Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 875 The Royal Court

Chapter 875 The Royal Court
The middle-aged man's voice hovered over his head in a neutral manner, but to Zhao Guang, it was like a mountain top.

Zhao Guang froze, his cheeks twitching.

"That...Brother Wang..." He raised his head carefully, looking at the stinky face of his eldest brother who was looking down at him after a long absence.

The imperial army around Zhao Muren also began to disperse the people at this time, the city gate was officially opened, and the normal order in Ruyang City was gradually restored, but only Zhao Guang was miserable being stared at by Zhao Muren.

"Why don't you talk?" Zhao Muren opened the barrier, not worried about the conversation between the royal family being overheard, staring at the person in front of him and said calmly, "Stand up and talk."

Zhao Guang stood up stiffly, feeling the worried gazes of Ji Jiashu and others around him, and smiled at the person in front of him, "I didn't expect you, Brother Wang, to drive the city gate today."

Zhao Muren snorted coldly, "If I don't come today, I won't be able to see this wonderful scene."

"The king of Dongling County is still in court, open the city gate," Zhao Muren imitated what he heard before, shaking the green dragon jade pendant in his hand, seeing this jade pendant, Zhao Guang's scalp tightened, and he quickly reached out for it, but it was enough. null.

"You've grown up," Zhao Muren stared at his half-brother, whose eyes were completely different from his, with a complicated expression, and the next moment he changed into the expressionless expression before, looking at Zhao Guang indifferently. He said, "You dare to bring outsiders to break into the gate of our capital."

Zhao Guang turned pale, "Brother Wang, there's a reason for this...those people..."

But the next moment he took a peek at Ying Baoyue who was being held in Meng Shi's arms behind him, took a deep breath and knelt down again, gritted his teeth and said, "My brother is guilty, please punish me, Brother Wang."

Zhao Muren's eyes were fixed, and he frowned at his younger brother who was always the most glib in his memory.

His eyes passed through Zhao Guang's back, looking at the girl in Meng Shi's arms, but at this moment Ji Jiashu took a step sideways, quickly stood in front of Meng Shi, and bowed down to worship.

"Your Majesty, I waited for the right to rush into the city gate of Ruyang, willing to accept the punishment. But my fiancée was seriously injured, it is really..."

"Forget it," Zhao Muren said calmly, looking at the handsome young man from Nanchu in front of him, "You are guests, and I am not a petty person. We haven’t found out the source yet, but after all, it’s our Soochow’s disadvantage in suppressing the bandits.”

Hearing Zhao Muren call those men in black "bandits", Ji Jiashu lowered his head and was slightly taken aback.

"Mr. Chunhua and the others are tired from the long journey. Let's take the former Princess Qin to heal her wounds." Zhao Muren looked at the people in the National Teacher's Mansion and said kindly, "Take a rest early, and the grand court meeting will be held in seven days. I am still waiting for you." Look at your demeanor."

But the next moment the man turned to Zhao Guang, his expression turned cold again, "As for the Duke of Dongling, he entered the palace with the widow, let's explain what happened today."

Zhao Guang's face was full of bitterness, but looking at the complete figures of Ji Jiashu, Ying Baoyue and others beside him, a smile appeared on the corner of the boy's mouth.

Zhao Muren's honor guard left in a mighty manner. Zhao Guang showed some color to Ji Jiashu and the others, and said in a low voice, "It should be fine. You should find a place to rest early."

After speaking, he followed at the end, and went all the way to the Soochow Palace with Zhao Muren.



The King of Soochow and his party also left, and the bustling bustle of the past was completely restored in front of the city gate.

Ji Jiashu and his party, who had just entered the city gate, finally relaxed.

Looking at the figure of Zhao Guang leaving in the distance, Ji Jiashu and the others had subtle expressions.When they were in Southern Chu, Zhao Guang was really joking too much. Now, looking at the scene in front of them, they realized that this man... is really a county king.

"Brother, that guy," Ji Ange looked a little complicated, looking at her brother beside her and was about to ask a question, when she realized that this name in Soochow was somewhat disrespectful, so she changed her words, "Jun Wang... he will be fine, right?" ?”

Noticing the change of her sister's address, Ji Qingyuan frowned slightly, and looked down at Ji Ange, "Although it is likely to be reprimanded, there should be no major incidents."

He didn't know any secret information, and he wasn't afraid to tell Ji Ange.

"The king of Soochow Wu has no heirs so far, and there is only one adopted son in the palace who has not been identified." Ji Qingyuan looked at his sister and said, "Although the mother of the king of Dongling County is unknown, he is the only younger brother of His Majesty Soochow."

Some things don’t need to be spelled out, the listener will naturally understand.

That is, although Zhao Guang looked unreliable, in order to protect the blood of the royal family, Zhao Muren would not hurt his life because of some trivial things.

Ji Ange felt relieved, and immediately turned to the person in Meng Shi's arms, and rushed towards Ying Baoyue, "Meng Jizi, Your Highness, she..."

But in the next moment, she watched helplessly the fainting girl who was lying motionless in Meng Shi's arms... She raised her head as if nothing had happened.

Ji Ange blinked and froze in place.

Ji Jiashu was one step ahead of her, knelt down to meet the gaze of the person in front of him, and smiled slightly, "Good morning. Did you sleep well?"

"I haven't slept for long, have I?" Ying Baoyue smiled at him, "All gone?"

"They're all gone," Meng Shi's hoarse voice came from above her head. He lowered his head to look at the girl in his arms before he realized that the girl named fainting was actually sleeping, with a helpless expression, "Did you wake up?"

How long is this man going to stay in her arms?
"I'm exhausted," Ying Baoyue looked up at the girl disguised as a man, and asked with a smile, "Are you tired?"

Looking at the scars on her body, Meng Shi's eyes were dazed, and he turned his head away uncomfortably, "It's not that tired."

Her tiredness is not one ten thousandth of this woman's.

"That's good," Ying Baoyue smiled and hugged her tightly, "Fire magicians are warm."

Looking at this scene, Ji Ange raised his forehead, and always felt that this scene had a sense of sight.Although she is a practitioner who has never practiced, but because of her parents, she seems to be a hot fire practitioner, and Ying Baoyue likes to hug her like this.

"Where are you going next?" Meng Shi acted as the heater, and looked back at his sister who walked out of the teahouse, "All the practitioners in the Northern Wei Dynasty except Beihan Pavilion lived in the Qingfeng Tower in the east of the city. Is it gone?"

"The place to live has not yet been decided..." Ying Baoyue was thinking about it and was about to speak, when Li Jinniang came over, "Your Highness, Song Jizi said that Zhongtang also had a house in Ruyang City, and it was empty if he said it was empty. Friends who travel along the way live together.”

"Song Qian?" Ying Baoyue was taken aback when he heard the words, and Ji Jiashu and the others finally remembered that wealthy mid-Tang cultivator.

"Song Jizi said that we are friends of life and death, so there is no need to be polite to him," Ji Qingyuan, who came to Ruyang with Song Qian back then, added on the side.

After arriving in Ruyang before, Song Qian went to take care of the empty house first, while they chose to wait for Ying Baoyue and others at the city gate.

Ying Baoyue nodded when she heard the words, "It's better to obey orders than to be respectful. Let's go to Song Jizi's house."

Where she lives doesn't really matter to her.

after all……

She looked up in the direction Zhao Guang left.

If there is no accident, she will probably be called into the Soochow Palace in a short time.

(End of this chapter)

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