Ying Baoyue and said, "There is no other way around."

This is true.Ying Baoyue looked up at the forest with towering ancient trees not far away.The Cloud Forest covers an extremely large area, and they have already entered the fringe position, and it is too late to go around, and they can only open their own way, which is quite difficult.

But the reason why they are still outside the forest is because they haven't passed that place yet.

There was the crackling sound of the bonfire burning, and at dusk, the carriage got off the carriage and formed a circle as before, and everyone got out of the carriage and walked to the fire.

Ying Baoyue took out a map from her pocket and spread it on her lap.Li Jinniang looked surprised when she saw this scene, "Your Highness, is this the map of the Cloud Forest?"

Ying Baoyue nodded.Li Jinniang was even more surprised. You must know that the map of the cloud forest is extremely rare. She was full of curiosity about this forest but couldn't find it no matter how hard she looked.

Given that the Li family's financial power and power could not find it, she suspected that it might not even be found in the palace.Looking at Jiang Yuanyuan's equally surprised expression, Li Jinniang knew she had guessed right.

"Who drew this for you?" Jiang Yuanyuan looked at the crude map on Ying Baoyue's knee, but many locations were marked. The handwriting on it was obviously hand-painted.

"I won't tell you," Ying Baoyue said with a smile.

Jiang Yuanyuan choked, and Zhao Guang who was beside him covered his mouth and laughed, a little proud in his heart.

At this time, Song Qian, who had arranged everything, came over and looked at the map in Ying Baoyue's hand with interest, "If this blueprint is engraved and printed, it will definitely sell for a lot of money."

After all, as a place with many legends left behind in the Cloud Forest, many practitioners have always wanted to explore, but they searched the map to no avail, leaving only some footprints on the periphery.

"Your Highness, do you sell this picture?" Song Qian smiled and said, "I will offer 3000 taels."

Zhao Guang's eyes widened from the side, and he felt that he was a native of the Middle Tang Dynasty, and he could find business opportunities everywhere.

"It's true that it can be sold for money," Ying Baoyue laughed, but shook his head the next moment, "But I don't sell it."

Song Qian didn't give up, "Then how about I buy the copyright? I'll pay for the production, I'll find the store, and sell the money. I'll give you three, how about it?"

"Edition... Copyright? Production? Sell money?"

Zhao Guang was stunned for a moment when he heard it. He is not a prince who does not know how to live in a deep palace. Sometimes he does small business outside to earn pocket money, but these words Song Qian said he is None of them understood.

However, Ying Baoyue could only smile upon hearing this.

Master, what did she teach that person back then...

Only now can she understand it, and at the same time, she finally understands that in order to repay that person's timely help, that penniless woman also gave Zhongtang a big gift.

This sale of money should refer to the sales volume...and create local vocabulary...

"Split the copyright account?" Ying Baoyue looked at Song Qian and smiled, "Your Highness, you are really good at business studies. Your elders should like you very much."

Song Qian was taken aback when he heard the words, and the next moment the boy smiled, looking at the girl in front of him with dark eyes.

"Production and sales are all inclusive, you seven and I three are fair," Ying Baoyue looked at the young man in front of him who was shining with business eyes, "but I didn't draw this picture, so I don't care if it can be sold or not."

"But I promise you," Ying Baoyue said a step ahead, looking at Song Qian who was about to move, "Next time I see him, I will definitely ask him for you."

Only then did Song Qian reluctantly nod his head, while Zhao Guang heaved a sigh of relief.

The cloud forest is a forbidden place in Li Ji's heart. If this picture is really sold, how many people who are not afraid of death will come here to bother them.If he stumbled into the place Li Ji hid in his heart by mistake, he really didn't know what Li Ji would do.

It's just... Looking at the places marked on the map on Ying Baoyue's lap, Zhao Guang's eyes dimmed. Sure enough, as he expected, Li Ji didn't mark the location of that place.

Li Ji will not tell anyone there.

He also overheard it when Li Ji was talking in his sleep, and then asked about a small part of the story that the young man had in his chest after being stared at by that man coldly for a quarter of an hour with sweat on his face.

If he was given another chance, Zhao Guang would definitely not be so life-threatening.

However, although Li Ji did not mark that location, all other places that should be marked were marked, especially the handwriting in a certain place was a lot bolder.

"Sister, what is this place?" At this moment Ji Ange pointed to the outermost handwriting on the map and asked, Li Jinniang also looked over after hearing this, and she also noticed it from the very beginning, and they happened to be staying at this place at this time outside.

"This is Shimen Pass." Ying Baoyue said.

At this moment, Ji Ange and the others noticed that upon hearing this name, the expressions of the surrounding teenagers were shocked, and the guards also became nervous.

"That's right, Shimen Pass." Song Qian said with a serious expression, "Everyone must pay attention tonight, and don't cross this place."

Shimenguan is a gorge in the cloud forest, also known as the entrance of the cloud forest, and it is also the most well-known place in the cloud forest.

And what is more widely known is a word.

Song Qian spoke in a deep voice.

"Entering Shimen Pass, no one will come back."

 The creation of Cloud Forest was inspired by Heizhugou in Sichuan, which is known as Bermuda in China, and Shimen Pass is a real place there.

(End of this chapter)

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