Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 922 Upheaval

Chapter 922 Upheaval
Although she was counting on the other party to be more conscious, Princess Changle knew that Ji Jiashu was the son of the Southern Chu State Master, and her status was different from Li Ji's, and she was more noble. Ji Jiashu said, "This is the famous Chunhua Jun, right? The little girl, Changle, made Chunhua Jun laugh at the first time we met."

Next, Ji Jiashu greeted her naturally, and she could also tell about her sprained foot in a logical manner.

Of course, the fall just now hurt her but she didn't sprain her foot, but the golden branches and jade leaves couldn't help bumping, and the woman in the palace was so frightened that she was bedridden for three days, and it was only a matter of course that she hurt her foot when she fell.

However, Princess Changle did not expect that Ji Jiashu did not bow to salute her when she heard the words, but instead glanced at Li Ji, the young man looked a little weird.

What's going on here?Princess Changle was stunned.

"His Royal Highness, Princess Changle, it is now in the middle of the sacrificial ceremony. All practitioners are not allowed to salute to other people before saluting the Taizu's letter. All of us must not talk too much or move around. Please call quickly if you have anything to do." Other courtesy officials will solve it." Li Ji said quickly.

With his back to Zhao Muren, Li Ji could feel Zhao Muren's sad eyes on the altar.

If it wasn't at the court meeting, Zhao Muren would have been able to speak out and scold him long ago, but as the king of Dongwu, the first sentence Zhao Muren uttered at the ceremony was prescribed, and that sentence was an auspicious word at the ceremony. It's not something to scold the princess.

His adoptive father is probably standing on the altar with a helpless face now, because the national teacher's position at the ceremony is fixed, and if no one murders Zhao Muren, the national teacher cannot move.

So did he himself.

If it wasn't because he was unable to move around as the chief sacrificial officer, Princess Changle would not have been able to run behind him just now.

The only position that was not important was the Soochow princess who was brought by Zhao Muren to watch the ceremony, but no one thought that this princess would run around even though she was no longer a child.

Sensing Zhao Muren's murderous eyes behind him, Li Ji didn't feel any sympathy in his heart, only felt deeply that he deserved it for the King of Soochow.

He didn't have any burden in his heart, after all, he didn't bring the princess.

Unexpectedly, Ji Jiashu, who is known as a gentleman, would look at her indifferently, Princess Changle's eyes widened in astonishment, "You guys..."

Ji Jiashu looked helpless, what happened to them?
After all, he was from Soochow, so it was difficult for him to express his doubts. In fact, he was very puzzled. That's why this Soochow princess kept sitting on the ground and didn't stand up?
Although he had no intention of interfering with other people's hobbies, he had to know that she was sitting on the ground and would block their way to the altar.

Seeing Ji Jiashu's confused eyes, Princess Changle's heart skipped a beat.

No way?Are these men so blind?Don't know how to help her, or even understand her hints?
Don't the six sons of the Warring States period have bad brains?

"Princess Changle, please tell me as soon as possible." Li Ji looked at the sundial beside the altar. He knew very well that Ji Jiashu, who was also a practitioner, was the same as him. He knew that the princess had no physical problems. Naturally, they didn't know What is she implying.

After all, she was the one who sat on the ground just now.

"I sprained my ankle!" Princess Changle finally cried out, "Someone help me!"

At this time, she realized that someone finally looked down at her, and Princess Changle suddenly raised her head with joy, but when she saw who was looking at her, her face froze with joy.

It turned out to be that former Qin woman!
Hearing the cries, Ying Baoyue glanced at the two men beside him who were having some kind of eyebrow-eye lawsuit with a helpless expression, and finally lowered his head to look at the trembling girl on the ground.

The appearance of the girl on the ground can indeed reveal some characteristics of the Zhao family, but she does not resemble Zhao Guang.It looked like he was only fourteen or fifteen years old, which was just the right age to be frightened.

what do you say that is?

The title seems to be Changle?
Ji Jiashu noticed the movement of Ying Baoyue beside him, and was slightly taken aback. How could he have forgotten that this woman was the most sympathetic among them.

Thinking of Li Jinniang, whom Ying Baoyue had rescued on the road before, and the elder sister who surrounded her every day, that little girl named Gui Li, and Mo Hua's sweetheart who disguised herself as a man... Ji Jiashu was a little bit Headache.

She won't provoke girls again, will she?

Did she know that this Soochow woman might have tried to harm her just now?
Does she know the backroom tricks between women?

