Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 869

Chapter 869
A drop of bright red liquid slipped from the tip of the sword, and Ji Ange stared at Ying Baoyue standing behind Xu Bingqing with a sword on the roof in astonishment.

"Stop calling."

Ying Baoyue flicked the sword, and the sword surface was clean again. She put the sword back into the sheath and looked back at the screaming woman covering her shoulder, "It's just a scratch."

" dare to hurt me..." Xu Bingqing had only held the sword for a short month, but her mother taught her a lot of sword skills in a special way, and she was always the only one who hurt people when fighting with the guards. She thinks she has strong real energy, but she has never been injured!
"I just returned the sword you stabbed me just now, and I didn't intend to hurt you." Ying Baoyue glanced at her lightly, "Who knows that you can't hide from it."

If she really wanted to hurt someone, she wouldn't need to beat around the bush like this.

"Pfft." Ji Ange covered her mouth under the roof. Although she knew it was inappropriate, she suddenly wanted to laugh.

With the same sword move, Ying Baoyue, who was ranked sixth, easily dodged it, but Xu Bingqing, who was ranked fifth, was injured.

"You!" Xu Bingqing's face was flushed and he swung his sword suddenly. The real energy on the sword was still as terrifying as before, and the sword actually set off a fire that shot up into the sky!
Ji Jiashu's pupils shrank, and his figure appeared behind Ying Baoyue. With a wave of his hand, he avoided the flames from attacking the surrounding houses and opened a barrier.

You must know that this is not a battle arena, but on the streets of Ruyang City!
People screamed all around, Ying Baoyue turned around and dodged, thanking Ji Jiashu.

"What exactly do you want to do?" Ying Baoyue turned her head and looked at Xu Bingqing, who was admiring the tragic situation around her with great interest, "The ground floor is not allowed to use force in crowded places, especially fire fighters!"

What's more, it's Xu Bingqing who doesn't know how to control power.

To be honest, it is really shocking how Xu Bingqing, who was only a tenth-rank practitioner, suddenly became a fifth-rank practitioner.But what surprised Ying Baoyue even more was that the daughter of the Northern Wei State Master who was the descendant of the most powerful lightning mage was actually a fire mage.

Ying Baoyue glanced at Ji Jiashu next to her, and felt that the Northern Wei Dynasty and the Southern Chu State Master's children seemed to have lost each other.

"No use of force? I've never heard of such a rule," Xu Bingqing smiled contemptuously at Ying Baoyue when he heard the words, "Could it be that you made it up on the spur of the moment because you were jealous of my power?"

Ji Jiashu frowned, looked at Xu Bingqing and said, "There is indeed such a rule in the practice world. If Miss Xu, you can't control your own flames, don't use the fire sword at will."

The rule of not using force is not dead, after all, there are masters in this world.

He and Ying Baoyue had seen another fire mage from the Northern Wei Dynasty draw his sword at the gate of Nanchu City before, and that person's swordsmanship could accurately reach only the opponent without affecting even a trace of the surrounding area.

But Xu Bingqing was obviously not among them.It only takes one sword strike to see that she let the sword fire spread wantonly, and she is simply wasting her true energy.

"I can't control it well?" However, hearing Ji Jiashu's answer, Xu Bingqing sneered, and narrowed his eyes at the boy who had been tempted before him, "You are just afraid that she will suffer under my hands!"

"Why, weren't you very majestic at the primary ceremony?" Xu Bingqing raised his sword fire again, and grinned at Ying Baoyue, "Now you only dare to hide behind men?"

Ji Jiashu frowned and was about to speak, but saw that Ying Baoyue had put the sword back into the scabbard, looking at Xu Bingqing as if speaking normally.

"I don't know what exactly Miss Xu wants me for?" Ying Baoyue said indifferently, "Since you have become a practitioner, there will be more opportunities to learn from each other in the future. Is there any need to do it on the street?"

Seeing that there were actually two women who wanted to fight, even though the movement was scary, more and more people gathered on the street.

"What's going on? Why are there female nuns?"

"Isn't that the Saintess of the Northern Wei Dynasty? How could she become a God Dancer at such a young age?"

"Who is the other?"

"I heard it's the female leader!"

"Then why don't you fight? Who is stronger?"

"Hey! Is there even a need to say that? I heard that the Holy Maiden is in the Divine Dance Realm. This is not a question of who is strong, but a question of whether the Holy Maiden will be merciful!"

