Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 914

Chapter 914
The old man onlookers covered his mouth, but the people who heard it looked at the pair of boys and girls walking higher and higher on the mountain road with more complicated expressions.

Who would have thought that 20 years later, Ji Mo's descendants would walk together with Ying's descendants like this.

The practitioners on the Lingyun Terrace couldn't help being moved when they thought that these two people might become the first couple in the Shanhai Continent in the future.

"There are actually two leaders..."

One must know that both Ji Jiashu and the former Qin princess were only fourteen or fifteen years old. Given time, they might really become figures like Da Si Ming and Ji Mo.

Wait, what are they thinking?

Finding that today I don't know why I thought of that taboo name many times, and everyone looked up at the girl who had walked into the clouds and mists on the top of the mountain with Ji Jiashu, and their faces changed a little.

"Speaking of which, Jun Hua's fiancée seems to be quite capable..."

You must know that the heights are extremely cold, and this ladder is not easy to climb.

Hanshan became colder as it went up, and there were so many people watching from below. In the past, if young practitioners were not determined enough, it was not uncommon for young practitioners to roll down the ladder.

Just looking at Mr. Chunhua, you can tell that the seat of the leader is not easy to sit.Everyone heard the accusation from the former king's tomb of Ying Baoyue that the leader of Ying Baoyue came from a wrong path, but now, looking at the girl who is steadily walking up in the distance, many previous practitioners looked a little hesitant. .

People who can walk beside Ji Jiashu have no real skills.

No one can understand the pressure that young man can bring to people better than the practitioners who participated in the last elementary ceremony.

Just after the leader climbed a hundred steps, Mo Hua, who was carrying Tuoba Xun on his back, also set off, and everyone's eyes turned to the two of them immediately, and they were amazed to see that Mo Hua's body was not shaking at all.

But on the Lingyun Terrace, there were still people staring at the figures of the first two people.

"Brother, what are you looking at?" In the Houliao team, Murong Feixing frowned, looking puzzled at Murong Feilan who hadn't averted his eyes.

Murong Feilan glanced at him and didn't answer, Murong Feixing got a thump on the head first, "Did you forget that I told you that you want to call me second brother here?"

Murong Feixing rubbed his head, "Don't worry, they won't be able to hear me after I pulled the barrier."

Thinking of his younger brother's own barrier, Murong Feilan's face softened a little, but the next moment his eyes returned to the mountain.

Realizing that he was still looking at the backs of Ji Jiashu and Ying Baoyue, Murong Feixing had a strange expression on his face.Just because he knew that his elder brother with high eyesight had no interest in the Sixth Prince of the Warring States Period and the junior chieftain, so he was not someone who would be attracted by the false name of a chieftain couple.


Murong Feixing rolled his eyes, the eldest brother is not interested in the leader, could it be that he is interested in the couple?
"What are you looking at? If you are envious, bring me a sister-in-law back earlier." Murong Feixing said with a smile.

"Didn't you already have a sister-in-law?" Murong Feilan paused when he heard this, and glanced at him lightly.

"Can the second sister-in-law be the same as the eldest sister-in-law?" Murong Feixing frowned, "Brother, we and the king know exactly what is in your house."

Murong Feilan is 27 this year. As the prince of the Later Liao Dynasty, in front of the courtiers, of course he has a wife and son.

But only in front of courtiers.

Murong Feixing glanced at the elder brother beside him, not any shocking member of the royal family can have the willful capital of the King of Soochow, but it is also not some temperamental person who can have the intelligence of his elder brother.

Although it was a bit late, his eldest brother got married when he was 20 years old, and he married the only daughter of Sima, the great empress of Hou Liao Dynasty.But the problem is that this youngest daughter was diagnosed with heart disease and infertility by the witch doctor in the palace before she got married. Da Sikong had already prepared for her daughter to die at home, but he did not expect that Prince Hou Liao Actually came to ask for a kiss.

Da Sima was overjoyed and at the same time worried about affecting the heirs of the royal family, so he made an appointment with Murong Feilan that if his daughter had nothing to do with him for three years, the eldest prince would accept his side concubine.But the whole Hou Liao didn't expect that the daughter of the great Sima was pregnant within a year after her marriage and gave birth to a pair of twins.

This time, Da Sima walked like a wind. In order to prevent the side concubine from taking away his daughter's favor, he never mentioned the matter of taking the concubine. Da Sima has military power in his hands. In a country like Hou Liao where all the people are soldiers, the power is amazing. Naturally, no other courtier dared to mention the matter.


Murong Feixing looked at his elder brother who was tall and tall in front of him, recalling what happened seven years ago, he shivered.

Everyone knew seven years ago that the biggest event was the death of Da Si Ming and the collapse of the Qin Empire, but for him, a seven or eight-year-old boy, the most terrifying thing was discovering the complexity of his elder brother's mind.

Only their closest brothers knew that his elder brother was never married at all, let alone had children.

His elder brother was already 20 years old when he got married, which is very late in the snow field.The people of Hou Liao are tall and tall. It is not uncommon to get married at the age of eleven or twelve, and there is no order of seniority. Before his eldest brother got married, his second brother Murong Feixu had already married a wife, but unfortunately the concubine had two children before. Miscarriage.

But I don't know if it is God's compensation, the second concubine gave birth to the rare triplets in the third child seven years ago.

Murong Feixing swallowed, if he hadn't been hiding behind the curtain, he might not have known about it.

Because what the world knows is that the second concubine gave birth just seven days after the eldest concubine, and only one child was born.

His eldest brother Murong Feilan's child was not his own at all, but the adopted son of his second brother Murong Feixu.

Because they were triplets, the three babies were all very small when they were born. The first two who were taken away said that they were twins and could not see the problem, and the latter one became about the same size as a single child after seven days of raising it. It was so seamless I hid it.

But the most frightening thing is that his elder brother did not hide such a big matter from his brothers and sister-in-law.

It was an exchange of benefits made with the knowledge of all relatives.

Only then did Murong Feixing know that the concubine his elder brother married was just a decoration.

Compared with not being able to marry for a lifetime, Da Sima's daughter won the position of future queen and two children, and his second brother got the chance to inherit the throne from his own son. Everyone was very happy.

However, his elder brother set up such a scheme to drag the entire royal family into trouble. To him, it was just a small plan. At best, it was just to deal with the courtiers' forced marriage.

At that time, Murong Feixing had a deep fear of the elder brother's mind and intelligence, and at the same time understood why the second elder brother didn't dare to fight for the throne.

Fighting for the throne with such an unfathomable person has no other possibility but courting death.

So the three brothers...

Well, the relationship has always been very harmonious.

But Murong Feixing didn't understand why his elder brother didn't want to marry a real sister-in-law since he was healthy.At that time, he remembered that the elder brother's perfunctory reason was that he didn't see it pleasing to the eye for a while, and his father urged him every day, so he simply solved the problem and then looked for it slowly.

But after searching like this, seven years have passed...

(End of this chapter)

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