Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 820

Chapter 820
The boy's voice was firm, but there were complex emotions in it that he didn't understand.

Just because he himself was taken aback when he received this order.

Song Qian stared at the side face of the girl under the moonlight, and the handwriting on the letter he received half a month ago appeared in front of his eyes.

This order is equivalent to handing over the lives of a group of people to this 15-year-old girl. It is normal for him not to understand.

But even if he couldn't understand, he would do it, just because it was the person's request.

"Since you say you will listen to me in everything, why don't you want to leave with me?" Ying Baoyue paused when she heard the words, and asked with resentment in her eyes the next moment.

"Your Highness is so smart, you should be able to guess." Seeing her troubled look, Song Qian wanted to laugh instead, "That person asked me to listen to you, saying that if something unexpected happens, I must accompany Your Highness at other times. .”

"He even said," Song Qian looked at Ying Baoyue, the young man's shrewd eyes were full of smiles, "to prevent you from running away for fear of hurting others."

So did that person find a guard for her? ?
Ying Baoyue was furious when he heard the words.

Seeing her rarely puffy look, the corners of Song Qian's mouth curved even more.But thinking of the earnest entrustment in that person's letter, his expression was a bit complicated.

Between the lines of that person, it is full of understanding of this girl.

It made Song Qian more and more curious about the relationship between her and him.

He didn't believe that person's worries at first, but the escape incident really happened the night before.Fortunately, there was no need for him to act, that Chunhua Jun from Nanchu had already brought her back.

Well, as expected, he is a fiancé, skilled in business.

"Okay, I won't run anymore when things are over," Ying Baoyue handed the map in Song Qian's hands, and said seriously, "You can walk out of this forest safely by following the route on this map .”

The cloud forest itself is not scary, but the terrain is complex.As long as you have a reliable map, it is actually a good shortcut to Soochow.

Of course, if nothing happens.

"We..." Song Qian's eyes narrowed when he heard the words, and realized that there was something wrong with her words, "Then you..."

"It's just to plan ahead, you don't need to think too much, it's just..." Ying Baoyue's eyes sharpened, and under the moonlight she looked directly at Prince Zhongtang in front of her and said, "Song Qian, stepson of Zhongtang."

The sharpness in the girl's eyes made Song Qian shudder.

At this time, he finally realized that in front of him was not the weak and noble daughter of a family who needed protection, but the first female cultivator who had ascended to the position of the leader of the primary ceremony with a thin body.

"I don't care about things outside the forest," Ying Baoyue quietly stared into the eyes of the young man in front of him, "but when you enter the forest tomorrow, no matter what happens, you must listen to me."

"If you want more people to live and not die because of your decision."

A chill ran up Song Qian's spine.

"Of course, nothing may happen," Ying Baoyue looked at the dark canyon in the distance.

Ying Baoyue looked at the map in Song Qian's hand, on which Li Ji drew two routes on how to pass Shimen Pass, one was to pass through the canyon, and the other was to pass through the bottom of the valley.

"Which way shall we go tomorrow?" Song Qian asked after taking a deep breath, "It is common sense to get through the valley, but I think we can't choose that way this time."

The terrain of the canyon, the rock walls on both sides of the canyon surround the road at the bottom of the valley, which is most suitable for ambushes.With the girl's vigilance along the way, she probably wouldn't choose such a risky path.

But looking at the gloomy canyon in the distance, Song Qian really wondered if anyone could live in ambush in that kind of place?

Ying Baoyue nodded.

On this map, Li Ji also made a note in ink to let them go up the canyon. He drew the road at the bottom of the valley just to let the group of people avoid taking this road.

The man even wrote down the places where the practitioners could lift the carriage up.

"The one who drew this picture must be a senior," Song Qian sighed, looking at the map in his hand.

Whoever drew the map had indeed arranged for the woman the safest path.

Ordinary people generally, since they want to pass through the valley, would not choose to waste money and money to lift the carriage up, but would only let the carriage pass through the valley.But only businessmen like them who often go out know the importance of a carriage when they are away.

