Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 866 City Gate

Chapter 866 City Gate
The bowstring was tensed inch by inch, like a deadly knife hanging in the heart, and the teenagers outside the city were already exhausted.

There was only the last half a mile away from the city gate, but it was still within the range of the hard bow on the tower.

"Wait, I'm..." Zhao Guang raised his head with difficulty, but the cold wind suddenly poured into his chest and choked his lung ducts, and the boy coughed violently.

His faint voice was drowned out by the howling of wolves and the clash of swords all around him.

"How dare you fight in front of Ruyang City! Hold the city gate, archers, put on another bow! Get the crossbowmen ready!"

His familiar Soochow accent came from the city wall in the distance. The commanders of the imperial army were full of spirit, and Zhao Guang was in despair.

It's not that the voice of the people on their side is not loud enough, but that his true energy has been consumed too much, and he can no longer let his voice pass through the true energy.

Ten thousand steps back, even if he can successfully report his identity at this time, will those soldiers in the capital who are burdened with heavy responsibilities really believe it?
He is just a bastard with an embarrassing mother's status, and he has no weight in the court.On the other side of the city, his elder brother was welcoming the distinguished guests from the Northern Wei Dynasty, and the orders received by these imperial guards were probably to kill suspicious people without mercy.

Zhao Guang's heart sank deeply, and suddenly he felt a chill in his ears, a long sword was cutting towards him from the corner of his eye, but he couldn't dodge it for a while because of distraction!
However, at this moment, there was a crisp sword sound, and Zhao Guang turned his head to look at the long sword blocking his face in astonishment.

A little drop of water splashed on his cheek, and he couldn't tell whether it was water or blood, but it made his previously flushed face fade away.

"What's the matter?" The girl who broke through the siege and came to him while being chased by the killer rode a horse and looked at him with a smile, "Are you scared when you get to your door?"

Zhao Guang didn't know why she could still laugh in such a situation.

But watching this scene made her heart beat faster.

"I..." He was about to speak, but he saw the girl raised her head backwards, "He is catching up. Since we have to shoulder the responsibility of clearing the way ahead, let's open the city gate together and enter."

Shocking water splashed up behind him, and Zhao Guang was stunned to feel the familiar fluctuation of true energy in the distance.

" do we get in?" He asked in a daze.

"How to get in?" He looked at the girl who was riding a horse and rushed in the front and smiled back at him, "Of course I rushed in."

rush in.

Zhao Guang stared blankly at this scene.

Just as her words fell, the roar of the defenders sounded from the tower.

"Still not stopping? Cum for me!"

The first wave of arrow rain fell.

A gust of wind blew up around everyone, Zhao Guang looked at Murong Feixing behind him clenching his teeth and wielding a sword from the corner of his eye, knowing that he was using the wind to disturb them, but this young boy alone couldn't last long.

A broken arrow grazed his cheek, drawing a line of blood, but Zhao Guang didn't seem to feel the pain, and just looked straight ahead.

"His Royal Highness! What's wrong with you?"

Ji Jiashu's worried voice came from next to his ear, but Zhao Guang could no longer hear other voices.

In the blade and the rain of arrows, he just looked straight ahead at the figure of the girl galloping on the horse.

Because she rushed to the front, she faced more arrows, and the cold wind was more violent. Some arrows grazed her shoulders, and blood bloomed on her body, but the girl went straight forward, without retreating, watching The fierce horse that braved the rain of arrows but did not slow down was afraid of the officers and soldiers guarding the city in the distance.

"What's going on? Where is the lunatic? Pull up the drawbridge!"

Zhao Guang looked straight at the suspension bridge slowly rising over the moat in the distance.I am afraid that in order to welcome the Northern Wei State Teacher, the suspension bridges of the four city gates were lowered, and the city gates were not completely merged.The guard thought that the rain of arrows could repel them, but he didn't expect it to be the opposite. At this time, he began to order the suspension bridge to close the city gate.

