Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 822

Chapter 822
Before dawn, the last person Ying Baoyue went to see was Lou Xiaolou.

"Your Highness? Why are you here?"

Just when Ying Baoyue lifted the curtain of the carriage of the National Teacher's Mansion, she saw a pair of sparkling eyes.

On weekdays, Ms. Yao, who was in charge of taking care of Lou Xiaolou in the car, would sleep in the girls' compartment at night.So at this time, on the eve of dawn, there was only Lou Xiaolou in the carriage.

"I still want to ask, don't you sleep at night?" Ying Baoyue sat down at the front of the car, quietly watching the bright eyes of the man in the dark, "I was almost scared by you."

After all, who would have thought that when you decide to come here on the spur of the moment, when you open the car curtain, there will be a pair of eyes staring like copper bells waiting for you.

"It's the subordinates who are scared," Lou Xiaolou smiled wryly, "I'm just used to it on the battlefield, and I wake up quickly when there is any movement."

This is probably the habit of veterans who have slept in the trenches, and they are very awake when they open their eyes.

But I don't know if this place is a bit evil, Lou Xiaolou did not sleep well tonight.

After waking up, his hands were touching the hilt of the sword under the pillow, but he was startled when he saw someone coming.

In fact, because they were not in the same carriage along the way, he had been lying down and resting since he was injured, and he and Ying Baoyue rarely saw each other.

But Lou Xiaolou knew that his most urgent task was to heal his injuries, and only when the injuries were fully healed could he protect her better.

Unexpectedly, at this time, this girl came.

"How's your injury?" Ying Baoyue asked.

"There is no serious problem," Lou Xiaolou clenched the hilt of his sword tightly, "Actually, he can go down to the ground. He didn't move to prevent the wound from opening."

"Although my muscles and bones are rusted after lying down these days, if something happens, my subordinates can still pick up their swords and kill the enemy!"

In the dark, the man spoke vigorously.

"Well, that's good," Ying Baoyue said with a smile, "I'm here to trouble you with something."

"Please speak, Your Highness."

"The five of us who came to Nanchu also left Nanchu together," Ying Baoyue looked at Lou Xiaolou and said softly, "Among the five of you, you have the highest realm and the oldest."

Lou Xiaolou couldn't see the girl's expression clearly in the dark, only heard her speak seriously.

"If anything happens, Guichen Guili and Aunt Yao will be handed over to you."

What does this sentence mean?Lou Xiaolou's heart tightened when he heard the words, and he said anxiously, "Your Highness, you..."

"Lieutenant Lou, I am in the same realm as you," Ying Baoyue watched him quietly, "Cultivators should protect ordinary people and people whose realm is lower than theirs."

Hearing the girl's address, the man's pupils shrank in the darkness.Her words reminded him of an oath he had recited in the army.

"I am a practitioner, I am a soldier of the Great Qin Dynasty, and I was born as a mountain to protect others."

Born to be a mountain, to protect others.

This sentence is the first oath that every practitioner must swear when he joins the border army.It is said that it was written by Da Si Ming Lin Shubai.

"You are my guard, but you are also a soldier of Daqin. You have sworn that you are not my private soldier." Ying Baoyue stared at Lou Xiaolou, "Remember who you are protecting."

Lou Xiaolou shuddered all over, closed his eyes the next moment, and nodded in the darkness.

When he saw this sentence for the first time, he felt his blood boil but he was a little puzzled, because everyone in Daqin knew that Lin Shubai was not a born practitioner.

But wrote such a sentence.

But now he understands why that woman who has only one person through the ages can write this sentence.

The next moment Ying Baoyue slowed down, and said softly, "The five of us will come together, and we will reach Soochow one by one."

"Okay," Lou Xiaolou looked into those clear eyes in the darkness, "I guarantee with my life that none of them will be missing."

"You don't need your life," Ying Baoyue said, "You are also among this one."

Lou Xiaolou smiled warmly in his heart, "Okay, this life saved by His Highness, this subordinate must definitely protect it well."

At this time, he finally understood why his eldest brother repeatedly said that he could not die in so many family letters back then.Under the promise that these eyes force you to make, how can you despise your own life.

Even though there has been no news for seven years, Lou Xiaolou has always firmly believed that the man is not dead.

The man whose heart and eyes are full of his princess will not die.

"Your Highness," just as Ying Baoyue got up to leave, Lou Xiaolou suddenly stopped her from behind, "Aren't you going to find them?"

Ying Baoyue paused and turned around.

The man's eyes in the darkness were like stars, "Although I don't know where they are, I believe they are still alive, and they will definitely help you."

Lou Xiaolou has always had a question.

Although he hadn't seen anyone resurrected from the dead, wouldn't he be the first to go to his subordinates and help him after resurrection in such a situation?
He didn't understand why Ying Baoyue didn't do this.

Why didn't this woman go to his elder brother and her subordinates back then?

Is it because you can't find it?Or did she, like everyone else, think they were all dead?

Thinking that his elder brother might still be struggling in an unknown place, Lou Xiaolou felt a little sad, "Your Highness, my elder brother... he shouldn't be dead, right?"

"I don't know," Ying Baoyue looked at Lou Xiaolou and said seriously, "but the last order I gave them back then was, don't die."

Lou Xiaolou was shocked.

"But if they hadn't died, they wouldn't have come to look for me," Ying Baoyue looked at the stunned man and smiled.

"What?" Lou Xiaolou was taken aback when he heard the words, not understanding how this happened.

"If they're still alive, they certainly won't just live in mediocrity, and they must be doing something with their own strength." Ying Baoyue straightened her body, looked at the man in front of her and said, "And they also know that if I'm still alive, No matter what situation I fall into, I will definitely be able to walk to them by myself."

They know that I will walk to them by myself.

With the first ray of morning light, Lou Xiaolou saw the smile on the corner of the girl's mouth, which is a tacit understanding and absolute trust that is difficult for ordinary people to understand.

She's not a princess in an attic waiting to be rescued.

She is the general who leads all armies.

She will just come home triumphant.

And her subordinates will prepare everything for her return.

This is the silver cicada.

Lurking in the ground, but each of them was born to break through the ground. They will not die for ten years, but only see the morning sun.

"I understand," Lou Xiaolou was shocked, looking at Ying Baoyue and said, "I can answer the question His Highness asked me before."

Ying Baoyue looked at him. She asked him why he was willing to follow him even though she knew it was Shura Road, but he didn't answer at that time.

"Following you, can I see brother?" Lou Xiaolou asked.

"Although it will take some time, it should be possible," Ying Baoyue said, she believed that they would come to welcome her one day.

She believed that both he and Mei Niang were still alive.

"Then I will follow you," Lou Xiaolou said, he wanted to see that day.

"Okay," Ying Baoyue said.



The night outside the Great Wall of Eternal Night is relatively late, but the border of Southern Chu is relatively early.When Ying Baoyue walked back to the first carriage, the sky was already bright.

Just as she was about to return to the carriage, a boy's voice came from behind her.

"Don't you have anything to tell me?"

Ying Baoyue turned her head and looked at Ji Jiashu standing behind her.

The boy looked calm and was watching her.

(End of this chapter)

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