Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 851 Race

Chapter 851 Race
They deceived each other and walked all the way knowing each other in this way.

She didn't expect that she could still be so calm now that it was time for her to meet her.

No, it should be said that he knew it well, but he didn't know that she knew it too.

He thought she didn't know that his identity had been exposed long ago, but he didn't expect that she knew everything.

"When did you know that I knew you were the real princess?" Helianyan sighed with a smile.

Ying Baoyue glanced at him, "When you said I was a substitute for the princess."

This excuse was so ingenious, it almost provided her with a ready-made reason, but it's a pity...

"I've always known a truth," Ying Baoyue said with a smile, "the sky probably won't let the pie fall."

"This is not something ordinary people can realize." He Lianyan laughed loudly when he heard the words, and then stopped laughing suddenly, "I really want to know what kind of palace can raise a princess like you."

It's not without reason that he doubts her princess status.

Most of the princess Diji he had met were simple and stupid, with high self-esteem.It is really rare to see a woman with such intelligence and lethality as this woman.

"I think," Ying Baoyue pondered for a moment, "there is no royal palace that can be raised."

She didn't grow up in Efang Palace.

She looked at the boy opposite, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, "I am unique."

She was raised by the most powerful woman that ever existed in this world, so she is naturally unique.

"Hahaha," looking at the proud face of the girl in front of him, Helianyan laughed happily, "You really are very special."

As long as he senses something wrong along the way, he will kill her without hesitation.

Obviously know everything, but pretend to be confused.Under the absolute disadvantage, but not leaking water, and he dealt with him to the last moment.

He looked at her with nostalgia, as if watching some precious treasure about to be smashed, "It's so special that I don't even want to kill you."

"It's a pity that killing you is the decision of the adoptive father, and I can't change it." The boy looked at her cherishingly like this, but the pressure in the air suddenly increased, with an undisguised murderous look.

Adoptive father.

Hearing this word, Ying Baoyue's eyes paused.

What kind of person is this?

Who on earth wanted the life of the former Qin princess?

"But you can be lucky, I won't kill you." But at this moment, Helianyan, who was watching her eyes, smiled again and said.

"Really," Ying Baoyue didn't have the slightest rejoicing on his face, and looked at the young man in front of him calmly, "Then what do you want to do to me?"

"The order from above is life or death," Helianyan said with the same smile in his voice, "It's okay to die, so it's okay to be alive."

"In that forest, I promised you that I would not abandon you."

He Lianyan stared at the calm girl holding a long sword in front of her, with a smile on her lips, "This promise is still valid."

"Everything in the forest is just a play," Ying Baoyue stared at him with complicated and sad eyes.Because she clearly understood that when the boy put on the mask again, the boy who made a promise with her had disappeared.

She will never see him again.

"Is that true?" He Lianyan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he stretched out his hand to her, "As long as you are willing to abandon everything, then all this is true."

"You say you are not a princess, but I am willing to let you be my princess," the pair of flirtatious green eyes looked at her, the boy's sweet words carried the power of bewitching, as if the devil's whispers were ringing in her ears, "Yes I am here, no one will hurt you anymore. Stay by my side, and no one will chase you down."

"What do you mean?" Ying Baoyue didn't respond, but looked up at him and asked.

"What do you think I mean?" Helianyan smiled.

Ying Baoyue looked down at the hand stretched out to her, "Are you proposing marriage?"

He Lianyan was slightly taken aback, and then laughed happily, "I thought you didn't understand these things."

"Maybe it's because I have rich experience in this area," Ying Baoyue paused for a moment before thinking about it.

"You really like me more and more," Helianyan's voice became more and more cheerful, "Then what do you think? My Highness the Princess."

"Don't call me that," Ying Baoyue said quietly, "I'm not your princess."

"Really? Then what should I call you, Your Royal Highness?" He Lianyan clenched the long sword by his waist.

"Except for the princess, you can do whatever you want," Ying Baoyue said flatly.

"It's really incomprehensible," He Lianyan said with a smile, remembering what she called Li Ji just now, "Then how about I call you A Yue?"

My little Ah Yue.

A long-lost male voice sounded in the back of her mind, Ying Baoyue's pupils shrank and did not speak, but He Lianyan stretched out his hand in front of her again.

"This is the last chance," the man's voice was sweet but his murderous aura was getting heavier, the thunder light surrounding the long sword exploded in her ear, "Should I stay by my side and live, or do I not know what is good or bad?" Death depends on your choice."

"What do you keep me by your side?" Ying Baoyue looked up at him, "Do you want to marry a woman who will assassinate you at any time?"

"It's okay, I will take good care of you, I have the ability." He Lianyan smiled.

"And then?" Ying Baoyue asked, "Take away my freedom, don't allow me to participate in the middle-level ceremony, and imprison me by your side for the rest of my life?"

"It's natural that you can't participate in the intermediate ceremony," Helianyan said quietly, "This is the most basic condition for you to survive."

"Really?" Ying Baoyue smiled and said, "If you survive, it will only belong to you?"

"What's wrong with that?" He Lianyan smiled, "I shouldn't be born ugly, right?"

Not only is it not ugly, but it is an appearance that is enough to make many noble ladies from aristocratic families fall in love with it.

"As you guessed, I am not a slave of the Helian family," the young man looked at her and smiled, "I have a family background that is not inferior to that of your fiancé, enough to make you..."

"Be the canary that feeds by your side."

However, Ying Baoyue smiled, looked at the boy's hand in front of him and said calmly, "Thank you for your suggestion, but I don't intend to be your canary."

"Really?" He Lianyan still smiled unabated after being so rejected, just looked at his palm, "I appreciate your sobriety, but this is not something you are qualified to choose."

"If you want to survive, you have to be mine," Helianyan said with real energy surging all over his body.He withdrew his hand, held the sword, pointed at the girl opposite and said, "You still had a chance to resist, but your rescuer has been pushed down by your own hands."

"What else can you do by yourself?" He smiled. "It's rare that you are born with such a good-looking appearance. It's better to be obedient."

"Really?" Ying Baoyue smiled and said, "Since you know my name, you have never paid attention to my other identity."

''What identity? "He Lianyan narrowed his eyes.

The next moment, his pupils shrank, looking at the suddenly rising waves in front of him.

The girl waved her arms, and the bright sword light illuminated her face.

From her sword, thousands of zhang waves were set off, and little water spray rose from her back.

The surrounding air suddenly vibrated, "Even if I don't rely on that person, I can still escape from your hands."

The sword light of the Sunset Sword tore through the entire fog.

A coercion that He Lianyan had never seen these days rose from that woman, and Ying Baoyue pointed his sword at the person in front of him.

"I'm not going to be your canary."

"How do you think I got here? Who do you think I am?"

Ying Baoyue looked at him and smiled slightly.

"I am the number one in the Seventh Beginning Ceremony of the Warring States Period."

The huge coercion that had been suppressed so far rose from the girl's body, and she spoke softly.

"I killed it myself, top of the list."

(End of this chapter)

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