Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 863

Chapter 863
Riding on the wild horse, when the night wind blew across his cheeks, Ji Jiashu felt as if he was still dreaming.

He looked back and saw that Wei City had already been left behind by them.

Of course, those killers and wolves did not, and they were still chasing after them.It's just that they were riding horses, and those killers also took a lot of horses in the city to follow the wolves, so it took some time, but the figures were still there, and it was only a matter of time before they caught up.

But seeing them catching up with Ji Jiashu felt a little relieved, at least the people in Weicheng would be less affected.He still has lingering fears when he recalls the scene of countless men in black coming out from the top of the middle of the houses. Looking at the wild horses under him who are not afraid of wolves, he finds it even more inconceivable.

He looked to his side, Chen Zichu, Zhao Guang and the others were also riding wild horses nervously forward.Although the horses are bare horses without saddles and pedals, they are practitioners, and they can control their bodies with their true energy, so they can be more or less controlled.Although these horses running from the wild look like wild horses, they are more obedient than the untamed wild horses Ji Jiashu has seen.

There were too many wild horses that came running before, and there were many empty horses running with them. People who didn't know saw them and thought they were a team of horses on the grassland.

However, it is better to say that the group of wild horses ran with them, and it is better to say that they ran with the girl and her horse.

Ji Jiashu raised his head and looked at the girl in front of the horse team. Her horse was the strongest and oldest horse, but it ran the fastest.However, in such a high-speed galloping horse, he could see that she looked normal and could still lower her head and hug the horse's neck and whisper.

"What...all sons? Don't you have daughters?"

"And... so many? How many mares have you harmed? Do you believe that I gelled you?"

The woman's voice came from the wind in front, and Ji Jiashu moved on the horseback, trying to ignore the voice coming from ahead.

She was actually talking.

Talking to the horse.

But that's nothing.Ji Jiashu thought calmly on the horse, the first time he met her, she was still talking to a tree.

Everything, you just get used to it when you see it.

Hmm, just get used to it.

However, at this moment, a cold arrow flew from behind, Ji Jiashu's pupils shrank, and a bolt of lightning split the arrow in half.

Ying Baoyue in front of her turned her head and looked at the dark shadows behind her who had become clear again.

"Those people have caught up again."

Ji Jiashu took a deep breath, turned around his body which had recovered less than [-]% of his true energy, and stared solemnly at the killers and wolves rushing up behind him once again.

The eyes of those people and beasts were as blood red, chasing after them as if they would never stop until they bit off a piece of meat!
"These people are really desperate!" Chen Zichu on the side gritted his teeth and shouted, "The soldiers on the battlefield are not as desperate as these people! Where did these people come from!"

There are few people on their side, but they are all the best among the young practitioners. The previous pursuit also caused a lot of casualties to these people and wolves, but these people are like ants chasing Shimi. Still swarming up without fear of death, they are far more difficult to deal with than the killers and dead men professionally raised by the family.

And these people, even if they are of high rank, cannot withstand such consumption.

At the city gate before, if there were no wild horses that suddenly ran out, Chen Zichu felt that he would have to confess to being there.

"I finally realized the feeling of exhaustion that my father said on the battlefield," Chen Zihan on the side clenched the blood-stained heavy sword in his hand with a dignified expression.

All of them have indeed passed the primary ceremony, but they are all sons of aristocratic families who have never been on the battlefield, or even killed many people.No matter how strong they are, the journey of so many days has greatly consumed their physical strength.

Almost every teenager is unkempt and has bloodshot eyes. If it was in the past, he probably couldn't hold on long ago.


"Run forward, I'll be in the rear." Just as the second batch of arrows came, the figure of the girl who was originally at the front reined in her horse and quickly fell behind, and then appeared at the back.

The water curtain rises, soft but as strong as a shield.

Blood spattered, cruel but unswerving.

"Run!" Chen Zichu clenched his teeth, a strong wind blew up, disturbing the flying arrows in the sky, and galloped his horse.

They should have been exhausted. Every time he swung his sword, he could feel the soreness of his shoulders and arms. He could feel that the gap between his thighs had been worn away by the horse's back without a saddle. But at this time, he didn't want to fall behind.

No one was left behind, no one gave up.

In the cold autumn leaves, Chen Zichu could feel the scorching heat from every boy around him.Although the people who went ahead of them couldn't see them, Chen Zichu knew that their hearts must also be warm.

If we say that they used to be pampered sons of aristocratic families, now in the bloody wind, they are also breaking through their limits.

I don't know how long this kind of fighting has been going on. The sleeves embroidered with orchid grass were soaked in blood, but I don't know whose blood it was.

Everyone in the world has blood, just look at who the blood is shed for.

Chen Zichu turned his head slightly in the strong wind. The girl who had run far longer than them was like a sharp sword that had been quenched and reborn, resisting the attack from behind. amazing.

This scene probably wasn't beautiful in the eyes of the world, but it reminded Chen Zichu of those glacial iron horses his father had mentioned when he was very young.

The Iron Horse Glacier fell into a dream.

And beside that girl, surrounded by brilliant lightning.

It was the Spring Thunder Sword that Nanchu was proud of.

The two horses were three feet apart, but they seemed to know the tricks the other would use. No matter how many people and beasts charged towards them, they would all be stopped.

One man guards the gate, and ten thousand men cannot open it.

The teenagers' hearts were beating wildly, but at this moment, wolves howled from all directions, unable to attack for a long time, the wolves stopped killing and began to accelerate in all directions.

"Hold the moon! They want to outflank!"

Zhao Guang, who was at the front, screamed, Ying Baoyue suddenly turned around, but a suicidal man in black rushed forward in front of him, as if trying to hug her sword.

"It's only fifteen miles away from Ruyang!" Ji Jiashu looked at this scene with teary eyes, "Everyone hold on!"

Ru Yang is indeed not too far away, relying on the eyesight of the God Dance Realm, he can even see the huge silhouette in the hazy moonlight.

However, this last section of the road is too long for those of them who have been running all night.As they approached the city, the wolves and the killers became more and more impatient, and began to move forward desperately to outflank and lock them up!

The night was gradually turning white, and there were not many pedestrians in the wilderness outside the city. This attack was still captured, and those men in black obviously wanted to kill them before they were discovered by the Soochow Forbidden Army at the head of the city!
The surrounding roads were deserted.The exhaustion of true vitality erodes every teenager, and these people are really going to the limit of the limit.

The craziest attack before dawn began. Ji Jiashu's heart beat violently when he saw the men in black who had surrounded him and the ten black shadows who were encircling Ying Baoyue in one breath.

"Embrace the moon!"

However, at this moment, someone suddenly said "huh?" in midair.

The next moment, a strong wind rose and swept everything.

 guess who's coming
(End of this chapter)

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