Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 877

Chapter 877
Looking at the silent man who stepped into the threshold, Zhao Muren's originally complicated eyes suddenly became cold again.

"Li Ji, you dare to come back!"

Feeling the real anger on his elder brother, Zhao Guang trembled all over, but Li Ji quietly glanced at them, raised his robe and wanted to bow down to Zhao Muren, "Your Majesty, King of the County, Caomin..."

"Why are you kneeling?" Zhao Muren yelled, "You will be exempted from kneeling and worshiping when you are above the fifth rank. Aren't you already a heavenly rank now? I can't afford to be a heavenly bower. Do you want to shorten the widow's life?" ?”

Li Ji straightened up when he heard the sound, and Zhao Muren realized that this man was pretending to be neither humble nor overbearing just now, and became even more angry.

"Our Mr. Zhaohua is really more and more capable. I have called you into the court many times, and you have never been ordered. You have not returned to the country to light the soul lamp after you have been promoted to heaven. Just now the city gate caught fire, so you are outside the city gate. ? Not a single person is seen!"

Zhao Guang watched his elder brother get more and more angry as he talked, and was frightened at first, but when he heard that Li Ji was outside the city gate when Xu Bingqing made trouble, he opened his eyes wide in surprise.

"Second brother, you..." Feeling Zhao Muren's cold gaze behind him, Zhao Guang quickly changed his address, "Mr. Zhaohua, you were outside the city gate before?"

Then why doesn't he go in?
Li Ji nodded, looking at Zhao Guang's stunned eyes, he explained, "Chunhua is here, she will not suffer. If I go in, Xu Bingqing will only be crazier."

Zhao Guang immediately understood who she was.As for Li Ji's reason for not going in, after hearing that, Zhao Guang couldn't help but feel glad that he didn't go in.But before he could speak, Zhao Muren's cold snort came from behind him.

"Hmph, it seems that you also know who the Saintess of the Northern Wei Dynasty is making such a fuss about." Zhao Muren looked coldly at the man who entered the palace without taking off his mask, "If you married her back then, wouldn't there be so many troubles?" ?”

However, I didn't expect Li Ji to raise his head when he heard the words, and said calmly, "What qualifications does Your Majesty have to say about me?"

Zhao Muren froze, Zhao Guang helped his forehead.These two people stepped on each other's painful feet, and they were really more accurate than the other.

"I'm just a grassroots person. If I marry or not in this life, although I have no merits to Sheji, I have no faults." Li Ji stared at the scar on Zhao Muren's face with dark eyes and said calmly, "But your majesty is different."

"Your Majesty hoped that I would marry Beihan Pavilion, and didn't give me any other choice. However, the court ministers should have lowered their demands on His Majesty. They only hoped that His Majesty would marry a woman. If His Majesty didn't pay any attention to it, what's your position?" To condemn the grassroots?"

Very nice and precise.

Zhao Guang sighed in his heart.

His eldest brother, Zhao Muren, is a king with great skill and thoughtfulness, but then again, if his ability to govern the country is not high enough, with what Zhao Muren has done in the harem and heirs, I am afraid that the throne will not be able to sit on the throne long ago. Steady.

After all, the Shanhai Continent has probably only had this one king since ancient times, and now the harem is empty.

Zhao Guang glanced at the elder brother with a pale face behind him, and quickly winked at Li Ji, intending to let him say a few words, but he never thought that the fire at the city gate would affect the fish in the pond, and Zhao Muren's eyes shot from behind like a knife, "Look!" What do you think, you are already seventeen, and you have not found a single marriage! Every time you give a marriage, you run once, and if you have the ability, you bring a woman back from outside?"

Zhao Muren looked at Zhao Guang with disgust.

"Ji Jiashu next door is engaged! That kid from Murong's family is only fourteen, so I heard he's going to be soon!"

Zhao Guang choked suddenly, and stared at the two men in the room, one four years older than him and the other 13 years older, wondering how the flames of war came to him.

A whole room is full of bachelors, and everyone is older than the other, why do you dislike him who is the youngest tomorrow?

Zhao Guang endured it for a while, and decided he couldn't bear it any longer. Looking at Zhao Muren, he couldn't help but say, "Brother Wang, your harem is empty, and you don't even have a sister-in-law who will take care of my marriage!"

Come on, hurt each other!

"Your sister-in-law..." However, he didn't know that his words touched Zhao Muren's mind. Hearing the word sister-in-law, Zhao Muren's original anger suddenly dropped, and his brown eyes that were still flowing deep looked at Zhao Guang. s eyes.