When Ji Jiashu was feeling complicated about being a fiancé who should not only guard against men, but also guard against women who approached her, Ying Baoyue's eyes rested on Princess Changle and asked softly.

"His Royal Highness is afraid of snakes?"

Princess Changle was taken aback. She was indeed afraid of snakes, but she was obviously crying about her feet just now. Why did no one care about her feet?

But since she screamed just now, upon hearing Ying Baoyue's words, she reluctantly said, "Of course I'm scared."

Nonsense, she is a normal woman!
What she didn't expect was that this former Qin woman was not afraid of snakes, and she was indeed a witch as rumored.

However, what Princess Changle did not expect was the woman's next words.

Ying Baoyue looked at the girl sitting on the ground and smiled softly, "Since Her Royal Highness is afraid of snakes, why did you scare me with snakes?"

This sentence made the surroundings fall into dead silence.

Everyone stared blankly at the two girls standing up and down in front of the altar.

Li Ji and Ji Jiashu's expressions suddenly changed... But they were not that surprised, because they both knew that the other had guessed more or less.

They are not stupid.

The two looked at each other, seeing affirmation in each other's eyes.

The next moment, the two were taken aback and looked away again.

Ji Jiashu looked at Ying Baoyue with a complicated expression. What he didn't expect was that Ying Baoyue would speak out such calculations so bluntly on such an occasion.

Looking at the court officials and imperial guards of the Eastern Wu who were nervously surrounding Princess Changle, Ji Jiashu felt a little sad, and made plans to protect Ying Baoyue no matter what.

Because at this moment she was alone except for him.

She has no family who will stand up for her.

No, Ji Jiashu looked at Ying Baoyue's profile, he was her family.

"" Princess Changle almost fainted when she heard Ying Baoyue's words. She had never seen such a straightforward woman in her life. Nose roared, "What nonsense are you talking about!"

"You still dare to slander Princess Dongwu in the territory of Soochow, who gave you the courage!"

However, she didn't expect that the ex-Qin girl didn't even change her face when she heard her roar, she was still laughing.

"Nonsense?" Ying Baoyue smiled.

Princess Changle was still waiting for her rebuttal, but at the next moment, she found that the woman stopped talking after asking such a rhetorical question. She seemed to be looking at the altar indifferently, and her attention seemed to be on the black boxes.

Princess Changle is angry, she has fought with many women openly and secretly, but she has never seen such an attitude.

Why don't you even justify yourself?

Chang Le glanced at the two tall and tall men beside her, her expression was so confused that it was distorted.

Isn't this woman worried about leaving bad feelings in the man's heart?

In such a public place, isn't she worried about her reputation?

Zhaohua Jun has many admirers in Soochow even if she doesn't show her face. She has done a lot of things in Soochow in advance, but she has never seen such a woman who is so indifferent. This woman...

However, Princess Changle did not expect that not only did she not wait to defend, but she saw the former Qin girl beside her raised her foot, and was about to go around her like a snake!

Anger and unspeakable emotions surged up, Princess Changle stretched out her hand and grabbed the hem of the black sacrificial dress.

"You still dare to leave?"

Who are these people...

Ying Baoyue stopped and looked down at the girl on the ground with a helpless expression.

She sighed, "Although Her Royal Highness is not afraid of snakes, she probably doesn't want to be covered in snakes either?"

Who says you are not afraid of snakes?Princess Changle's eyes widened, and her hair would stand on end when she heard the second half of the sentence. Is this woman threatening her?Sure enough, this person wanted to harm her secretly!

Princess Changle looked at her trusted ceremonial officer who was not far away and was about to scream again, but Ying Baoyue looked up at Li Ji.

"There is one thing I need to remind you all. If the princess wants to leave Hanshan and return to the palace, she needs to be arranged to take a bath as soon as possible."

Princess Changle became furious, what nonsense is this woman talking about?
But Li Ji was startled when he heard the words, his eyes became serious, "You mean?"

"Yeah," Ying Baoyue nodded, "Your princess smells like snake-inducing incense, and it would be more dangerous to leave it alone."

 I've actually always wanted to know what it would be like for Sister Yue to participate in a house fight or a palace fight, and every time I think about it, I want to laugh.Sister Yue is probably not a mudslide but a magical clear stream, because she has no interest or desire, and in a sense she is invincible. Si Ming didn't have such conditions in his past life and present life hahahahaha
(End of this chapter)

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