Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 847

Chapter 847
got windy.

Ying Baoyue woke up to the crisp sound of bamboo tubes colliding.

Feeling the warmth all over her body, she took a moment to recover, remembering that she slept on Li Ji's bed tonight.She turned over and buried her face in the soft bearskin, which smelled of grass and acacia.

She took a deep breath and stood up, looking out of the papered window.

Because of the surrounding clouds and fog, the sky here has always been gray. At this time, she didn't know if the wind had blown away some of the clouds and fog, and she saw a little morning light.Looks like the daylight has brightened.

She didn't know if she really slept until the sun was up, she got up clutching the bear skin, and stepped barefoot on the carpet beside the bed, feeling warm all over her body.

These days with He Lianyan, they have been testing each other, her spirit has been tense, and it was rare to have a peaceful sleep last night, and she felt that she had almost recovered from the injury she suffered when she fell off the cliff.

She looked at the palm of her hand, slowly loosened the bandage on her fingertips, and found that the wound on it had finally completely condensed.

Feeling the strength regained in her body, Ying Baoyue smiled and stretched out her hand to push open the door of the wooden house.

When she opened the door, she found that the clouds and mist had piled up again, and the daylight seemed to be only morning.She looked down and found that her shoes were neatly placed by the door.

She turned around and cleaned up the room as clean as when she came in. In the process of cleaning up, her eyes stayed on the wooden bow on the wall for a moment, and her fingers moved slightly.

But she didn't touch it, turned around and walked out of the cabin, closing the door gently.

The giant tree was still as tall as when she came here, but this time looking at the thick vines hanging in front of the house, there was a kindness in her eyes.Like a naughty child, she grasped it tightly and tried it out. She found that the vine was extremely smooth. It took some effort to climb up, but it was not difficult to get down.

She plucked a large leaf from the tree, wrapped her hand in a loose grip, and slid down the vine.

With her feet on the soft ground under the tree, Ying Baoyue smiled.

When she was a child and her master avoided killers in the dense forest, she always liked playing with vines like this, and now she didn't expect to be able to relive her childhood here.

And just as she was looking at the vines under her hand with great interest, she paused for a moment, and suddenly found that just behind the vines, as far as she could see, there was a pile of small soil bags at the bottom of the tree, as if they had been dug up not long ago. generally.

And on the tree trunk just above the dirt bag, there was a dark red trace.

Looking at the dark red, Ying Baoyue's heart skipped a beat for some reason.

She walked forward quietly, slowly stretched out her hand, and touched the red color.

There were still bloodstains on her fingertips, and just when her bright red fingertips touched the dark red, a whistling wind suddenly came from her ears.

The time and space around her seemed to be reversed in an instant, and a large blood-red cloud suddenly rose in front of her eyes.

Among the large expanses of red, Ying Baoyue's eyes were in a trance for a moment, but at this moment, a vague voice suddenly sounded in her ears.

It was a woman's voice.

She seemed to be comforting someone, and spoke softly.

"Don't be afraid, it will hurt a little, and it will be fine soon."

Who is hurting?
Who is she comforting?
what is this?
Ying Baoyue took a step back, and the next moment the clouds and mist in front of her eyes turned as if she had just woken up from a big dream. Everything in front of her disappeared in an instant, leaving only a smear of red on the cold tree trunk.

Her fingertips were still on the tree, but nothing happened around her.

There was nothing, everything was just like a hallucination she had in a flash.

Ying Baoyue stretched out her other hand and rubbed her eyes, and stroked the trace on the tree with her fingertips, but left only the uneven touch of her fingertips.

Really, it's just an illusion with no roots, no basis, no beginning and no end.

She wondered if it was because she was too tired from the confrontation with Helianyan, but in a sense this place was indeed a bit weird, it seemed that she couldn't stay for long.