The carriage is not only a tool for transportation, but also a fortress for people who go out.

It can be attacked and defended.

Because of this, the most valuable thing in the mid-Tang Dynasty was not the title deed of the house, but the carriage built by the carriage and horse dealers for traveling far away.

Every carriage produced by Zhongtang not only has a luxurious interior, but the most important thing is that it is invulnerable, and it can also crush branches to clear the way.

Of course, no matter how strong the carriage is, it cannot withstand the siege of many people. Although it is covered with iron sheets, it is also made of wood.Although it is troublesome to go up the canyon, it is better to be safe.

"It seems that the first thing to do tomorrow is to lift the carriage," Song Qian said while looking at the blueprint in his hand.

Ying Baoyue nodded, but she stared at the map without speaking, with extremely complicated emotions in her eyes.

"Is there anything else to worry about, Your Highness?" Song Qian blinked his eyes and asked puzzledly, "The view from the top of the canyon is wide, and we are setting off in daylight. See, nothing will happen."

"It's true that the field of vision is wide," Ying Baoyue looked up at him and exhaled, "but this is the cloud forest."

There will also be fog above the canyon.

"It should be noon when we board the canyon tomorrow. No matter how thick the fog is, it will disperse a lot by then," Song Qian said. , to ensure that no bird can fly in, and now there is no problem."

With all the precautions like this, what problem will there be?
there is always a solution to a problem.

In Song Qian's view, any opponent that can be seen is not scary.

The girl in front of him seemed to be able to see what he was thinking, and said softly, "Well, the opponents I can see are not scary."

Generally speaking, the top of the canyon can indeed see more things, and it is safer than the bottom of the valley.

Even if she had some secret worries in her heart, it was impossible for them to go to the bottom of the valley at the risk of being dumped.

They have no other way to go.

Ying Baoyue closed her eyes, then looked at Song Qian and said.

"Let our carriage take the lead tomorrow."

Song Qian didn't understand, and nodded when he heard the words, "Of course."

In the current convoy, there is a carriage for the princes and ladies, one for the State Teacher's Mansion and one for the Da Sima Mansion, and one for transporting things and for the servants to rest. There are four in total.

Theirs is the largest and most solid car, and there is no problem going ahead.

After receiving his affirmative answer, Ying Baoyue breathed a sigh of relief, "Then I have nothing to say. Please keep this picture, Jizi Song."

Song Qian nodded solemnly, and was about to put the map in his arms, when Ying Baoyue reached out and grabbed a corner of the map.

"Song Jizi, please remember this place," she said softly. Song Qian lowered his head and found that what she was holding was the edge of the cloud forest, a small town on the border of Dongwu.

Song Qian recognized this place.

The rain in Weicheng is light and dusty, and the guest house is green and new.

This is a rare town with the same name as a small town outside the capital of Soochow and the former Qin Dynasty. It is called...


Song Qian didn't know why she reminded her so much, but still nodded, "Well, I recognize this place."

There are many specialties in Weicheng, and merchants in the middle Tang Dynasty often came to this place.

"Okay, as long as you know each other," Ying Baoyue smiled under the moonlight, then turned around, "Then I'll go talk to someone else."

The quiet smile on the corner of the girl's mouth remained in his heart at this moment.Song Qian watched the back of the girl leaving, for some reason the girl suddenly mentioned this small town.

Although it was autumn, the cicadas suddenly sounded in the ears of the young man. The next moment, Song Qian's heart moved, and he felt that the name of this city was a bit ominous.

Although this Weicheng is not that Weicheng, there is another sentence in that popular poem.

The next sentence of "the morning rain in Weicheng is light and the dust is light" is...

Song Qian clenched his fists.

Advise Jun to make a glass of wine even more, and there is no reason for him to go out of Yangguan.

 The morning rain in Weicheng is light and the dust is light, and the inn houses are green and willows are new.Advise you to drink more wine, go west to Yangguan without acquaintance. --Tang·Wang Wei "Weicheng Song / Sending the Second Envoy of Yuan to Anxi"

(End of this chapter)

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