Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 826

Chapter 826
The huge and thick cliff shattered in an instant, as if everything was not what would happen in reality.Accompanied by the thunder in his ears and the screams of the women, Ji Jiashu's pupils shrank as he fell.

Thunder Sword!
Just a second before the cliff shattered, he actually heard thunder.This cliff was definitely not shattered for no reason, but was shattered by Lei Fa!

Those who can achieve this level of thunder magic are at least in the realm of the dance of the gods, above his realm.

At least a fourth-rank thunderbolt!
But when he met Ying Baoyue the night before, he hadn't noticed the existence of such a high-level practitioner.

The carriage was plunged into darkness in an instant, and Ji Jiashu saw Ying Baoyue's gaze through the broken window, and she was also looking at him.

At this moment, Ji Jiashu understood why after the assassination that day, Ying Baoyue knew that no assassin would come again.

Because the assassination against the two of them that night was just a temptation.

A test of his strength.

Targeting at his strength this time, those people actually specially sent a fourth-rank thunder magician, and looking at the sword skills, it was actually the exact opposite of him.

That person's sword light was actually purple.This is the most evil color in the Thunder Sword.

This group of people came prepared.

At this moment, while Ji Jiashu felt remorse for his own conceit, he was also terrified by the huge power behind that girl.

But no matter how much he blamed himself, everything came to a head.

"elder sister!"

From above came the heart-piercing cry of the little girl.

The head of the cliff shattered, the first carriage fell off the cliff in an instant, and Guili Guichen rolled out of the second carriage, rushing towards the edge of the cliff regardless of Lou Xiaolou's obstruction.

"Go back!" Lou Xiaolou killed the enemy with a sword in one hand, and dragged the two away from the cliff with the other hand like a chicken, "Mr. Chunhua and the others are in the car! They will be fine!"

"But, the carriage..." Gui Li slapped the man's arm and struggled, but the next moment her eyes widened.

The sound of wood cracking came from below the cliff.

The moment the carriage fell, the teenagers in the carriage drew their swords out of their sheaths.

The carriage that was about to roll down the cliff shattered in an instant, and several figures flew out, and then the long swords in everyone's hands plunged into the rock wall!

This scene was extremely thrilling, and it happened in a very short period of time. The shattered carriage rolled into the abyss, but fortunately, the eight people in the carriage were well hung on the rock wall.

"Sister, Chunhua-jun!" Gui Li shouted in surprise, Lou Xiaolou breathed a sigh of relief from behind.

She dared to let this carriage go ahead of course for her reasons.

This carriage is full of the most outstanding teenagers on the Shanhai Continent, even if they go to lure the enemy to cause an accident, at least they have the ability to protect themselves.

"His Royal Highness! Are you okay?!"

However, seeing the scene under the cliff, everyone's hearts were raised again.

It's because there are five teenagers in the carriage, and four of them have swords.There are three women, but only one with a sword.

Although the people in the car were fine at this time, it was still extremely dangerous under the cliff.

Holding the sword in his left hand, Ying Baoyue grabbed the two women by himself.

She alone bears the weight of three people. Ji Ange is in the middle, holding Ying Baoyue's right hand with one hand, and Li Jinniang with her own right hand. Li Jinniang's position falls the hardest, looking precarious.

"An songs!"

"Hey, that stinky girl from the Li family!"

No one knew how long they could last like this, Ji Qingyuan and Jiang Yuanyuan's backs were covered in cold sweat, and they didn't even know who to worry about.

"None of you let go!"

"Embracing the moon!" Ji Jiashu held Ji Qingyuan, and his pupils shrank when he saw the dangerous appearance of the three women not far away.He knew that Ying Baoyue would never let go even if she died, but with her level, she couldn't sustain the weight of three people for a long time.

At the same time, Ji Ange, who was pulled in the middle, was also in a very bad condition. Looking at the eldest sister whose face was blushing, Ji Jiashu's back was soaked in cold sweat.

The reaction speeds of these high-level practitioners are about the same, but after all, they are all falling, with a difference of several feet. to the distance.

