Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 837 Fright

Chapter 837 Fright
With a "bang", Ji Jiashu took a step back and pressed his back against the tree trunk behind him without falling down, bloodshot from the corner of his mouth.

"Get up." Ji Qingyuan raised his fist and looked at him, "I know I can't hurt you even if I try my best, why do you want to use all your strength?"

"I don't like this, I'm afraid that you will hurt your hand, brother," Ji Jiashu smiled, and stretched out his hand to touch the wound on the corner of his mouth.

Looking at the fist marks on his younger brother's face, Ji Qingyuan felt a little regretful, but he still maintained a cold expression on his face, "This is the first time I hit you in so many years."

If this was seen by Ji Jiashu's mother Ye Shi, the entire National Teacher's Mansion would be turned upside down.

"The elder brother should teach the younger brother a lesson," Ji Jiashu said quietly, "There is nothing wrong with what the elder brother did."

"No, no matter who you are, even if you are your biological parents, it is wrong to hit someone for no reason," Ji Qingyuan said coldly.

Ji Jiashu looked up at him, "Is this what your sweetheart told you?"

Ji Qingyuan was taken aback, and almost blurted out the sentence "How do you know", but saw Ji Jiashu standing up straight and bowing, "Brother taught me a lesson, so naturally there is a reason for my brother."

This boy is too smart.

But you must know that there is such a saying in this world.

Ji Qingyuan looked at him fixedly.

Deep love does not last long, and Huiji will be hurt.

Ji Qingyuan looked at Ji Jiashu with extremely complicated emotions. From his standpoint, he should have hated him since he was a child, but he was such a person that people couldn't hate him.

"Then why do you think I should teach you a lesson," he asked coldly, "You are the son of the eldest son, how can I have the position to teach you a lesson?"

"There is indeed a difference between a concubine and a concubine," Ji Jiashu said quietly, "but as a human being, as a cultivator, my eldest brother is not only older than me, but also has a higher heart than mine, so he can teach me a lesson."

"But this time, I can't admit that what I just said was wrong," Ji Jiashu knew that Ji Qingyuan was angry at him for taking all the responsibility, but he couldn't back down on this only thing.

He had to admit that he was not as stable as Ji Qingyuan, and he failed to catch her, so he could only use his sense of responsibility to maintain his xinxing and not affect the circulation of true energy.

He turned the other half of his face, "Brother, if you don't feel relieved, just keep hitting."

Ji Qingyuan gritted his teeth, slapped the other half of his face, and pushed him to the ground the next moment.

"What's the use of beating you? She's not dead yet!"

Ji Jiashu's pupils narrowed and he fell back on a pile of grass leaves, with dead leaves flying around. He stared blankly at his elder brother who was looking down at him, but when he was about to ask, Ji Qingyuan asked coldly, "Do you feel powerless?"

The boy who wanted to get up froze.

"That day on the cliff, did you feel powerless for the first time in your life?" Ji Qingyuan quietly watched the young man in front of him from top to bottom, as if looking at himself in the past.

It's just that he didn't have the power of Ji Jiashu back then. After getting to know that girl for a month, he understood what powerlessness is.

"Why are you so dazed? Are you curious why I don't collapse?" Ji Qingyuan looked at Ji Jiashu and said calmly, "If An Ge and I didn't drag you down, you could have saved her."

If he, a big man, had half of Li Jinniang's sense of shame, he would be too self-blaming now.

"Brother, I didn't mean that..." Ji Jiashu panicked for the first time, "You and sister are..."

"She entrusted it to you, right?" Ji Qingyuan said lightly.

Ji Jiashu was taken aback for a moment, thinking that this sounded weird, but it was true. He was so confused that he didn't have time to think what was wrong, so he just heard Ji Qingyuan continue, "Jiashu, you are good in everything, but there is only one shortcoming. , that is, you have not lost anything."

This young man's previous life, in the eyes of ordinary people, was not smooth, but it was too smooth for Ji Jiashu.Because he is too strong, the difficulties he encountered have never exceeded his ability.

But now, that odd number appeared.

That girl was the catastrophe for all of them.

"You don't have to worry about her too much," Ji Qingyuan said decisively, "Your fiancée is very powerful, she won't just fall to her death."

That person would not die in a place like this.

"I know she's amazing," Ji Jiashu stood up with a complicated expression.That girl was exhaustive, even if she fell off the cliff, she had already arranged everything.