Ying Baoyue fixed her eyes on the tree trunk in front of her, but at this moment, there was a faint sound of water flowing not far behind her, she was startled when she heard the sound, turned around and left.

Following that voice, Ying Baoyue passed through the back door of the house below and walked into the patio in the courtyard. She stared blankly at the familiar figure from behind.

The person sitting in the corner was wearing a blue shirt, and the bronze mask was still firmly on his face, but...

There was a large wooden basin in front of him.

That's right, this person is Li Ji.

But what makes Ying Baoyue speechless is...

Li Ji is washing the quilt.

Still covered.

She had slept in that bed before, and remembered that the thin quilt was not sewn with needlework, but a quilt cover with green cloth ties. This type of quilt cover was invented by her master back then, and it was very easy to remove and wash.But now Ying Baoyue was staring at the familiar green cloth quilt cover of Li Ji's men, but he felt an indescribable sense of disobedience.

After all... If anyone sees that the youngest celestial cultivator on the mainland is not practicing morning exercises early in the morning, but sitting in the corner washing the quilt, no one will be speechless.

However, the man in front of him was skilled in his movements, and it was obviously not the first time he had done such a thing.Even as a water magician, he didn't use any real energy, but scooped up a ladle of water from the water tank beside him and poured it on the bluestone, beat the dried acacia in one basket on the bluestone to soften, and then carefully acacia rubbing hands in duvet cover.

After the few stains are wiped clean, scoop water from the water tank around you and wash it again.

Wait, who in the house of a serious water mage uses a tank?

Although Ying Baoyue has become a water mage not long ago, she has almost abandoned things like buckets and basins, but she did not expect that the strongest water mage she has ever seen is so proficient in using water tanks.

No, what is even more unexpected is that he is so skilled at washing clothes...

Ying Baoyue recalled the sentence when he confronted Helianyan, "I think the quilt is about to be washed", but he didn't expect that he really meant it.

"Huh?" It was Li Ji who was wringing out the green cloth in his hand, turning around, "You're awake."

Ying Baoyue nodded, watching him unfold the quilt, and countless drops of water floated in front of her eyes.

The next moment, the quilt in Li Ji's hands became as dry as ever.

Is the water method used at this time?

"It's hard to dry clothes here," Li Ji looked at her and explained, "That person used to dry them."

"That person..." A conjecture in Ying Baoyue's mind was verified in an instant, she looked at the person in front of her and asked, "Did you live here with someone before?"

Li Ji nodded.

"Is that man a fire mage?" she asked.

Li Ji's eyes paused, and he nodded.

She can guess as long as she has slept in that room.

"That's right, after all, that room is too cold," Ying Baoyue smiled wryly, "We water magicians can't stand it."

In fact, because of the imprint left by the Soaring Snake, her physique is not as cold as that of ordinary water mages, but she also felt very cold when she slept there last night.

Li Ji nodded sympathetically.

Ying Baoyue didn't ask what's wrong with the fire magician again, because Li Ji's reaction had already told her everything.

That person is probably gone.

But looking at the clean bedding in the man's hands, Ying Baoyue couldn't say a word of comfort.

She knew she was not qualified to say anything more.

Even though the person has left, this person has been cleaning this place for ten years, just so that that person can come back to this place at any time.Just like Master is a place in her heart that cannot be touched, this person also has a place in her heart that she wants to maintain forever.

At this point they are the same.

"Okay, since you're awake, I'll put the quilt on and let's go." Li Ji walked into the house, restored the quilt as it was, and walked out of the courtyard with Ying Baoyue.

Outside the courtyard gate, He Lianyan quietly watched the two of them come out side by side with his sword in his arms.

"Let's go, you two," he said lightly, "I'm leaving the forest today."

 Today's little knowledge of acacia: This is a fruit that grows on trees. After drying, it can be used to wash clothes. It can be said to be the earliest soap in China, with a fragrant smell.

  So Brother Ji's body has always been very fragrant.

(End of this chapter)

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