Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 884

Chapter 884
In the dark room, seeing the style of sacrificial clothing in front of him clearly, Ying Baoyue felt all the blood rushing to his face.

Just because it is a unique style in the world.

It was designed and sewed by her master Lin Shubai, and it belongs to her exclusively.

The reason why it is unique is because the sacrificial uniform worn by the young commander did not belong to any rank.In the Shanhai Continent, immortal officials of different ranks have different styles and sacrificial costumes.In the six kingdoms within the Great Wall, the rank of immortal officials is closely related to the realm of practitioners.

The reason why she was able to dance in her master's sacrificial attire in Southern Chu was because her master Lin Shubai was a super-grade immortal official in Qin State. No embroidered lady in the palace had ever made such a sacrificial attire. The last one The clothes are designed by her master himself, there are no rules.Her master doesn't like the cumbersome sacrificial clothes, and she rarely wears them on her body. Even if she is from the Qin country, few people can recognize them.

Although she is not a super fairy official like Master, her status was extremely embarrassing when she became a goddess through the battle of ranks.On the one hand, her realm and rank are there. After obtaining the rank, she must go to the Temple of Heaven to sacrifice, to celebrate the way of heaven and give Daqin a goddess, but on the other hand, she violated the dignity of the royal family and was recognized as a sinner of Daqin by the court. Become a fairy official.

When she offered sacrifices to heaven, no one dared to embroider sacrificial clothes for her. Many people in Efang Palace waited to see her jokes, but they didn't expect that the chief minister personally made sacrificial clothes for the only disciple.

From the styles to the embroidered ribbons, all were made by Lin Shubai alone, leaving everyone speechless who were waiting to criticize.

It's a pity that the dress that was extremely important to her also disappeared from her memory.

Just as she didn't know why she slept in the coffin wearing Master's clothes, she couldn't remember where her original sacrificial clothes went.

Until this moment, she saw the sacrificial robe in Li Ji's hand.

Ying Baoyue's eyes were turbulent for a moment, but the next moment when she saw the details of the sacrifice clothes in front of her, the blood on her face faded instantly.

The sacrificial attire in Li Ji's hand was indeed the style she wore when she was the Commander-in-Chief, but it was obviously not made by her master.

The reason... Many people would not believe it, but her master Lin Shubai was actually a rather clumsy woman in life.

Whether cooking or sewing, she was good at it since she was a child, because her master was not good at it.

But in her heart, Master is still perfect, and she will help Master do what Master would not do.

This is also a secret between her and her master. After all, who would have thought that the majestic Master Qin could use the Tai'a sword with ease, but he couldn't thread a needle, and the barbecue would burn every time.

But it was such a clumsy woman who spent three days and three nights sewing a piece of clothing for the first time.

Just for her.

Ying Baoyue remembered that the needle holes on the master's fingertips had healed and densely covered, and remembered every thread and every pattern on the sacrificial gown that the woman had been sewing for three days and three nights, including those stitches that were dismantled many times but were still a little crooked.

However, the piece Li Ji was holding in her hand was finely stitched and beautifully embroidered, and it was not the one she remembered.

Obviously it came from the hands of the embroiderer in the palace.

Ying Baoyue calmed down, looked up at Li Ji and was about to speak, but found that Li Ji's expression became extremely complicated.

"This sacrificial attire is..." she asked tentatively.

Li Ji regained his composure as if waking up from a dream, and said lightly, "Your Majesty asked me to bring this from the palace. Your Majesty said that there are many such sacrificial costumes left unused in the palace. Anyway, they are all the styles of the former Qin Dynasty. He asked me to bring one by the way." come."

Many idle...

Zhao Muren probably regards this clothes as a villain and wears them every day at home, right?
Ying Baoyue was speechless, remembering that Zhao Muren also came when she offered sacrifices to heaven, that was the last time they saw each other in their previous life, although it was not a pleasant meeting.

At that time, she had already been deprived of her military power, and she was going to live in seclusion in the cloud forest after offering sacrifices to heaven.In fact, her seclusion is called confinement, and everyone knows that she is unlikely to come back. She still remembers the young man who has already begun to look like an emperor, grabbed her by the collar of the sacrificial clothes and asked, "You won't go back to the Great Wall of Eternal Night, Then what should she do?"

What should she do?
That person has grown from a boy to a man, and what remains unchanged is the only woman in his heart.

Ying Baoyue sighed in her heart, and took the sacrificial gown from Li Ji's hands. Since it wasn't the one sewn by her master, then Zhao Muren can tie it up if she wants.

However, when she took the sacrificial attire, she found that Li Ji's eyes became complicated again, staring at the clothes in her hands as if she was staring at some enemy.

"What's wrong?" Ying Baoyue asked.

"It's nothing." Li Ji came back to his senses and took a deep breath, "I was just thinking that the sacrificial uniforms of the former Qin Dynasty really look pretty much the same."

Ying Baoyue's eyes paused slightly.

how can that be.

"Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't like you wearing this sacrificial costume," Li Ji calmed down and said quietly, "It's just because this sacrificial costume is very similar to the clothes worn by the killer who appeared in front of me when I lost someone important to me. .”

As for his enemy, the memory in his mind is also vague, but he firmly remembers the black and red clothes that the man was wearing when he left in a hurry.

Li Ji looked at the girl who was comparing the sacrificial clothes to her body with complicated expressions. He failed to tell Ying Baoyue that this black and red color had been his nightmare for many years.

In the fragments of memory, he dreamed countless times that a person in such clothes was holding a blood-dripping sword and standing beside a corpse, and every time he desperately wanted to see the face of that person and the corpse clearly, will wake up.

A chill surged up in Li Ji's chest, and he used his true energy to force it down, so he didn't notice the momentary stiffness of the fingers of the girl who was pinching the sacrificial gown in front of him.

"Really?" Ying Baoyue looked at the clothes in her hands and said softly, "Is it similar?"

"Please don't get me wrong, I won't vent my anger indiscriminately." Li Ji took a deep breath and said softly, "You are from the former Qin Dynasty, so there is nothing wrong with wearing such a color. Besides, the stitches in my memory are rougher than the ones on your hands." There are many, but they are not the same thing, I will not admit my mistake."

The pins are much cruder.

Ying Baoyue tightly clenched the sacrificial clothes in her hands, ready to make any guesses in her mind.

"Is that so?" She lowered her head and said quietly, "Then where is the one you saw before?"

"If I knew, I wouldn't be here," Li Ji smiled faintly, "I only saw it in a trance, and I haven't seen it since."

If he could see him again, it would undoubtedly mean that he had found the trace of his enemy, and he would naturally pursue him closely.

"That's it," Ying Baoyue raised her head and looked directly into his eyes.Now he has almost guessed the identity of the enemy in Li Ji's heart, and most of the reasons why he thinks that person is the enemy.

However, there are still too many doubts about this matter.

Not to mention anything else, at least she can feel that the man in front of her is thoughtful and not reckless and credulous in the past few days.

Obviously his memory is fuzzy, but why is he so sure of the existence of his enemy?

(End of this chapter)

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