Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 903

Chapter 903
Although the woman in the boy's arms was wearing sacrificial attire, she had a slender figure, and it was not difficult for people to see that she was a woman.

No one expected that on such an occasion, there would be a picture of one of the six sons of the Warring States period robbing a civilian girl, and all the practitioners were dumbfounded.

"Wait, shouldn't the female relatives go to another place? Why are there women here?"

"Mr. Chunhua and the others just came in, there should be no female officer to pick it up... Wait, that sacrificial robe?"

As long as it is a participant of this elementary ceremony, no one will not remember that sacrificial dance.

Whether you like it or not, you will never forget the woman in that sacrificial gown.

The participants of this session's primary ceremony stared at the somewhat familiar figure on the tree in place, and suddenly shouted, "Isn't that the former Qin princess?"

Hearing the exclamation of the people around, everyone looked at Murong Feixing hanging on the tree in astonishment, and Ji Jiashu under the tree holding his sword hilt with his head bowed.

What's happening here?
Is this Lord Fenghua who suddenly snatched Lord Chunhua's fiancée up a tree?

Although Mr. Fenghua has always been such a troublemaker, what is the cause of this trouble?
However, at this moment, a cold light flashed in front of everyone's eyes, and Ji Jiashu suddenly drew his sword out of its sheath.

"Wait...Mr. Chunhua, it's not impossible to..."

"Where are the guards? At..."

Everyone would put away their weapons before they climbed onto the altar, but it hadn't started yet, and seeing the Chunlei sword suddenly unsheathed, everyone panicked.

Xu Yishan Guichen, who was about to move behind Ji Jiashu, and Jiang Yuanyuan, who joined them after going up the mountain, saw this scene and held off drawing their swords.After all, they didn't have the strength to fight rashly against the Divine Dance Realm, but they didn't expect Ji Jiashu to be so decisive.

Ji Jiashu drew his sword out of its sheath, pointed at the boy on the tree, "Murong Feixing, let her go!"

The monkey-like boy had a cynical smile on his face, one hand was hanging on the tree, and the other was dangling around with the woman in his arms.

The woman in his arms should have fainted from fright, she didn't move, and she didn't struggle when he picked her up, Murong Feixing felt relieved, looked at the nervous crowd under the tree and laughed.

"Chunhua, don't be so stingy. It's rare that you have a daughter-in-law, so let me try..."

The boy's words suddenly stopped, his eyes moved down stiffly, looking at a small arrowhead stuck in his throat.

The girl in her arms looked calm, and the arrowhead in her hand was unsteady.

Ying Baoyue held the arrowhead and looked at him quietly, pointing to the ground.

Murong Feixing has a beast-like intuition for danger, even if he is a cultivator in the Divine Dance Realm, he will not be as quick as the other party when his vital energy explodes.

What's even more frightening is that he didn't realize how she did it.

Seeing the young man in front of him standing still, Ying Baoyue pointed to the ground again.

She didn't say a word the whole time.

The boy obediently put it down.

Murong Feixing's feet fell to the ground, Ying Baoyue jumped out of his arms, put away the arrowhead and patted the dust on his body.

Murong Feixing looked at him in disbelief, and what was even more unbelievable was that he found that Ji Jiashu had withdrawn the sword as if nothing had happened, and the group of people behind him didn't seem too surprised.

"Feixing," Jiang Yuanyuan looked at him with pity, "Chunhua just drew his sword not to save her, but to save you."

Murong Feixing stood there dumbfounded.

"It sounds like I'm scary," Ying Baoyue walked to where he was originally standing, "I won't really kill him."

It's just a naughty brat, she can tell what is malicious and what is nonsense, besides, he is the younger brother of that person, before she goes too far, she can at most just give a warning.

"You..." Murong Feixing looked at her back and his chest heaved, "You're only at the sixth rank, besides, I'm..."

"What? Do you think she dare not kill you?" Zhao Guang, who had witnessed how she tossed the explosive carriage to the fifth rank, helped his forehead.The one-on-one battle on the battlefield is indeed inferior to the sixth rank, but he knows how versatile this woman is. She can kill half the life of this heartless little prince with just a little poison, and even more so. What's more, there is a lesson from the past.

"Mr. Fenghua, do you know Yeluqi?" Zhao Guang asked.

"Ah? You mean the youngest son of the King of the Northern Wei Dynasty?" Murong Feixing frowned, "I know him. But he seems to have been seriously injured recently."

After all, they were of the same age, and they were both the youngest sons of the king of a country. They had played together when they were young, but Yeluqi yelled at every turn, and he distanced himself if he didn't like it. Not long ago, I heard that the man was carried back from Nanchu. It seems to be useless, and it will take three to five years to recover.

"Do you know who destroyed Yeluqi?" Zhao Guang looked at Murong Feixing sympathetically.

"Who?" Murong Feixing was taken aback, he didn't care much about Yeluqi yet, but he thought he could destroy that barbarian, he thought he was quite a brave man...

strong man...

Seeing that everyone was looking at the woman standing in front of Ji Jiashu in unison, Murong Feixing suddenly felt a chill run down his back.

No way……

Ying Baoyue didn't stop Zhao Guang from intimidating Murong Feixing. After all, giving the bear some food called terror can keep him from causing trouble. She didn't want to lose face to that old man, so this young man is quite troublesome to her.

"Are you okay?" Ji Jiashu looked at her and asked.

"Well," Ying Baoyue smiled, "There are so many people, how could something happen."

If there are fewer people, she will be fine.

After all, it takes few people to kill people.

Of course, that little boy had no intention of killing her, and she would not touch him either.

"What happened to that arrowhead of yours just now?" Murong Feixing's questioning voice came from behind her, and he couldn't help asking after holding back.

"What's that move called?"

Ying Baoyue turned her head.

"I didn't hurt you, you can always tell me," Murong Feixing was a little guilty, and the next moment he thought that he had done nothing wrong, he puffed up his chest and said boldly.

Ying Baoyue looked at the young man in white who was standing behind him and staring at her, smiled and said, "You and your elder brother have really different temperaments."

Murong Feixing was taken aback when he heard the words, "How do you know..."

"Flying star."

At this time, a man's steady voice came from behind the crowd, stopping Murong Feixing's almost revealed secret.

Ji Jiashu and the others raised their heads and looked at the Hou Liao cultivator in white and then walked out an older son, who came to apologize to Ying Baoyue and the others.

"I'm sorry, my younger brother is naughty, I made everyone laugh."

Looking at this strange young man from the Liao Dynasty, Ji Jiashu's eyes froze, "You are..."

Because Hou Liao is located on a snowfield, it is remote and has few contacts with the south. Except for Murong Feixing who likes to run around, most practitioners and aristocrats rarely appear in front of people, especially the royal family.

Since this person calls Murong Feixing his younger brother, could it be that he is...

"I'm not talented, it's Fei Xing's second brother," the young man from Hou Liao smiled calmly, "The second son of Prince Hou Liao, Murong Feixu."


Ying Baoyue looked at the young man whose appearance hadn't changed much and said in his heart.

She was full of doubts at this time.

What happened to this mid-level ceremony, that even Prince Hou Liao was alarmed?
The person in front of him was not the second son of King Hou Liao at all, but the eldest son of King Hou Liao who should be 27 years old now.

The eldest prince of Hou Liao, Murong Feilan.

 If Sister Yue hadn't died in her previous life, she would be about 26 and seven years old now.Sister Yue's first peer appeared~
(End of this chapter)

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