Moreover, most of the people are still in a state of being overwhelmed.

There was the sound of swords and swords intersecting from the cliff, and there was no longer a trace of human figure appearing on the edge of the cliff. It could be seen that there was a fierce battle above, and no one could spare their hands to save them.

"Hey, Your Royal Highness, Miss Ji Er, hold on tight, I'll come over..."

Zhao Guang was closer to Ying Baoyue and the others, and he didn't have any pulls. He tried to swing towards Ying Baoyue and the others, but he didn't know what to do when he saw Ji Ange who couldn't let go of both hands.

His own level is not enough, if he catches Ji Ange and Li Jinniang at the same time, Zhao Guang is not confident that he can hold them both like Ying Baoyue, maybe all three of them will roll off the cliff.

"Jia Shu! You left me behind! Go save An Ge!"

At this time, Ji Jiashu only heard Ji Qingyuan roaring below him, but the young man was unmoved. In order to prevent Ji Qingyuan from letting go, he tightened his hand instead.

He knew that if he let go now, Ji Qingyuan would fall off the cliff.

"I'll leave Qingyuan and An Ge to you." The girl's voice sounded in his ears. Ji Jiashu clenched his teeth and mobilized his whole body's true energy. The boy's palm that was clenched tightly to the hilt of his sword burst into blue veins, and the other hand began to squeeze Ji Jiashu. Qingyuan moved upwards.

"Brother, step on my shoulder!" He pulled Ji Qingyuan to the same height as himself with one hand, and then roared in a low voice.

Ji Qingyuan shrank his pupils and understood what he meant. Ji Jiashu wanted to send him up first before saving Ji Ange.

He gritted his teeth and stepped on Ji Jiashu's shoulder, but the top of his head was still two heights away from the top of the cliff. If someone shot an arrow downward at this time, it would be over.

In the end, I was afraid of what would come, and saw two black figures appearing on the cliff head, about to draw their bows, but a hurricane came from behind and swept them away.

"Master, I fought with you! You bastards dare to take a step closer and try!"

It was Chen Zichu's voice.

In desperation, a smile appeared on the corner of Ji Jiashu's mouth.

Chen Zihan, Chen Zichu, and Xu Yishan who stayed on the cliff had all joined the battlefield, buying time for them to go up.

This is the meaning of all the people he left behind, and the people on the cliff are also working hard.He's going to tell the girl that she's not alone.

"Brother, I'll ask you to go up!" Ji Jiashu stretched out his hand, grabbed Ji Qingyuan's ankle that was stepping on his shoulder, and began to push him up.

However, at this moment, Ji Ange's voice below made his heart tighten.

"Sister, I can't hold it anymore..." After all, Ji Ange is an untrained practitioner, and at the same time, both hands were stressed, and she felt that she was about to split. She took a deep breath and her voice was trembling. Looking at this Li Jinniang at the bottom of the scene clenched her teeth.

She knew very well that if she wasn't still pulling her, Ying Baoyue would be able to lift Ji Ange up like Ji Jiashu.

A drop of liquid fell on her face, it was the girl's sweat.

Li Jinniang raised her head and looked at the girl who held the sword in one hand and Ji Ange without saying a word, "I'm the one who dragged you down, I'm sorry..."

"To shut up."

However, Ying Baoyue from above finally spoke at this time. She looked at Zhao Guang who was approaching but at a loss not far away, "Zhao Guang, don't move, get ready."

"Preparation? What preparation?" Zhao Guang panicked even more when he heard the words, but Ying Baoyue looked down at Ji Ange, "An Ge, listen to my password and let go of your hands at the same time."

"Let go? Sister, what are you talking about..." Ji Ange's eyes widened, but time was running out, Ying Baoyue took a deep breath and shouted, "You two, clench your teeth! Don't bite your tongue!"

The next moment Ji Ange felt a strong force in his left hand, and Ying Baoyue lifted her up violently!
"let go!"

Ji Ange tightly closed her eyes, she believed in everything in the world!
In mid-air, she let go of her hands!
(End of this chapter)

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