Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 844 The Cabin

Chapter 844 The Cabin
Looking at the girl leaning against the courtyard door, Li Ji's dark eyes fixed on her, "Are you awake? I'm still wondering how long you'll pretend to be asleep."

Is she pretending to sleep?
He Lianyan's pupils shrunk slightly, and his expression was complicated and difficult to distinguish. A murderous aura rose from his body.It didn't take long for them to leave the room. In such a short time, the girl woke up and even walked to the gate of the courtyard. She was really pretending to be asleep?But why didn't he notice it along the way?He was actually tricked by her?

"I just don't want to disturb your old friends meeting," Ying Baoyue smiled at the man she thought she would never see again, and said while reaching out to tie the belt on his chest, "I didn't wake up until you came, It’s not like pretending to sleep.”

She began to regain consciousness little by little during the sentence "Try it down again", but she really woke up after the moisture on her body was dried. Good time to wake up.

Li Ji looked at her wearing her belts one by one, and her dark eyes filled with complicated emotions again, "Can't you wake up earlier? You know you..."

The man paused halfway through.

"Huh?" Ying Baoyue tied up her clothes and raised her head, "What's wrong with me?"

You know you were almost taken advantage of?

Li Ji's fingers moved slightly under his sleeves, but he knew he was not qualified to ask these questions. He closed his eyes and the man clenched his fists slightly, "How's your body?"

"Mostly recovered, we can go," Ying Baoyue smiled and looked at He Lianyan who was watching with folded hands, "If there is no saber-toothed tiger outside."

Hearing the tremor of the saber-toothed tiger Li Ji's figure, he realized what had happened to her, but seeing that she actually took the initiative to look at He Lianyan, his eyes sank again.

"That beast has already left," He Lianyan looked at Li Ji's inexplicably happy mood, glanced at the corpse on the ground, and stretched out his hand to Ying Baoyue.

"Let's go. I kept my promise and didn't abandon you," he said lightly, "Our promise should still count."

Ying Baoyue thought for a while and nodded, and was about to step out of the threshold when a man's calm voice came from his ear, "There should be at least ten beasts above the fifth rank on the other side of the lake."

Ying Baoyue paused.

"How come there are so many?" He Lianyan looked at Li Ji with anger in his eyes, "More than ten?"

He was suspicious at first, but he didn't see a single ferocious beast all the way here, why did he gather ten of them in such a short time?
Who is this kidding?
"More than ten are still too few," Li Ji said lightly, "You still have no sense of direction. Do you know where this is?"

Now he can believe that Ying Baoyue woke up at least after being carried to this place, because with this girl's keen perception of danger, she would never lead the way to this place.

"This is the deepest part of the cloud forest," he said quietly, "There are lairs of powerful beasts within a radius of ten miles."

He Lianyan narrowed his eyes slightly to look at him, and sneered, "Really? Then why are so many still not coming?"

What kind of fortress is that stone bridge outside? Can it stop so many beasts?
"They couldn't get through," Li Ji said lightly, "It's like you shouldn't be here in the first place."

Ying Baoyue was startled when she heard the words, and looked towards the small courtyard behind her.

Li Ji raised his head, looked at the woods surrounding the small courtyard and said calmly, "There is an enchantment here, so those fierce beasts dare not approach."

The icy lake and stream are part of the enchantment.

No matter how powerful the beast was, as long as it wasn't a divine beast, he had never seen anyone who dared to come over from the lake.

Of course, so do people.

Li Ji looked at the young men and women a mile away with heavy eyes.

Except for him, it is impossible for practitioners below the heaven rank to come here.

He still remembers the shock he felt from thousands of miles away that someone had broken into the place.

Although he didn't know how the two broke in, what shocked him even more after they arrived was that the barrier didn't even show any signs of being destroyed.

Based on his understanding of Helianyan, he probably didn't notice the existence of the enchantment from the beginning.The man's reaction showed it too.

"Boundary?" He Lianyan narrowed his eyes, "Where is it? If there is one, you can call it out and strangle us."

"It's not an enchantment that strangles foreign enemies," Li Ji said lightly.That person will not set up such an enchantment.She will only make it impossible for outsiders to get in like a ghost hitting a wall.

So the appearance of this corpse is also very strange.

That's all, that person never likes to kill people.He was even more reluctant to let this place see blood.

Li Ji looked at Ying Baoyue who was leaning against the courtyard. He knew that there was something strange about this woman. There might be some secrets that he didn't understand about her being able to walk in. After seeing her, it was inexplicably not so strange.

But this inexplicable corpse and the sound of the arrow just made his heart shudder.

"What did you mean when you said you didn't kill people?" He looked at Ying Baoyue and asked.

"It's literally." Ying Baoyue carefully looked at the corpse that appeared out of nowhere on the ground, and glanced at Helianyan who had a relaxed expression on one side, "You also know that he didn't do it, right?"

He knew that he knew, but it was impossible to separate this corpse from this devil.Li Ji clenched his fists tightly, but couldn't speak.

In order not to add more murders in Ruyang City, he can't say anything more at this time, he can only suppress all his emotions in his heart.

"The beasts must have smelled blood." Li Ji looked down at the corpse on the ground. "Bury this man, and they will disperse after dawn."

"That means we can only leave after dawn," Helianyan said lightly, looking up at the cloudy sky, "It will take about two hours, Jinniang, go to the house and sleep for a while .”

Violet lady.

Li Ji squinted at the girl by the courtyard gate, and Ying Baoyue looked at him and smiled.

"Can I stay overnight?" she asked softly.

She remembered that she vaguely heard him say that this place was his home in a coma.

Although it was puzzling why the son of the Soochow Master lived in such a place, she walked around and smiled and said, "It's a beautiful house."

For some reason, extremely complicated emotions appeared in Li Ji's eyes.

This is his home, but it's not his house.This is the forbidden place in his heart, even though he is reluctant to be invaded by outsiders, he knows it very well.

If the real owner of this house is here, she will definitely welcome this girl, and even if thousands of people want to harm her, she will definitely protect her.

"I'm sorry I just wet your bedding," Ying Baoyue smiled sheepishly, "Can I still sleep?"

That's not his bedding.

Li Ji was silent for a moment and looked at her, "That room is cold, it is not suitable for you to sleep there, I will take you to another room."

He Lianyan's eyes dimmed slightly on one side, he had looked around when he came, there was clearly only one bedroom in this yard.

"Hey, do you understand how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade? You don't want other women to sleep in the woodshed, do you?"

Why don't you mention this after sleeping out for so many days.Li Ji glanced back at him coldly, "You have nothing to do with this word. You are not allowed to step into this yard again."

After speaking, he opened the barrier on his own, and He Lianyan stood outside the courtyard and watched him step into the courtyard, grabbed the hand of the girl in the courtyard and walked, "Follow me."

Helian Yan narrowed his eyes.

He grabbed the wrist.

Ying Baoyue was led by the man through the original house, and found a very thick giant tree behind the house.

"Raise your head," Li Ji said softly.

She raised her head and found that there was actually a hut above the giant tree.

In the hut in the woods, the long vines swayed slightly, as if they felt something.

(End of this chapter)

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