Zhao Guang knew very well that, unlike Wei City, the suspension bridge and city gate in Ruyang, the capital city, were heavy, and it would take at least ten people to work together to pull it up, and it would also take a certain amount of time.

Originally, there should be enough time, but the city gate guard never imagined that facing the rain of arrows, the speed of the black horse was not slow, but faster. It took the lead and rushed straight towards the suspension bridge that had left the ground.

"Go and report to Your Majesty!" The guard's eager roar sounded from the tower.

"But His Majesty is..."

"It would be even worse if I was rushed in by these unknown people!"

near, near.

Zhao Guang looked at the girl in front of them who was getting farther and farther away from them. At the same time, the roar of the snow wolf and the sound of the increasingly sharp water sword sounded behind him.

Front and back, the two seem to complement each other.

The largest city in the southeast, Ruyang.

Zhao Guang doesn't know what kind of experience it is to break through the level alone.

But right in front of that heavy city gate, that woman is making the impossible possible.

The killers and wild wolves behind her could no longer keep up with her speed, the girl had already rushed to the moat, the suspension bridge had risen as high as a person, and the road ahead was like a dead end, everyone thought she would stop, but right here Shi Ying hugged the moon and shouted.

"Hei Feng, jump!"

Everyone watched the black horse jump up, its front hooves fell to the front of the suspension bridge, and then it stomped down.


This sound seemed to hit everyone's heart.

The iron cables on the suspension bridge trembled, and the old horse's eyes showed unwillingness. At this moment, two bright sword lights lit up on the suspension bridge, and the wooden board at the connection between the iron lock and the wooden bridge was instantly cut.

Not to cut the chains, but to cut the wood that connects the chains.

Zhao Guang's eyes widened. In such a tight time, the girl still maintained a clear judgment.

With a bang, the suspension bridge that lost its iron chains fell back to the ground, and the black horse jumped over.

"This is all..." The guard on the tower was dumbfounded.

Who are these people.

This is her.

Seeing the figure of the girl running forward who couldn't be stopped by anything, Zhao Guang felt the blood in his veins was constantly speeding up, and suddenly burst out laughing the next moment.

"Jun Wang? Zhao Guang?" Ji Jiashu on the side was worried and went crazy again, but at this moment, he found that the young man beside him had torn off his clothes, and his timid eyes had become as fierce as a little wolf on the grassland.

"Laugh up to the sky and go out," Zhao Guang smiled and clamped the wild horse under him, not looking at anything, just staring at the figure of the girl in front of him and galloping forward.

"A group of lunatics, close the city gate!"

Anxious shouts from the guard came from upstairs.

However, at the next moment, Zhao Guang looked at the slowly closing city gate out of the corner of his eye, bit the tip of his tongue and took a deep breath.

"People in the city listen up!"

The boy's voice rang out sharply in the gust of wind.

"The king of Dongling County is back! Open the city gate for me!"

That sound pierced through countless noises, rushing toward his face with murderous aura and arrogance.

"Dongling County King?" The guard on the tower was taken aback for a moment, and looked at the group of people behind the girl downstairs in astonishment, his hands froze in mid-air as he wanted to give orders.

"Captain?" The city gate soldier who was pushing the noose of the city gate was also stunned when he saw the officer who stopped beside him.

"Who knows if this is the King of Dongling County?" Seeing the helplessness of the people around him, the guard upstairs trembled slightly.

And at this moment, in the gust of wind, Zhao Guang heard the familiar male voice, "Throw the jade pendant into the air!"

Zhao Guang pulled the green dragon jade pendant from his waist and threw it up. A cluster of water sprayed up in the distance and smashed the jade pendant straight into the guard's face.

"This is...but...the city gate cannot be opened..."

Seeing the group of green dragon pattern defenders in front of him, he was stunned, but the city gate was difficult to open. In the midst of the swords and flints, the screams of the city gate soldiers came from downstairs.

"Get out of the way if you don't!"

Because of Zhao Guang's roar, the closed city gate stopped, and the girl rode her horse and jumped in.

 Life will go on and on.

(End of this chapter)

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