The king who said he was indifferent in the court hall of the Eastern Wu Dynasty raised his hand, quietly touched the scar on the side of his face, and said lightly, "You have it in the first place."

Zhao Guang was afraid of his angry appearance, but even more afraid of seeing this dejected appearance of this always strong man, because it was rare, it made people feel even more uncomfortable.

Li Ji quietly looked at this scene and lowered his head, and changed his name, "Your Majesty, it's the humble minister who overstepped."

Zhao Muren could choose not to shoulder the heavy burden of Soochow, but he chose to shoulder the country, and endured the pain that Zhao Guang could not imagine, and even the pain that he could pass on to others. He is so much better than a selfish person.

"Do you know that you are still a minister?" Zhao Muren rolled his eyes at him, "Although you rejected the position of Immortal Official, you are the righteous son of the national teacher after all, and you will bear the responsibility for me if you wear this sacrificial uniform!"

Li Ji nodded, glanced at Zhao Muren's empty side, "Father, he..."

"Accompanies the Northern Wei Guoshi to the other hall, I don't know how much more anger I have to suffer," Zhao Muren said with an ugly face.

Eastern Wu Guoshi Dongfang Yi was originally the oldest son of God, ranking above Xu Canghai, but since Qinglong God weakened or even disappeared, Dongfang Yi lost in the battle of ranks, dropped from rank four to rank five, Located under Xu Canghai, his strength has been declining for the past seven years and he is facing the dilemma of retreat, and his skill is not even comparable to some advanced fire method heaven ranks.

The practice world has always been the most climbing up and stepping down. Just now at the city gate, Zhao Muren saw that Xu Canghai, who is also the son of God, turned a blind eye to Dongfangyi. .

But only Zhao Muren could bear this anger.

Only because in the world of practice, the strong are respected.

The young Soochow King looked at the adopted son of the national teacher with a long body and a weak crown beside the threshold, and his heart was a little wider.If it wasn't for this person being too rebellious, and because of a hidden secret, it was difficult for him to handle him, there was still hope for them in Soochow.

"You... have really ascended to the heavenly rank?" Zhao Muren looked at Li Ji and asked hesitantly.

Li Ji hesitated for a moment and nodded, "However, the days are still short, and the skills of the adoptive father are still not enough..."

"Whoever wants you to compare with him, how old are you?" Zhao Muren's eyes lit up, watching Li Ji narrow his eyes slightly, "It's winter now, I don't think you shake your body and your heart doesn't beat, old problem Cured?"

"Not really..." Li Ji frowned, not knowing what kind of medicine Zhao Muren sold in the gourd, and said cautiously, "It's just that I suppressed it recently."

"Well, it's okay, as long as you can walk anyway," Zhao Muren nodded and smiled, "Your adoptive father is getting old, and he's not in good health recently, and the widow is worrying. Fortunately, you're back."

"Your Majesty?" Li Ji said hesitantly, "You mean..."

"The mid-level grand ceremony has not been held for many years, you have forgotten that grand event, right?" Zhao Muren said with a smile, "Seven days later, the grand court meeting will be held again after six years, and the Taizu Handbook will reappear on that day. In the human world, all practitioners participating in the middle-level ceremony must dress up, and the host country needs someone to be the ceremony official to receive them."

Handwritten by Taizu.Zhao Guang's heart skipped a beat when he heard this word, but only Zhao Muren continued.

"It's not a big deal to say that it's a ceremonial officer, but it's just standing on the top and helping the practitioners who come to worship the Taizu's handwriting to go to the prescribed position," Zhao Muren said lightly, "According to the tradition, the heavenly rank is required. Practitioners come to do this, and the rest of the heavenly ranks in my court are all old, and they don't look good, and they can't show the style of our Soochow Wu."

He looked at Li Ji who was stiff and smiled and said, "Let Mr. Zhaohua do this this year."

Zhao Guang was stunned for a moment, waiting for Li Ji to refuse. After all, he knew very well that Li Ji disliked publicity the most, and would never attend such occasions.

"Please forgive me for not being able to follow..." As expected, Li Ji was about to refuse, but Zhao Guang saw a playful smile on the corner of Zhao Muren's mouth and looked back at him.

"By the way, Ah Guang, the former princess of Qin dared to charge the gate of the capital of our Eastern Wu. I heard that she was the leader of the Southern Chu's initial ceremony. I am very curious about what kind of woman this is. You can go out of the palace later. Pass the widow's decree to call her to the palace alone to have an audience."

Zhao Guang's heart skipped a beat, and he stopped halfway through Li Ji's refusal.

 The old fox knows how to beat a snake and catch seven inches.

  There are really three bachelors, who dislikes whom (laughs)
(End of this chapter)

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