Ji Ange discovered that this so-called duel was nothing but a shave.As more and more people came, Xu Bingqing's expression became more and more excited, but Ying Baoyue had no interest in her provocation, and wanted to get off the roof after repaying the sword.

"Why, you also know that I have become a practitioner of the Divine Dance Realm?" But Xu Bingqing obviously didn't want her to go.The woman smiled coquettishly, and a cluster of flames on the sword turned into a wall of fire and blocked Ying Baoyue.

Ying Baoyue looked back at her speechlessly.

Ji Jiashu, who was standing aside, clearly caught a sentence from her eyes.

Do you think I'm blind?
Ji Jiashu supported his forehead, Xu Bingqing almost wanted to make this matter known to the world.He was also surprised at first, but I don't know if it was affected by Ying Baoyue's attitude, but now he doesn't seem too interested in why this happened.

But someone clearly wanted them to know.

"Did you always think that you are the only woman who can cultivate?" Xu Bingqing looked at Ying Baoyue and smiled, "You thought you were special?"

"It's a good thing that there are more female cultivators." Ying Baoyue's expression remained unchanged. "It's unreasonable to ban women from cultivating, so..."

"Wait!" However, Xu Bingqing's expression changed upon hearing this, and he shouted loudly, "Don't compare me to you! I'm not the same as a woman like you who wants to climb up to the top position!"

What the hell?
Ji Ange, who was standing under the roof, frowned when she heard the words, but Xu Bingqing actually looked down at her again, meaning something.

"My state didn't come from practice." The woman in the pink dress on the roof smiled reservedly, "I always abide by the rules. Who would have thought that my talent is too good, and suddenly exploded."

Ji Jiashu was taken aback when he heard the words, "You mean, you suddenly awakened to become a fifth-rank cultivator?"

"Of course," Xu Bingqing covered his mouth and smiled, "Since there have been practitioners who were born at the sixth level in this world, it is not impossible for a fifth-level practitioner like me who suddenly awakened to appear."

Ji Ange felt the hand of her brother who was holding her shoulder tighten suddenly.

She froze for a moment, her eyes burning with anger.Because Ji Ange also suddenly realized who Xu Bingqing was comparing himself with.

There has been one and only one practitioner who was born to rank sixth on the Shanhai Continent from ancient times to the present.

Xu Bingqing's behavior of putting gold on his face was really unbearable. Ji Ange took a deep breath and was about to explode, but another woman's calm voice came from the roof.

"Awakened to rank five?" Xu Bingqing's words stunned the practitioners present, but Ying Baoyue just quietly glanced at the person in front of him, "If you are born in the divine dance state, why are your meridians still being stretched?" break?"

Xu Bingqing's expression froze, "You're talking nonsense..."

"There are traces of the meridians on your body being compensated," Ying Baoyue said quietly, "Although I don't know what happened to you, but eating too much of some things will cause you to be stuffed to death."

Xu Bingqing actually didn't remember much of what happened at that time, but Ying Baoyue's words seemed to poke her, her chest heaved violently, but she calmed down the next moment, pointing her rapier at Ying Baoyue.

"As a senior, I shouldn't argue with you," she sneered, "I'm here today to avenge my people."

Ying Baoyue's eyes froze.

"Our Beihan Pavilion disciple Murong Heng was buried in your hands. Today is the time to pay for the blood debt!" She shouted sharply, and the raging flames ignited. It turned out to be the fire magic sword fire trees and silver flowers!
The Divine Dance Realm is the Divine Dance Realm, and the majestic real energy shattered all the roof tiles. Ji Jiashu almost couldn't control the barrier, watching the flames rushing towards Ying Baoyue who had already withdrawn his sword, his eyes cracked.

"Xu Bingqing! Don't force me to do it!"

However, Xu Bingqing, who had known his taboo for a long time, was unscrupulous, and sneered in midair, "Don't meddle in matters between women! Do you dare to do something to women?"

Ji Jiashu's hand froze when he drew his sword, but Ying Baoyue jumped up and left his side, "You really don't want to come over, protect the surrounding houses."

Ying Baoyue's voice rang in his ears, and Ji Jiashu's heart was burning with anxiety as he watched a mass of fire that was higher than her realm rush towards her figure in mid-air.

However, at this moment, a figure passed by, and in the flames, suddenly took Ying Baoyue away.

 In this article, there is a chance for a hero to save the beauty, probably only this one, you must not guess who it is hahaha

(End of this chapter)

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