Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 918 Welcome

Chapter 918 Welcome
Murong Feilan never believed it.

The death of that prince was the trigger of all the tragedies that year, and what is even more frightening is that that incident should not have started yet.

That game started much earlier than the big wedding ten years ago, and it hasn't even ended yet.

Murong Feixing looked at his elder brother whose body was suddenly chilled, and his whole body trembled.

It was rare for him to see such a cold and serious elder brother. He knew from an early age that his elder brother would only behave like this when he encountered the most difficult things to solve. Once he behaved like this, many people would be in trouble.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" He asked cautiously, what did Brother Xindao think of?Could it have something to do with his insistence on coming to Soochow with him this time?
"It's nothing, I just remembered an old friend." Murong Feilan recovered and smiled, looking forward at the team walking on the ladder, "Let's go."

Murong Feixing did not doubt that he was there, and went to the ladder to line up with Murong Feilan, but while walking, he heard Murong Feilan ask casually, "By the way, Feixing, why did you kidnap the former Qin in front of Ji Jiashu? Princess?"

Murong Feixing's body froze, he didn't expect his brother to be the first one to get unlucky when he got serious.

"That guy values ​​sex over friends, I just made a joke on a whim..." Murong Feixing stammered.

"On a whim?" Murong Feilan played with taste, "Is it really just a whim?"

Murong Feixing was stunned for a moment, not knowing why his brother asked such a question.But only Murong Feilan asked quietly, "Before I went to inquire about affairs with the Eastern Wu ritual officer, I was not with you for a quarter of an hour. Did someone tell you anything at that time?"

"What did you say?" Murong Feixing recalled carefully, frowning into a knot, "It seems that no one specifically said anything to me, but there are quite a few people talking about what happened in front of the city gate."

"Obviously I was also in front of the city gate, but those people didn't seem to see me," Murong Feixing pouted, "They were all discussing Meng Shi's sword skills, and..."

"There is also the former Qin princess," Murong Feilan said lightly.

"Yes, brother, how do you know?" Murong Feixing wondered.

"How do I know?" Murong Feilan's eyes turned cold, and he looked at his younger brother with a somewhat helpless expression.

Sure enough, as he expected.

Although his younger brother is mischievous by nature, he has no malicious intentions, but his personality is a bit simple.

Murong Feixing is not an idiot, if someone deliberately tells him something, he can sense something is wrong, but Murong Feilan has heard of another way of manipulating people before.

The girl told him that it was called psychological suggestion.

"People who were close to you at that time, do you still remember the face?" Murong Feilan circled around the practitioners on the Lingyun Terrace, "If you remember and are still here, quietly point it out to me."

Murong Feixing recalled, and was also a little annoyed, nodded, "Remember how many."

Murong Feixing moved his fingers slightly, pointing out those people who were in the crowd, and Murong Feilan looked at them one by one with dark eyes.

The colors of this sacrificial clothing are really varied.

Some people tried in vain to instigate his younger brother, wanting to stir up disputes between the former Qin Dynasty and the later Liao Dynasty, whose relationship was on the verge of breaking down, but they didn't expect that the former Qin princess was very cunning, and soon made his brother let her go.

"Brother, what do you mean, I was..." Murong Feixing finished pointing, his expression a little ugly.

"It's not that stupid," Murong Feilan gave him a consoling look, "Being used as a gunman, at least I can still remember a few people, it's not too useless."

After all, with so many people at that time, who can still remember the faces of strangers in the crowd?

Those who wanted to use his younger brother to fish in troubled waters probably didn't expect that his younger brother looked careless, but he had the ability of photographic memory.

Of course, it is limited to scenery, people and swordsmanship, and this kid can't do with books.

"I'm useless!" Murong Feixing said angrily, "Didn't I let her go immediately!"

"Yeah, you'll cause trouble if you don't let go," Murong Feilan glanced at him and said coolly, "When you picked her up, she was pointed at by a blowing arrow."

"Blowing arrows?" Murong Feixing was a little apprehensive, "Then she..."

"Don't worry," Murong Feilan smiled, "You may not have noticed that when you picked her up, she adjusted her position and used you to block the direction of the blowing arrow."

"So the worst outcome is that you will be shot by an arrow," Murong Feilan said with a relaxed expression, "You probably won't die if you have rough skin and thick flesh, and it won't cause any diplomatic problems."

Murong Feixing's eyes widened.

This must not be his brother!

But thinking of the Blowing Arrow that he hadn't noticed, the young boy's expression was ugly, and thinking of the woman's position adjustment mentioned by his elder brother, his expression was even uglier.

You must know that he didn't notice the whole process, that woman's realm is lower than his!

"So you really have to thank Mr. Chunhua for drawing his sword to save you," Murong Feilan patted his younger brother on the shoulder, "Don't be impulsive when you go out next time."

"Remember, this is an intermediate-level ceremony, and the masters are like clouds," Murong Feilan said with a cool expression, his eyes swept away from the people Murong Feixing had identified, and finally stopped on a person in black.

He knows this man.

He remembered that it was the person who personally clashed with the former Qin princess before and after the mountain road, and his name was Wangling.

Murong Feilan raised his head to look at the top of the mountain road, and squinted his eyes.

That ex-Qin princess is really troubled both internally and externally.

"The last few, come forward." At this moment, the voice of the ceremony officer came, Murong Feilan looked away, and walked to the end of the uphill procession together with Murong Feixing.

At this time, he noticed that his younger brother was staring at a woman in front of him with a stiff expression. Murong Feilan raised his head in surprise, and saw that Xu Bingqing was actually among them.

Xu Bingqing had never participated in the primary ceremony, and according to the rules, she was indeed going to be the last to leave, but she obviously didn't think so.

Murong Feilan looked at the girl staring at the Eastern Wu ritual official in front of the mountain path, her silver teeth almost gnawed into pieces.It is not difficult to guess that she should be left behind by the Northern Wei Guoshi.

That Northern Wei Guoshi was very disciplined.

The premise is that he doesn't care about the rules or it is beneficial to his own side.

"My lord, let's go," Murong Feilan looked at the young man who was respectfully saluting beside Xu Bingqing, his eyes were a little strange.

He remembered that this person should be called He Lancheng.

He Lancheng's ranking in the individual battle is not low, so he should have stayed here specially to accompany her.

But the other party obviously didn't appreciate it, Xu Bingqing snorted coldly and rushed up the steps.

The Soochow ritual officer looked a little helpless, so he had to wave his hand to their side, Murong Feilan and his younger brother stepped forward, and the last team also set off.

"I don't know what she is anxious about," Murong Feixing snorted as he climbed the stone steps, "How fast can it be?"

"I'm afraid it's because there is someone she wants to see on the top of the mountain," Murong Feilan said lightly.

Murong Feixing was startled, followed his elder brother to raise his head in the clouds on the top of the mountain.

At this time, Ji Jiashu and Ying Baoyue, who were the first to set off, had almost reached the top of the mountain, and practitioners could faintly see the altar on the top of the mountain after walking up the mountain path.

The autumn wind blew away a cloud of mist on the top of the mountain. At this time, all the practitioners on the ladder saw the person standing in front of the altar on the top of the mountain.

The man was dressed in Tsing Yi and still had a mask on his face.

Li Ji stood at the highest point to meet people, as if walking from the moonlight, like an exile.

(End of this chapter)

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