She was the most powerful woman he had ever seen.

"But I can't think so," the young man said quietly, "Everyone thinks so, who will protect her?"

She loves everyone, except herself.

"Your idea is right, what I want you to know is another thing," Ji Qingyuan looked at him, "If she survives, she will eventually become stronger than you one day."

No one in this world can match that girl's growth rate.

She will meet stronger opponents and have stronger companions.

The powerlessness that Ji Jiashu tasted on the cliff that day will impact his heart again and again in the future.

Just like him who lost motivation before he practiced.

He will never be better than her.

At this moment, Ji Qingyuan was startled, and suddenly remembered their father.Father, did he...

"Then what should I do?" At this moment, Ji Jiashu's words interrupted his thoughts, and Ji Qingyuan fixed his eyes on his younger brother, "I haven't found a way to do this, but now I have something to ask for."

Ji Jiashu was taken aback for a moment, but his elder brother took a step back and saluted him.

The man raises his hand and raises his forehead like a salute, then bows his chin and lowers his knees, and bows with his forehead touching the ground.

This is the most solemn etiquette among the three kowtows and nine prostrations, and it is generally only used to salute the lower to the upper.

"Brother...Brother, what are you doing?" Ji Jiashu was almost frightened to death by Ji Qingyuan's actions, and quickly threw his sword to help him up, "You're going to break evil..."

However, Ji Qingyuan insisted on not wanting him to help him. During the kowtow ceremony, he raised his head and looked at him firmly, saying each word, "Jiashu, I want to learn sword."

Ji Jiashu paused and looked at him blankly.

At Ji Qingyuan's current age, it would be a supreme humiliation for any man on the Shanhai Continent to learn art from a teacher and bow to someone younger than himself, not to mention that as he said, he will not be able to do so in this life. Maybe catch up with that girl.

All this is simply a useless effort.

But he did it anyway, and he did it without hesitation.

"Chasing the remaining days, Xiong Kuafu. Ying's blood is boiling, and the long river is overturned. Go back to the time, and strive for the number." Ji Jiashu looked at his elder brother and smiled at him, softly reciting this poem.

He remembered that this was a poem posted by his brother on the study room.

Backtracking one by one, fighting for the number of episodes.

Ji Qingyuan looked at Ji Jiashu and said with a smile, "Brother, I'm not old, am I?"

"Of course," Ji Jiashu held back the sourness in his heart, "Brother, you are weak, what are you talking about?"

"I wasted too much time," Ji Qingyuan smiled like a teenager, "so I'm going to chase after him desperately."

Ji Jiashu finally understood why he came to him tonight, and also understood what kind of story his elder brother had told him by setting an example.

"I will teach you," Ji Jiashu said, "but I will not be chased by you."

Although he knew that the person Ji Qingyuan wanted to chase was not him.

The young man looked at Ji Qingyuan and smiled softly, "Brother, I want to ascend to the fourth rank."

Ji Qingyuan opened his eyes wide, when another person's footsteps came from behind them.

The two looked over at the same time, and the fire in the distance made a crackling sound of branches bursting.



"Today is the fifth day in the forest."

Beside another bonfire deep in the forest, the green-eyed boy fiddled with the firewood in the fire, and looked at the girl with her fingers wrapped around her, "Should we enter the deepest part?"

"Well," Ying Baoyue nodded, but at this moment she raised her head suddenly, and the boy's body tensed up instantly.

He felt that a giant was approaching them.

 Horror is in the next chapter.

  "A deep love never lasts long, a strong one will be humiliated, a humble gentleman is as gentle as a jade." --Jin Yong's "Book, Sword, Enmity and Enmity"

  "Six Yu Yunlong, with a whip, the red wheel eagerly urged to look up to the sky to ask. Xihe is unforced, Chu Sao Kong instructed, the dawn bird welcomes the present and the past, and the millet and yellow are reincarnated. The deceased once sighed in the spring and autumn by the water, and the touch was steep. Chasing the remaining days, boasting to my father. The heroic blood boils, and the long river is overturned. Follow the stream of light, and strive for the number of periods. Zhanghua Deng Lintao sings beautifully, Xiafei Yuguxiao red dances, don’t look idle, there are only flowers and flowers, and the setting sun is twilight.”-- "Manjianghong·Kuafu"

(End of this chapter)

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